""" Description: This file is used to make connections Include ssh & exchange public-key to each other so that it can run without password lanqinglong@huawei.com # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # """ import os import time import pexpect import re import sys from foundation import foundation class connection( foundation ): def __init__( self ): foundation.__init__( self ) self.loginfo = foundation() def AddKnownHost( self, handle, ipaddr, username, password ): """ Add an user to known host,so that onos can login in with onos $ipaddr. parameters: ipaddr: ip address username: login user name password: login password """ print( "Now Adding an user to known hosts " + ipaddr ) login = handle login.sendline( "ssh -l %s -p 8101 %s"%( username, ipaddr ) ) index = 0 while index != 2: index = login.expect( ['assword:', 'yes/no', pexpect.EOF, \ pexpect.TIMEOUT] ) if index == 0: login.sendline( password ) login.sendline( "logout" ) index = login.expect( ["closed", pexpect.EOF] ) if index == 0: self.loginfo.log( "Add SSH Known Host Success!" ) break else: self.loginfo.log( "Add SSH Known Host Failed! Please Check!" ) break login.prompt( ) if index == 1: login.sendline('yes') def GetEnvValue( self, handle, envname): """ os.getenv only returns current user value GetEnvValue returns a environment value of current handle eg: GetEnvValue(handle,'HOME') """ envhandle = handle envhandle.sendline( 'echo $' + envname ) envhandle.prompt( ) reg = envname + '\r\n(.*)\r' envaluereg = re.compile( reg ) envalue = envaluereg.search( envhandle.before ) if envalue: return envalue.groups()[0] else: return None def Gensshkey( self, handle ): """ Generate ssh keys, used for some server have no sshkey. """ print "Now Generating SSH keys..." #Here file name may be id_rsa or id_ecdsa or others #So here will have a judgement keysub = handle filepath = self.GetEnvValue( keysub, 'HOME' ) + '/.ssh' filelist = os.listdir( filepath ) for item in filelist: if 'id' in item: self.loginfo.log("SSH keys are exsit in ssh directory.") return True keysub.sendline("ssh-keygen -t rsa") Result = 0 while Result != 2: Result = keysub.expect( ["Overwrite", "Enter", pexpect.EOF, \ 'PEXPECT]#', pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if Result == 0: keysub.sendline("y") if Result == 1 or Result == 2: keysub.sendline("\n") if Result == 3: self.loginfo.log( "Generate SSH key success." ) keysub.prompt() break if Result == 4: self.loginfo.log("Generate SSH key failed.") keysub.prompt() break def GetRootAuth( self, password ): """ Get root user parameters: password: root login password """ print( "Now changing to user root" ) login = pexpect.spawn( "su - root" ) index = 0 while index != 2: index = login.expect( ['assword:', "failure", \ pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT] ) if index == 0: login.sendline( password ) if index == 1: self.loginfo.log("Change user to root failed.") login.interact() def ReleaseRootAuth( self ): """ Exit root user. """ print( "Now Release user root" ) login = pexpect.spawn( "exit" ) index = login.expect( ['logout', \ pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT] ) if index == 0: self.loginfo.log("Release root user success.") if index == 1: self.loginfo.log("Release root user failed.") login.interact() def AddEnvIntoBashrc( self, envalue ): """ Add Env var into /etc/profile. parameters: envalue: environment value to add """ print "Now Adding bash environment" fileopen = open( "/etc/profile", 'r' ) findContext = 1 while findContext: findContext = fileopen.readline( ) result = findContext.find( envalue ) if result != -1: break fileopen.close if result == -1: envAdd = open( "/etc/profile", 'a+' ) envAdd.writelines( "\n" + envalue ) envAdd.close( ) self.loginfo.log( "Add env to bashrc success!" ) def OnosRootPathChange( self, onospath ): """ Change ONOS root path in file:bash_profile onospath: path of onos root """ print "Now Changing ONOS Root Path" filepath = onospath + 'onos/tools/dev/bash_profile' line = open(filepath, 'r').readlines() lenall = len(line) - 1 for i in range(lenall): if "export ONOS_ROOT" in line[i]: line[i] = 'export ONOS_ROOT=' + onospath + 'onos\n' NewFile = open(filepath, 'w') NewFile.writelines(line) NewFile.close print "Done!" def OnosConnectionSet (self): """ Intergrate for ONOS connection setup """ if self.masterusername == 'root': filepath = '/root/' else : filepath = '/home/' + self.masterusername + '/' filepath = os.path.join( filepath, "onos/tools/dev/bash_profile" ) self.AddEnvIntoBashrc("source " + filepath + "\n") self.AddEnvIntoBashrc("export OCT=" + self.OCT) self.AddEnvIntoBashrc("export OC1=" + self.OC1) self.AddEnvIntoBashrc("export OC2=" + self.OC2) self.AddEnvIntoBashrc("export OC3=" + self.OC3) self.AddEnvIntoBashrc("export OCN=" + self.OCN) self.AddEnvIntoBashrc("export OCN2=" + self.OCN2) self.AddEnvIntoBashrc("export localhost=" + self.localhost)