#!/usr/bin/env python # # jose.lausuch@ericsson.com # valentin.boucher@orange.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # from datetime import datetime as dt import json import os import os.path import re import requests import shutil import socket import subprocess import sys import urllib2 import yaml from git import Repo import functest.ci.tier_builder as tb """ global variables """ REPOS_DIR = os.getenv('repos_dir') FUNCTEST_REPO = ("%s/functest/" % REPOS_DIR) # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # INTERNET UTILS # # ----------------------------------------------------------- def check_internet_connectivity(url='http://www.opnfv.org/'): """ Check if there is access to the internet """ try: urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=5) return True except urllib2.URLError: return False def download_url(url, dest_path): """ Download a file to a destination path given a URL """ name = url.rsplit('/')[-1] dest = dest_path + "/" + name try: response = urllib2.urlopen(url) except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): return False with open(dest, 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(response, f) return True # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # CI UTILS # # ----------------------------------------------------------- def get_git_branch(repo_path): """ Get git branch name """ repo = Repo(repo_path) branch = repo.active_branch return branch.name def get_installer_type(logger=None): """ Get installer type (fuel, apex, joid, compass) """ try: installer = os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'] except KeyError: if logger: logger.error("Impossible to retrieve the installer type") installer = "Unknown_installer" return installer def get_scenario(logger=None): """ Get scenario """ try: scenario = os.environ['DEPLOY_SCENARIO'] except KeyError: if logger: logger.error("Impossible to retrieve the scenario") scenario = "Unknown_scenario" return scenario def get_version(logger=None): """ Get version """ # Use the build tag to retrieve the version # By default version is unknown # if launched through CI the build tag has the following format # jenkins-<project>-<installer>-<pod>-<job>-<branch>-<id> # e.g. jenkins-functest-fuel-opnfv-jump-2-daily-master-190 # use regex to match branch info rule = "daily-(.+?)-[0-9]*" build_tag = get_build_tag(logger) m = re.search(rule, build_tag) if m: return m.group(1) else: return "unknown" def get_pod_name(logger=None): """ Get PoD Name from env variable NODE_NAME """ try: return os.environ['NODE_NAME'] except KeyError: if logger: logger.error( "Unable to retrieve the POD name from environment. " + "Using pod name 'unknown-pod'") return "unknown-pod" def get_build_tag(logger=None): """ Get build tag of jenkins jobs """ try: build_tag = os.environ['BUILD_TAG'] except KeyError: if logger: logger.error("Impossible to retrieve the build tag") build_tag = "unknown_build_tag" return build_tag def get_db_url(logger=None): """ Returns DB URL """ with open(os.environ["CONFIG_FUNCTEST_YAML"]) as f: functest_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() db_url = functest_yaml.get("results").get("test_db_url") return db_url def push_results_to_db(project, case_name, logger, start_date, stop_date, criteria, details): """ POST results to the Result target DB """ # Retrieve params from CI and conf url = get_db_url(logger) + "/results" installer = get_installer_type(logger) scenario = get_scenario(logger) version = get_version(logger) pod_name = get_pod_name(logger) build_tag = get_build_tag(logger) test_start = dt.fromtimestamp(start_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') test_stop = dt.fromtimestamp(stop_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') params = {"project_name": project, "case_name": case_name, "pod_name": pod_name, "installer": installer, "version": version, "scenario": scenario, "criteria": criteria, "build_tag": build_tag, "start_date": test_start, "stop_date": test_stop, "details": details} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} try: r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers) if logger: logger.debug(r) return True except Exception, e: print ("Error [push_results_to_db('%s', '%s', '%s', " + "'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')]:" % (url, project, case_name, pod_name, version, scenario, criteria, build_tag, details)), e return False def get_resolvconf_ns(): """ Get nameservers from current resolv.conf """ nameservers = [] rconf = open("/etc/resolv.conf", "r") line = rconf.readline() while line: ip = re.search(r"\b(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b", line) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if ip: result = sock.connect_ex((ip.group(), 53)) if result == 0: nameservers.append(ip.group()) line = rconf.readline() return nameservers def get_ci_envvars(): """ Get the CI env variables """ ci_env_var = { "installer": os.environ.get('INSTALLER_TYPE'), "scenario": os.environ.get('DEPLOY_SCENARIO')} return ci_env_var def execute_command(cmd, logger=None, exit_on_error=True, info=False, error_msg="", verbose=True): if not error_msg: error_msg = ("The command '%s' failed." % cmd) msg_exec = ("Executing command: '%s'" % cmd) if verbose: if logger: if info: logger.info(msg_exec) else: logger.debug(msg_exec) else: print(msg_exec) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) while True: line = p.stdout.readline().replace('\n', '') if not line: break if logger: if info: logger.info(line) else: logger.debug(line) else: print line p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: if verbose: if logger: logger.error(error_msg) else: print(error_msg) if exit_on_error: sys.exit(1) return p.returncode def get_deployment_dir(logger=None): """ Returns current Rally deployment directory """ with open(os.environ["CONFIG_FUNCTEST_YAML"]) as f: functest_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() deployment_name = functest_yaml.get("rally").get("deployment_name") rally_dir = functest_yaml.get("general").get("directories").get( "dir_rally_inst") cmd = ("rally deployment list | awk '/" + deployment_name + "/ {print $2}'") p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) deployment_uuid = p.stdout.readline().rstrip() if deployment_uuid == "": if logger: logger.error("Rally deployment not found.") exit(-1) deployment_dir = (rally_dir + "/tempest/for-deployment-" + deployment_uuid) return deployment_dir def get_criteria_by_test(testname): criteria = "" file = FUNCTEST_REPO + "/ci/testcases.yaml" tiers = tb.TierBuilder("", "", file) for tier in tiers.get_tiers(): for test in tier.get_tests(): if test.get_name() == testname: criteria = test.get_criteria() return criteria