.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 ====================================== OPNFV Fraser release note for Functest ====================================== Abstract ======== This document contains the release notes of the Functest project. OPNFV Fraser Release ==================== Functest deals with functional testing of the OPNFV solution. It includes test cases developed within the project, test cases developed in other OPNFV projects and it also integrates test cases from other upstream communities. OpenStack --------- The internal test cases are: * connection_check * api_check * snaps_health_check * vping_ssh * vping_userdata * tempest_smoke_serial * rally_sanity * refstack_defcore * patrole * odl * snaps_smoke * neutron_trunk * tempest_full_parallel * rally_full * cloudify_ims * vyos_vrouter * juju_epc The OPNFV projects integrated into Functest framework for automation are: * doctor * bgpvpn * odl-sfc * barometer * fds * parser Kubernetes ---------- The internal test cases are: * k8s_smoke * k8s_conformance The OPNFV projects integrated into Functest framework for automation are: * stor4nfv * clover Release Data ============ +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Project** | functest | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Release designation** | Fraser | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Repository branch** | stable/fraser | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Repository tag** | opnfv-6.2.0 | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | **Release date** | June 29th 2018 | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ Deliverables ============ Software -------- Functest Docker images (OpenStack): * https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-healthcheck * https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-smoke * https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-features * https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-components * https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-vnf * https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-parser Functest Docker images (Kubernetes): * https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-kubernetes-healthcheck * https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-kubernetes-smoke * https://hub.docker.com/r/opnfv/functest-kubernetes-features Docker tag for Fraser release: opnfv-6.2.0 Docker tag for Fraser series: fraser Documents --------- * Config Guide: http://docs.opnfv.org/en/stable-fraser/submodules/functest/docs/testing/user/configguide/index.html * User Guide: http://docs.opnfv.org/en/stable-fraser/submodules/functest/docs/testing/user/userguide/index.html * Developer Guide: http://docs.opnfv.org/en/stable-fraser/submodules/functest/docs/testing/developer/devguide/index.html * API Docs: http://functest.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Version change ============== New test cases -------------- * neutron_trunk * patrole * juju_epc * k8s_smoke * k8s_conformance * stor4nfv * clover Key changes ----------- * update test cases and containers to `OpenStack Pike`_ * move the framework into a separate project: Xtesting_ * ease running all containers thanks to default values * clean interfaces with OPNFV Installers and Features * rewrite all vnfs to allow multiple tests in parallel * fully support non-default region names and Keystone v3 domains * refactor all tempest-based test cases (e.g. refstack_defcore) * remove obsolete OpenStack and Functest utils * verify all changes via doc8 and yamllint too * generate reports for all tempest-based test cases .. _`OpenStack Pike`: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/requirements/stable/pike/upper-constraints.txt .. _Xtesting: http://xtesting.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Key benefits ------------ * the enduser can run all tests by setting only one input (EXTERNAL_NETWORK) * the developer can only work on the test suites without diving into CI/CD integration * both OpenStack and Kubernetes deployments can be verified * Functest test cases are trustable as they meet the best coding rules (unit tests, coverage, linters, etc.) * Functest can be reused in other projects (e.g. `ONS: Re-using OPNFV framework tests for LFN projects`_) .. _`ONS: Re-using OPNFV framework tests for LFN projects`: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/LFN+Developer+Forum+Schedule?preview=/328197/328329/ONS-OPNFV%20framework%20tests%20for%20LFN%20projects.pdf Code quality ------------ * pylint: ~9.5/10 * code coverage: ~70% Useful links ============ * wiki project page: https://wiki.opnfv.org/opnfv_functional_testing * Functest git repository: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest * Functest CI dashboard: https://build.opnfv.org/ci/view/functest/ * JIRA dashboard: https://jira.opnfv.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10611 * Functest IRC channel: #opnfv-functest * Reporting page: http://testresults.opnfv.org/reporting/fraser/functest/functest.html