from os import environ from curses import initscr, curs_set, newwin, endwin from curses import KEY_RIGHT, KEY_LEFT, KEY_DOWN, KEY_UP from random import randrange def main(): environ["TERM"] = 'Eterm' initscr() curs_set(0) try: win = newwin(16, 60, 0, 0) win.keypad(True) win.nodelay(True) win.border('|', '|', '-', '-', '+', '+', '+', '+') win.addch(4, 44, '@') win.addstr(0, 5, ' Eat all the OPNFV bugs by FunTest! ') win.addstr(15, 7, ' Left,Right,Up,Down: move; other keys: quit ') snake = [[20, 7], [19, 7], [18, 7], [17, 7], [16, 7], [15, 7], [14, 7], [13, 7]] key = KEY_RIGHT body = '~FUNTEST' ind = 0 while key != 27: win.addstr(0, 44, ' Score: ' + str(len(snake) - len(body)) + ' ') win.timeout(140 - 2 * len(snake)) getkey = win.getch() key = key if getkey == -1 else getkey snake.insert( 0, [snake[0][0] + (key == KEY_RIGHT and 1 or key == KEY_LEFT and -1), snake[0][1] + (key == KEY_DOWN and 1 or key == KEY_UP and -1)]) win.addch(snake[len(snake) - 1][1], snake[len(snake) - 1][0], ' ') if win.inch(snake[0][1], snake[0][0]) & 255 == 32: snake.pop() elif win.inch(snake[0][1], snake[0][0]) & 255 == ord('@'): c = [n for n in [[randrange(1, 58, 1), randrange(1, 14, 1)] for x in range(len(snake))] if n not in snake] win.addch(c == [] and 4 or c[0][1], c == [] and 44 or c[0][0], '@') else: break ind += 1 win.addch(snake[0][1], snake[0][0], body[ind % len(body)]) finally: endwin() print '\nSnake.PY-26lines by Kris Cieslak (' print 'OPNFV adaptation by Functest dream team.' score = str(len(snake) - len(body) - 1) print ('Thanks for playing, your score: %s.' % score) print 'Find and fix more bugs in your real OPNFV setup!\n'