#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2015 Orange # guyrodrigue.koffi@orange.com # morgan.richomme@orange.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # 0.1 (05/2015) initial commit # 0.2 (28/09/2015) extract Tempest, format json result, add ceilometer suite # 0.3 (19/10/2015) remove Tempest from run_rally # and push result into test DB # import re import json import os import argparse import logging import yaml import requests import subprocess import sys from novaclient import client as novaclient from glanceclient import client as glanceclient from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as keystoneclient from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutronclient """ tests configuration """ tests = ['authenticate', 'glance', 'cinder', 'heat', 'keystone', 'neutron', 'nova', 'quotas', 'requests', 'vm', 'all'] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("test_name", help="Module name to be tested. " "Possible values are : " "[ {d[0]} | {d[1]} | {d[2]} | {d[3]} | {d[4]} | " "{d[5]} | {d[6]} | {d[7]} | {d[8]} | {d[9]} | " "{d[10]} ] " "The 'all' value " "performs all possible test scenarios" .format(d=tests)) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="Debug mode", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-r", "--report", help="Create json result file", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-s", "--smoke", help="Smoke test mode", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Print verbose info about the progress", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() client_dict = {} if args.verbose: RALLY_STDERR = subprocess.STDOUT else: RALLY_STDERR = open(os.devnull, 'w') """ logging configuration """ logger = logging.getLogger("run_rally") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() if args.debug: ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - " "%(levelname)s - %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) REPO_PATH=os.environ['repos_dir']+'/functest/' if not os.path.exists(REPO_PATH): logger.error("Functest repository directory not found '%s'" % REPO_PATH) exit(-1) sys.path.append(REPO_PATH + "testcases/") import functest_utils with open("/home/opnfv/functest/conf/config_functest.yaml") as f: functest_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() HOME = os.environ['HOME']+"/" ####todo: #SCENARIOS_DIR = REPO_PATH + functest_yaml.get("general"). \ # get("directories").get("dir_rally_scn") SCENARIOS_DIR = REPO_PATH + "testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/rally_cert/" ### TEMPLATE_DIR = SCENARIOS_DIR + "scenario/templates" SUPPORT_DIR = SCENARIOS_DIR + "scenario/support" ###todo: FLAVOR_NAME = "m1.tiny" USERS_AMOUNT = 2 TENANTS_AMOUNT = 3 CONTROLLERS_AMOUNT = 2 ### RESULTS_DIR = functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories"). \ get("dir_rally_res") TEST_DB = functest_yaml.get("results").get("test_db_url") FLOATING_NETWORK = functest_yaml.get("general"). \ get("openstack").get("neutron_public_net_name") PRIVATE_NETWORK = functest_yaml.get("general"). \ get("openstack").get("neutron_private_net_name") GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME = functest_yaml.get("general"). \ get("openstack").get("image_name") GLANCE_IMAGE_FILENAME = functest_yaml.get("general"). \ get("openstack").get("image_file_name") GLANCE_IMAGE_FORMAT = functest_yaml.get("general"). \ get("openstack").get("image_disk_format") GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH = functest_yaml.get("general"). \ get("directories").get("dir_functest_data") + "/" + GLANCE_IMAGE_FILENAME def push_results_to_db(payload): url = TEST_DB + "/results" installer = functest_utils.get_installer_type(logger) scenario = functest_utils.get_scenario(logger) pod_name = functest_utils.get_pod_name(logger) # TODO pod_name hardcoded, info shall come from Jenkins params = {"project_name": "functest", "case_name": "Rally", "pod_name": pod_name, "installer": installer, "version": scenario, "details": payload} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers) logger.debug(r) def get_task_id(cmd_raw): """ get task id from command rally result :param cmd_raw: :return: task_id as string """ taskid_re = re.compile('^Task +(.*): started$') for line in cmd_raw.splitlines(True): line = line.strip() match = taskid_re.match(line) if match: return match.group(1) return None def task_succeed(json_raw): """ Parse JSON from rally JSON results :param json_raw: :return: Bool """ rally_report = json.loads(json_raw) rally_report = rally_report[0] if rally_report is None: return False if rally_report.get('result') is None: return False for result in rally_report.get('result'): if len(result.get('error')) > 0: return False return True def build_task_args(test_file_name): task_args = {'service_list': [test_file_name]} task_args['smoke'] = args.smoke task_args['image_name'] = GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME task_args['flavor_name'] = FLAVOR_NAME task_args['glance_image_location'] = GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH task_args['floating_network'] = FLOATING_NETWORK task_args['netid'] = functest_utils.get_network_id(client_dict['neutron'], PRIVATE_NETWORK).encode('ascii', 'ignore') task_args['tmpl_dir'] = TEMPLATE_DIR task_args['sup_dir'] = SUPPORT_DIR task_args['users_amount'] = USERS_AMOUNT task_args['tenants_amount'] = TENANTS_AMOUNT task_args['controllers_amount'] = CONTROLLERS_AMOUNT return task_args def run_task(test_name): # # the "main" function of the script who launch rally for a task # :param test_name: name for the rally test # :return: void # logger.info('starting {} test ...'.format(test_name)) task_file = '{}task.yaml'.format(SCENARIOS_DIR) if not os.path.exists(task_file): logger.error("Task file '%s' does not exist." % task_file) exit(-1) test_file_name = '{}opnfv-{}.yaml'.format(SCENARIOS_DIR + "scenario/", test_name) if not os.path.exists(test_file_name): logger.error("The scenario '%s' does not exist." % test_file_name) exit(-1) logger.debug('Scenario fetched from : {}'.format(test_file_name)) cmd_line = "rally task start --abort-on-sla-failure " + \ "--task {} ".format(task_file) + \ "--task-args \"{}\" ".format(build_task_args(test_name)) logger.debug('running command line : {}'.format(cmd_line)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_line, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=RALLY_STDERR, shell=True) result = "" while p.poll() is None: #l = p.stdout.readline() #line = l.replace('\n', '') line = p.stdout.readline() if "Load duration" in line or \ "started" in line or \ "finished" in line or \ " Preparing" in line or \ "+-" in line or \ "|" in line: result += line elif "test scenario" in line: result += "\n" + line elif "Full duration" in line: result += line + "\n\n" logger.info("\n" + result) task_id = get_task_id(result) logger.debug('task_id : {}'.format(task_id)) if task_id is None: logger.error("failed to retrieve task_id") exit(-1) # check for result directory and create it otherwise if not os.path.exists(RESULTS_DIR): logger.debug('does not exists, we create it'.format(RESULTS_DIR)) os.makedirs(RESULTS_DIR) # write html report file report_file_name = '{}opnfv-{}.html'.format(RESULTS_DIR, test_name) cmd_line = "rally task report {} --out {}".format(task_id, report_file_name) logger.debug('running command line : {}'.format(cmd_line)) os.popen(cmd_line) # get and save rally operation JSON result cmd_line = "rally task results %s" % task_id logger.debug('running command line : {}'.format(cmd_line)) cmd = os.popen(cmd_line) json_results = cmd.read() with open('{}opnfv-{}.json'.format(RESULTS_DIR, test_name), 'w') as f: logger.debug('saving json file') f.write(json_results) with open('{}opnfv-{}.json' .format(RESULTS_DIR, test_name)) as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) # Push results in payload of testcase if args.report: logger.debug("Push result into DB") push_results_to_db(json_data) """ parse JSON operation result """ if task_succeed(json_results): logger.info("Test OK.") else: logger.info("Test Failed.") def main(): # configure script if not (args.test_name in tests): logger.error('argument not valid') exit(-1) creds_nova = functest_utils.get_credentials("nova") nova_client = novaclient.Client('2',**creds_nova) creds_neutron = functest_utils.get_credentials("neutron") neutron_client = neutronclient.Client(**creds_neutron) creds_keystone = functest_utils.get_credentials("keystone") keystone_client = keystoneclient.Client(**creds_keystone) glance_endpoint = keystone_client.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='image', endpoint_type='publicURL') glance_client = glanceclient.Client(1, glance_endpoint, token=keystone_client.auth_token) client_dict['neutron'] = neutron_client image_id = functest_utils.get_image_id(glance_client, GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME) if image_id == '': logger.debug("Creating image '%s' from '%s'..." % (GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME, \ GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH)) image_id = functest_utils.create_glance_image(glance_client,\ GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME,GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH) if not image_id: logger.error("Failed to create the Glance image...") exit(-1) else: logger.debug("Image '%s' with ID '%s' created succesfully ." \ % (GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME, image_id)) else: logger.debug("Using existing image '%s' with ID '%s'..." \ % (GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME,image_id)) if args.test_name == "all": for test_name in tests: if not (test_name == 'all' or test_name == 'vm'): run_task(test_name) else: print(args.test_name) run_task(args.test_name) logger.debug("Deleting image '%s' with ID '%s'..." \ % (GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME, image_id)) if not functest_utils.delete_glance_image(nova_client, image_id): logger.error("Error deleting the glance image") if __name__ == '__main__': main()