#!/bin/bash # # Simple script to check the basic OpenStack clients # # Author: # jose.lausuch@ericsson.com # declare -A service_cmd_array service_cmd_array['nova']='openstack server list' service_cmd_array['neutron']='openstack network list' service_cmd_array['keystone']='openstack endpoint list' service_cmd_array['cinder']='openstack volume list' service_cmd_array['glance']='openstack image list' MANDATORY_SERVICES='nova neutron keystone glance' OPTIONAL_SERVICES='cinder' verify_connectivity() { for i in $(seq 0 9); do if echo "test" | nc -v -w 10 $1 $2 &>/dev/null; then return 0 fi sleep 1 done return 1 } verify_SSL_connectivity() { openssl s_client -connect $1:$2 &>/dev/null return $? } check_service() { local service cmd service=$1 cmd=${service_cmd_array[$service]} if [ -z "$2" ]; then required='false' else required=$2 fi echo ">>Checking ${service} service..." if ! openstack service list | grep -i ${service} > /dev/null; then if [ "$required" == 'false' ]; then echo "WARN: Optional Service ${service} is not enabled!" return else echo "ERROR: Required Service ${service} is not enabled!" exit 1 fi fi $cmd &>/dev/null result=$? if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed execution $cmd. The $service does not seem to be working." exit 1 else echo " ...OK" fi } if [ -z $OS_AUTH_URL ];then echo "ERROR: OS_AUTH_URL environment variable missing... Have you sourced the OpenStack credentials?" exit 1 fi echo "Checking OpenStack endpoints:" publicURL=$(openstack catalog show identity |awk '/public/ {print $4}') publicIP=$(echo $publicURL|sed 's/^.*http.*\:\/\///'|sed 's/.[^:]*$//') publicPort=$(echo $publicURL|grep -Po '(?<=:)\d+') https_enabled=$(echo $publicURL | grep 'https') if [[ -n $https_enabled ]]; then echo ">>Verifying SSL connectivity to the public endpoint $publicIP:$publicPort..." verify_SSL_connectivity $publicIP $publicPort else echo ">>Verifying connectivity to the public endpoint $publicIP:$publicPort..." verify_connectivity $publicIP $publicPort fi RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Cannot talk to the public endpoint $publicIP:$publicPort ." echo "OS_AUTH_URL=$OS_AUTH_URL" exit 1 fi echo " ...OK" echo "Checking Required OpenStack services:" for service in $MANDATORY_SERVICES; do check_service $service "true" done echo "Required OpenStack services are OK." echo "Checking Optional OpenStack services:" for service in $OPTIONAL_SERVICES; do check_service $service done echo "Checking External network..." networks=($(neutron net-list -F id | tail -n +4 | head -n -1 | awk '{print $2}')) is_external=False for net in "${networks[@]}" do is_external=$(neutron net-show $net|grep "router:external"|awk '{print $4}') if [ $is_external == "True" ]; then echo "External network found: $net" break fi done if [ $is_external == "False" ]; then echo "ERROR: There are no external networks in the deployment." exit 1 fi exit 0