*** Settings *** Documentation Checking Port deleted in OpenStack are deleted also in OpenDaylight Suite Setup Create Session OSSession http://${NEUTRON}:9696 headers=${X-AUTH} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library RequestsLibrary Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${ODLREST} /controller/nb/v2/neutron/ports ${OSREST} /v2.0/ports/${PORTID} ${data} {"port":{"network_id":"${NETID}","admin_state_up": true}} *** Test Cases *** Delete New Port [Documentation] Delete previously created port in OpenStack [Tags] Delete port OpenStack Neutron Log ${data} ${resp} delete OSSession ${OSREST} Should be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204 Log ${resp.content} sleep 2 Check Port Deleted [Documentation] Check port deleted in OpenDaylight [Tags] Check port deleted OpenDaylight Create Session ODLSession http://${CONTROLLER}:${PORT} headers=${HEADERS} auth=${AUTH} ${resp} get ODLSession ${ODLREST} Should be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 ${ODLResult} To Json ${resp.content} Set Suite Variable ${ODLResult} Log ${ODLResult} ${resp} get ODLSession ${ODLREST}/${PORTID} Should be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404