#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2018 Orange and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 """Ease deploying a single VM reachable via ssh It offers a simple way to create all tenant network ressources + a VM for advanced testcases (e.g. deploying an orchestrator). """ import logging import tempfile import time import paramiko from xtesting.core import testcase from functest.core import tenantnetwork from functest.utils import config class VmReady1(tenantnetwork.TenantNetwork1): """Prepare a single VM (scenario1) It inherits from TenantNetwork1 which creates all network resources and prepares a future VM attached to that network. It ensures that all testcases inheriting from SingleVm1 could work without specific configurations (or at least read the same config data). """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes __logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) filename = '/home/opnfv/functest/images/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img' image_format = 'qcow2' filename_alt = None image_alt_format = image_format visibility = 'private' extra_properties = None flavor_ram = 512 flavor_vcpus = 1 flavor_disk = 1 flavor_alt_ram = 1024 flavor_alt_vcpus = 1 flavor_alt_disk = 1 def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "case_name" not in kwargs: kwargs["case_name"] = 'vmready1' super(VmReady1, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.orig_cloud = self.cloud self.image = None self.flavor = None def publish_image(self, name=None): """Publish image It allows publishing multiple images for the child testcases. It forces the same configuration for all subtestcases. Returns: image Raises: expection on error """ assert self.cloud image = self.cloud.create_image( name if name else '{}-img_{}'.format(self.case_name, self.guid), filename=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_image'.format(self.case_name), self.filename), meta=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_extra_properties'.format(self.case_name), self.extra_properties), disk_format=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_image_format'.format(self.case_name), self.image_format), visibility=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_visibility'.format(self.case_name), self.visibility)) self.__logger.debug("image: %s", image) return image def publish_image_alt(self, name=None): """Publish alternative image It allows publishing multiple images for the child testcases. It forces the same configuration for all subtestcases. Returns: image Raises: expection on error """ assert self.cloud image = self.cloud.create_image( name if name else '{}-img_alt_{}'.format( self.case_name, self.guid), filename=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_image_alt'.format(self.case_name), self.filename_alt), meta=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_extra_properties'.format(self.case_name), self.extra_properties), disk_format=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_image_alt_format'.format(self.case_name), self.image_format), visibility=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_visibility'.format(self.case_name), self.visibility)) self.__logger.debug("image: %s", image) return image def create_flavor(self, name=None): """Create flavor It allows creating multiple flavors for the child testcases. It forces the same configuration for all subtestcases. Returns: flavor Raises: expection on error """ assert self.orig_cloud flavor = self.orig_cloud.create_flavor( name if name else '{}-flavor_{}'.format(self.case_name, self.guid), getattr(config.CONF, '{}_flavor_ram'.format(self.case_name), self.flavor_ram), getattr(config.CONF, '{}_flavor_vcpus'.format(self.case_name), self.flavor_vcpus), getattr(config.CONF, '{}_flavor_disk'.format(self.case_name), self.flavor_disk)) self.__logger.debug("flavor: %s", flavor) self.orig_cloud.set_flavor_specs( flavor.id, getattr(config.CONF, 'flavor_extra_specs', {})) return flavor def create_flavor_alt(self, name=None): """Create flavor It allows creating multiple alt flavors for the child testcases. It forces the same configuration for all subtestcases. Returns: flavor Raises: expection on error """ assert self.orig_cloud flavor = self.orig_cloud.create_flavor( name if name else '{}-flavor_alt_{}'.format( self.case_name, self.guid), getattr(config.CONF, '{}_flavor_alt_ram'.format(self.case_name), self.flavor_alt_ram), getattr(config.CONF, '{}_flavor_alt_vcpus'.format(self.case_name), self.flavor_alt_vcpus), getattr(config.CONF, '{}_flavor_alt_disk'.format(self.case_name), self.flavor_alt_disk)) self.__logger.debug("flavor: %s", flavor) self.orig_cloud.set_flavor_specs( flavor.id, getattr(config.CONF, 'flavor_extra_specs', {})) return flavor def boot_vm(self, name=None, **kwargs): """Boot the virtual machine It allows booting multiple machines for the child testcases. It forces the same configuration for all subtestcases. Returns: vm Raises: expection on error """ assert self.cloud vm1 = self.cloud.create_server( name if name else '{}-vm_{}'.format(self.case_name, self.guid), image=self.image.id, flavor=self.flavor.id, auto_ip=False, wait=True, network=self.network.id, **kwargs) vm1 = self.cloud.wait_for_server(vm1, auto_ip=False) self.__logger.debug("vm: %s", vm1) return vm1 def run(self, **kwargs): """Boot the new VM Here are the main actions: - publish the image - create the flavor Returns: - TestCase.EX_OK - TestCase.EX_RUN_ERROR on error """ status = testcase.TestCase.EX_RUN_ERROR try: assert self.cloud assert super(VmReady1, self).run( **kwargs) == testcase.TestCase.EX_OK self.image = self.publish_image() self.flavor = self.create_flavor() self.result = 100 status = testcase.TestCase.EX_OK except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.__logger.exception('Cannot run %s', self.case_name) self.result = 0 finally: self.stop_time = time.time() return status def clean(self): try: assert self.orig_cloud assert self.cloud super(VmReady1, self).clean() if self.image: self.cloud.delete_image(self.image.id) if self.flavor: self.orig_cloud.delete_flavor(self.flavor.id) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.__logger.exception("Cannot clean all ressources") class VmReady2(VmReady1): """Deploy a single VM reachable via ssh (scenario2) It creates new user/project before creating and configuring all tenant network ressources, flavors, images, etc. required by advanced testcases. It ensures that all testcases inheriting from SingleVm2 could work without specific configurations (or at least read the same config data). """ __logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "case_name" not in kwargs: kwargs["case_name"] = 'vmready2' super(VmReady2, self).__init__(**kwargs) try: assert self.orig_cloud self.project = tenantnetwork.NewProject( self.orig_cloud, self.case_name, self.guid) self.project.create() self.cloud = self.project.cloud except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.__logger.exception("Cannot create user or project") self.cloud = None self.project = None def clean(self): try: super(VmReady2, self).clean() assert self.project self.project.clean() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.__logger.exception("Cannot clean all ressources") class SingleVm1(VmReady1): """Deploy a single VM reachable via ssh (scenario1) It inherits from TenantNetwork1 which creates all network resources and completes it by booting a VM attached to that network. It ensures that all testcases inheriting from SingleVm1 could work without specific configurations (or at least read the same config data). """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes __logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) username = 'cirros' ssh_connect_timeout = 60 ssh_connect_loops = 6 def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "case_name" not in kwargs: kwargs["case_name"] = 'singlevm1' super(SingleVm1, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sshvm = None self.sec = None self.fip = None self.keypair = None self.ssh = None (_, self.key_filename) = tempfile.mkstemp() def prepare(self): """Create the security group and the keypair It can be overriden to set other rules according to the services running in the VM Raises: Exception on error """ assert self.cloud self.keypair = self.cloud.create_keypair( '{}-kp_{}'.format(self.case_name, self.guid)) self.__logger.debug("keypair: %s", self.keypair) self.__logger.debug("private_key: %s", self.keypair.private_key) with open(self.key_filename, 'w') as private_key_file: private_key_file.write(self.keypair.private_key) self.sec = self.cloud.create_security_group( '{}-sg_{}'.format(self.case_name, self.guid), 'created by OPNFV Functest ({})'.format(self.case_name)) self.cloud.create_security_group_rule( self.sec.id, port_range_min='22', port_range_max='22', protocol='tcp', direction='ingress') self.cloud.create_security_group_rule( self.sec.id, protocol='icmp', direction='ingress') def connect(self, vm1): """Connect to a virtual machine via ssh It first adds a floating ip to the virtual machine and then establishes the ssh connection. Returns: - (fip, ssh) - None on error """ assert vm1 fip = self.cloud.create_floating_ip( network=self.ext_net.id, server=vm1) self.__logger.debug("floating_ip: %s", fip) p_console = self.cloud.get_server_console(vm1) self.__logger.debug("vm console: \n%s", p_console) ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.client.AutoAddPolicy()) for loop in range(self.ssh_connect_loops): try: ssh.connect( fip.floating_ip_address, username=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_image_user'.format(self.case_name), self.username), key_filename=self.key_filename, timeout=getattr( config.CONF, '{}_vm_ssh_connect_timeout'.format(self.case_name), self.ssh_connect_timeout)) break except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.__logger.debug( "try %s: cannot connect to %s", loop + 1, fip.floating_ip_address) time.sleep(10) else: self.__logger.error( "cannot connect to %s", fip.floating_ip_address) return None return (fip, ssh) def execute(self): """Say hello world via ssh It can be overriden to execute any command. Returns: echo exit codes """ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh.exec_command('echo Hello World') self.__logger.debug("output:\n%s", stdout.read()) return stdout.channel.recv_exit_status() def run(self, **kwargs): """Boot the new VM Here are the main actions: - add a new ssh key - boot the VM - create the security group - execute the right command over ssh Returns: - TestCase.EX_OK - TestCase.EX_RUN_ERROR on error """ status = testcase.TestCase.EX_RUN_ERROR try: assert self.cloud assert super(SingleVm1, self).run( **kwargs) == testcase.TestCase.EX_OK self.result = 0 self.prepare() self.sshvm = self.boot_vm( key_name=self.keypair.id, security_groups=[self.sec.id]) (self.fip, self.ssh) = self.connect(self.sshvm) if not self.execute(): self.result = 100 status = testcase.TestCase.EX_OK except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.__logger.exception('Cannot run %s', self.case_name) finally: self.stop_time = time.time() return status def clean(self): try: assert self.orig_cloud assert self.cloud if self.fip: self.cloud.delete_floating_ip(self.fip.id) if self.sshvm: self.cloud.delete_server(self.sshvm, wait=True) if self.sec: self.cloud.delete_security_group(self.sec.id) if self.keypair: self.cloud.delete_keypair(self.keypair.name) super(SingleVm1, self).clean() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.__logger.exception("Cannot clean all ressources") class SingleVm2(SingleVm1): """Deploy a single VM reachable via ssh (scenario2) It creates new user/project before creating and configuring all tenant network ressources and vms required by advanced testcases. It ensures that all testcases inheriting from SingleVm2 could work without specific configurations (or at least read the same config data). """ __logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "case_name" not in kwargs: kwargs["case_name"] = 'singlevm2' super(SingleVm2, self).__init__(**kwargs) try: assert self.orig_cloud self.project = tenantnetwork.NewProject( self.orig_cloud, self.case_name, self.guid) self.project.create() self.cloud = self.project.cloud except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.__logger.exception("Cannot create user or project") self.cloud = None self.project = None def clean(self): try: super(SingleVm2, self).clean() assert self.project self.project.clean() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.__logger.exception("Cannot clean all ressources")