# copyrighi (c) 2015 Orange # morgan.richomme@orange.com # # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # This script is used to get data from test DB # and format them into a json format adapted for a dashboard # # v0.1: basic example # import json import requests from vPing2Dashboard import format_vPing_for_dashboard class TestCriteria: """ describes the test criteria platform """ def __init__(self): self.project = '' self.testcase = '' self.pod_name = 'all' self.duration = 'all' self.version = 'all' self.installer = 'all' def setCriteria(self, project, testcase, pod_name, duration, version, installer): self.project = project self.testcase = testcase self.pod_name = pod_name self.duration = duration self.version = version self.installer = installer def format_criteria(self, name): if(name == 'all' or name == 0): return "" else: if(type(name) == int): return "_" + str(name) else: return "_" + name def format(self): pod_name = self.format_criteria(self.pod_name) version_name = self.format_criteria(self.version) installer_name = self.format_criteria(self.installer) duration_name = self.format_criteria(self.duration) try: fileName = "result_" + self.project + "_" + self.testcase + \ pod_name + version_name + installer_name + \ duration_name + ".json" except: print "Impossible to format json file name" return fileName def get_pods(db_url): # retrieve the list of pods url = db_url + "/pods" # Build headers headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} try: db_data = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # Get result as a json object pods_data = json.loads(db_data.text) # Get results pods = pods_data['pods'] pods_table = [] for pod in pods: # cast int becase otherwise API retrieve 1.0 # TODO check format with API pods_table.append(pod['name']) pods_table.append('all') return pods_table except: print "Error retrieving the list of PODs" return None def get_versions(db_url): # retrieve the list of versions # TODO not supported in API yet url = db_url + "/results" # Build headers headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} try: db_data = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # Get result as a json object versions_data = json.loads(db_data.text) # Get results versions = versions_data['test_results'] versions_table = [] for version in versions: if (version['version'] is not None): versions_table.append(version['version']) versions_table.append('all') versions_table = sorted(set(versions_table)) return versions_table except: print "Error retrieving the list of OPNFV versions" return None def get_installers(db_url): # retrieve the list of installers # TODO not supported in API yet url = db_url + "/results" # Build headers headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} try: db_data = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # Get result as a json object installers_data = json.loads(db_data.text) # Get results installers = installers_data['test_results'] installers_table = [] for installer in installers: if (installer['installer'] is not None): installers_table.append(installer['installer']) installers_table.append('all') installers_table = sorted(set(installers_table)) return installers_table except: print "Error retrieving the list of OPNFV installers" return None def get_testcases(db_url, project): # retrieve the list of pods url = db_url + "/test_projects/" + project + "/cases" # Build headers headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} try: db_data = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # Get result as a json object testcases_data = json.loads(db_data.text) # Get results testcases = testcases_data['test_cases'] testcases_table = [] for testcase in testcases: testcases_table.append(testcase['name']) testcases_table.append('all') return testcases_table except: print "Error retrieving the list of testcases" return None def get_results(db_url, test_criteria): # use param to filter request to result DB # if not precised => no filter # filter criteria: # - POD # - versions # - installers # - testcase # - test projects # - timeframe (last 30 days, 365 days, since beginning of the project) # e.g. # - vPing tests since 2 months # - Tempest tests on LF POD2 fuel based / Arno stable since the beginning # - yardstick tests on any POD since 30 days # - Qtip tests on dell-test1 POD # # params = {"pod_name":pod, "testcase":testcase} # filter_date = days # data from now - days test_project = test_criteria.project testcase = test_criteria.testcase period = test_criteria.duration version = test_criteria.version installer = test_criteria.installer pod = test_criteria.pod_name # TODO complete params (installer type, testcase, version ) # need API to be up to date # we assume that criteria could be used at the API level # no need to processing on date for instance # params = {"pod_name": pod_name} # Build headers headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # build the request # if criteria is all => remove criteria url = db_url + "/results?project=" + test_project + "&case=" + testcase if (pod != "all"): url += "&pod=" + pod if (installer != "all"): url += "&installer=" + installer if (version != "all"): url += "&version=" + version url += "&period=" + str(period) # Send Request to Test DB myData = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # Get result as a json object myNewData = json.loads(myData.text) # Get results myDataResults = myNewData['test_results'] return myDataResults def generateJson(test_name, test_case, db_url): # pod_id = "opnfv-jump-1' # test_version = 'Arno master' # test_installer = 'fuel' # test_retention = 30 pods = get_pods(db_url) versions = get_versions(db_url) installers = get_installers(db_url) test_durations = [90, 365, 0] # 0 means since the beginning # For all the PoDs for pod in pods: # all the versions for version in versions: # all the installers for installer in installers: # all the retention time for test_duration in test_durations: criteria = TestCriteria() criteria.setCriteria(test_name, test_case, pod, test_duration, version, installer) format_data_for_dashboard(criteria) def format_data_for_dashboard(criteria): # Depending on the use case, json for dashboarding is customized # depending on the graph you want to show if (criteria.testcase == "vPing"): format_vPing_for_dashboard(criteria)