# Functest Gambia, new challenges [Cédric Ollivier](mailto:cedric.ollivier@orange.com) 2018/03/22 ## Gating ### Our gating is very simple - today all test suites are run sequentially - all resources are not necessarily cleant until the next OpenStack deployment **It's fine for gating installers but not for verifying a production environment (e.g. multi users running the same testcase)** ### Parallel and Live testing - all resources should be allocated in their own OpenStack projects (already mostly the case) - no testcase should create singletons on resource attributes (name, ip, etc.) - all resources have to be cleant at the end **According to [Orange testing results](https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=13211751), Functest is already in a good shape to meet this goal** ## Quality Assurance **Gambia release will match the OpenStack Quality Golden rules** ### Pylint and coverage (started from E release) - need to refactor several vnf testcases and to remove duplicated code - document well and cover Functest utils: they are reused by OPNFV third-parties (SFC, SDNVPN) ** Functest will be rated 10/10** ### releasing - Functest could be also released as a classical Python package ( [PyPI](https://pypi.python.org/pypi)) - its API docs could be published in [Read the Docs](https://readthedocs.org/) ### Current technical debt - former python modules (e.g. cli) or containers (e.g. restapi) have to be removed - functest shouldn't contain any OPNFV Installer logic. **All Jenkins Jobs must set the right env vars as all endusers** - vnf descriptors should be hosted by Functest instead of using external github repositories ## other challenges ### proposals - ease integrating tempest plugins with a minimum effort (new tempest driver in Functest Framework and new opnfv/functest-tempest container) - why not leveraging on OpenStack middlewares such as [oslo.config](https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.config/latest/) or [stevedore](https://docs.openstack.org/stevedore/latest/)? **Any new testcase is more than welcome!** ## Thank you