# # Copyright (c) 2015 Orange # guyrodrigue.koffi@orange.com # morgan.richomme@orange.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # #!/usr/bin/python import re, json, os, sys def get_task_id(cmd_raw): """ get task id from command rally result :param cmd_raw: :return: task_id as string """ taskid_re = re.compile('^Task +(.*): started$') for line in cmd_raw.splitlines(True): line = line.strip() match = taskid_re.match(line) if match: return match.group(1) return None def task_succeed(json_raw): """ Parse JSON from rally JSON results :param json_raw: :return: Bool """ rally_report = json.loads(json_raw) rally_report = rally_report[0] if rally_report is None: return False if rally_report.get('result') is None: return False for result in rally_report.get('result'): if len(result.get('error')) > 0: return False return True def run_task(test_name): """ the "main" function of the script who lunch rally for a task :param test_name: name for the rally test :return: void """ """ get the date """ cmd = os.popen("date '+%d%m%Y_%H%M'") test_date = cmd.read().rstrip() """ directory for test scenarios files""" test_dir = '/home/ubuntu/rally/samples/tasks/scenarios/opnfv' test_file_name = "/home/ubuntu/rally/samples/tasks/scenarios/opnfv/opnfv-%s.json" % test_name print test_file_name cmd = os.popen("rally task start --abort-on-sla-failure %s" % test_file_name) task_id = get_task_id(cmd.read()) if task_id is None: print "./run_rally : failed to retrieve task_id" exit(-1) report_file_name = "/home/ubuntu/rally/opnfv-%s-%s.html" % (test_name, test_date) os.popen("rally task report %s --out %s" % (task_id, report_file_name)) cmd = os.popen("rally task results %s" % task_id) if task_succeed(cmd.read()): print "OK" else: print "KO" def main(): """ configure script """ tests = ('authenticate','glance','heat','keystone','neutron','nova','tempest','vm', 'all',) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "./run_rally [", tests, "]" exit(-1) test_name = sys.argv[1] if not (test_name in tests): print "argument not valid" exit(-1) if test_name == "all": #run test for all tests pass else: run_task(test_name) if __name__ == '__main__': main()