#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson AB and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,too-many-instance-attributes """Tier and TestCase classes to wrap the testcases config file""" import textwrap import prettytable class Tier(): def __init__(self, name, description=""): self.tests_array = [] self.skipped_tests_array = [] self.name = name self.description = description def add_test(self, testcase): self.tests_array.append(testcase) def skip_test(self, testcase): self.skipped_tests_array.append(testcase) def get_tests(self): array_tests = [] for test in self.tests_array: array_tests.append(test) return array_tests def get_skipped_test(self): return self.skipped_tests_array def get_test_names(self): array_tests = [] for test in self.tests_array: array_tests.append(test.get_name()) return array_tests def get_test(self, test_name): if self.is_test(test_name): for test in self.tests_array + self.skipped_tests_array: if test.get_name() == test_name: return test return None def is_test(self, test_name): for test in self.tests_array + self.skipped_tests_array: if test.get_name() == test_name: return True return False def get_name(self): return self.name def __str__(self): msg = prettytable.PrettyTable( header_style='upper', padding_width=5, field_names=['tiers', 'description', 'testcases']) msg.add_row( [self.name, textwrap.fill(self.description, width=40), textwrap.fill(' '.join([str(x.get_name( )) for x in self.get_tests()]), width=40)]) return msg.get_string() class TestCase(): def __init__(self, name, enabled, skipped, criteria, blocking, description="", project=""): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments self.name = name self.enabled = enabled self.skipped = skipped self.criteria = criteria self.blocking = blocking self.description = description self.project = project def get_name(self): return self.name def is_enabled(self): return self.enabled def is_skipped(self): return self.skipped def get_criteria(self): return self.criteria def is_blocking(self): return self.blocking def get_project(self): return self.project def __str__(self): msg = prettytable.PrettyTable( header_style='upper', padding_width=5, field_names=['test case', 'description', 'criteria']) msg.add_row([self.name, textwrap.fill(self.description, width=40), self.criteria]) return msg.get_string()