#!/usr/bin/env python # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # pylint: disable=missing-docstring import logging import os import re import unittest import mock from functest.cli.commands import cli_env class RegexMatch(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __eq__(self, other): match = re.search(self.msg, other) return match is not None class CliEnvTesting(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cli_environ = cli_env.CliEnv() def _test_show_missing_env_var(self, var, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if var == 'INSTALLER_TYPE': os.environ['INSTALLER_TYPE'] = '' reg_string = r"| INSTALLER: Unknown, \S+\s*|" elif var == 'INSTALLER_IP': os.environ['INSTALLER_IP'] = '' reg_string = r"| INSTALLER: \S+, Unknown\s*|" elif var == 'SCENARIO': os.environ['DEPLOY_SCENARIO'] = '' reg_string = r"| SCENARIO: Unknown\s*|" elif var == 'NODE': os.environ['NODE_NAME'] = '' reg_string = r"| POD: Unknown\s*|" elif var == 'BUILD_TAG': os.environ['BUILD_TAG'] = '' reg_string = r"| BUILD TAG: None|" elif var == 'DEBUG': os.environ['CI_DEBUG'] = '' reg_string = r"| DEBUG FLAG: false\s*|" with mock.patch('functest.cli.commands.cli_env.click.echo') \ as mock_click_echo: self.cli_environ.show() mock_click_echo.assert_called_with(RegexMatch(reg_string)) def test_show_ci_installer_type_ko(self, *args): self._test_show_missing_env_var('INSTALLER_TYPE', *args) def test_show_ci_installer_ip_ko(self, *args): self._test_show_missing_env_var('INSTALLER_IP', *args) def test_show_missing_ci_scenario(self, *args): self._test_show_missing_env_var('SCENARIO', *args) def test_show_missing_ci_node(self, *args): self._test_show_missing_env_var('NODE', *args) def test_show_missing_ci_build_tag(self, *args): self._test_show_missing_env_var('BUILD_TAG', *args) def test_show_missing_ci_debug(self, *args): self._test_show_missing_env_var('DEBUG', *args) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) unittest.main(verbosity=2)