# Functest Gates

[Cédric Ollivier](mailto:cedric.ollivier@orange.com)


### Why gating?

- maintain an overall high quality code whatever the skills involved in our
open community
- detect the errors as soon as possible (before merge operations)
- verify automatically most of Functest milestones

### Today's Verify -1

- one error is detected by yamllint, pylint or doc8
- one unit test fails (py27 and py35)
- our Framework is not fully covered
- specific modules are not rated 10/10 by pylint
- unix permissions are wrong
- one doc cannot be generated without warning

Please see [tox.ini](https://git.opnfv.org/functest/tree/tox.ini) for details

### Gambia's Verify -1

- enforce an overall 10/10 by pylint
- check the full coverage of all third-party interfaces
- integrate other linters like ShellScript (if they meet tox basics)

Please see
[Gambia Challenges](http://testresults.opnfv.org/functest/gambiachallenges/)
for details

### Great! But

- the current gate checks all coding rules, our Framework and all interfaces
to third-parties but **not our testcases**
- it doesn't break **the circular dependencies** between Installers and
Functest (Installers ask for a trustable healthcheck but we need results of
"Installer runs" as prerequisites)

Our testcases have still **to be verified by hand** what differs from
OpenStack Workflow

### functional gating

- we need to run all Functest patches before merge against reference
plateforms (OpenStack and Kubernetes)
- a voting job must forbid the merge if one test fails (as the workflow
process implemented by OpenStack)

### reference platform

- it could be baremetal or virtual if all testcases (including all VNFs) can
be tested successfully
- any compliant Installer could be selected as long as the appropriate target
VIM version is proposed at the beginning of the release:
  - devstack (OpenStack gates)
  - kolla-ansible (Orange ONAP OpenLab)
  - XCI
  - APEX

### Verify +2

Only the functional check will take hours once the patchset is accepted
by core reviewers (each patchset will be verified in ~10 minutes).

**Always stable!**

## Thank you!