#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2016 Orange and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 import json import os import requests import subprocess import sys import time import yaml import functest.core.vnf_base as vnf_base import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger import functest.utils.functest_utils as ft_utils import functest.utils.openstack_utils as os_utils from clearwater import Clearwater from functest.utils.constants import CONST from orchestrator_cloudify import Orchestrator class ImsVnf(vnf_base.VnfOnBoardingBase): def __init__(self, project='functest', case='cloudify_ims', repo='', cmd=''): super(ImsVnf, self).__init__(project, case, repo, cmd) self.logger = ft_logger.Logger("vIMS").getLogger() self.case_dir = os.path.join(CONST.dir_functest_test, 'vnf/ims/') self.data_dir = CONST.dir_ims_data self.test_dir = CONST.dir_repo_vims_test # Retrieve the configuration try: self.config = CONST.__getattribute__( 'vnf_{}_config'.format(self.case_name)) except: raise Exception("VNF config file not found") config_file = self.case_dir + self.config self.orchestrator = dict( requirements=get_config("cloudify.requirements", config_file), blueprint=get_config("cloudify.blueprint", config_file), inputs=get_config("cloudify.inputs", config_file) ) self.logger.debug("Orchestrator configuration: %s" % self.orchestrator) self.vnf = dict( blueprint=get_config("clearwater.blueprint", config_file), deployment_name=get_config("clearwater.deployment_name", config_file), inputs=get_config("clearwater.inputs", config_file), requirements=get_config("clearwater.requirements", config_file) ) self.logger.debug("VNF configuration: %s" % self.vnf) self.images = get_config("tenant_images", config_file) self.logger.info("Images needed for vIMS: %s" % self.images) # vIMS Data directory creation if not os.path.exists(self.data_dir): os.makedirs(self.data_dir) def deploy_orchestrator(self, **kwargs): self.logger.info("Additional pre-configuration steps") self.neutron_client = os_utils.get_neutron_client(self.creds) self.glance_client = os_utils.get_glance_client(self.creds) self.keystone_client = os_utils.get_keystone_client(self.creds) self.nova_client = os_utils.get_nova_client(self.creds) # needs some images self.logger.info("Upload some OS images if it doesn't exist") temp_dir = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "tmp/") for image_name, image_url in self.images.iteritems(): self.logger.info("image: %s, url: %s" % (image_name, image_url)) try: image_id = os_utils.get_image_id(self.glance_client, image_name) self.logger.debug("image_id: %s" % image_id) except: self.logger.error("Unexpected error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) if image_id == '': self.logger.info("""%s image doesn't exist on glance repository. Try downloading this image and upload on glance !""" % image_name) image_id = download_and_add_image_on_glance(self.glance_client, image_name, image_url, temp_dir) if image_id == '': self.step_failure( "Failed to find or upload required OS " "image for this deployment") # Need to extend quota self.logger.info("Update security group quota for this tenant") tenant_id = os_utils.get_tenant_id(self.keystone_client, self.tenant_name) self.logger.debug("Tenant id found %s" % tenant_id) if not os_utils.update_sg_quota(self.neutron_client, tenant_id, 50, 100): self.step_failure("Failed to update security group quota" + " for tenant " + self.tenant_name) self.logger.debug("group quota extended") # start the deployment of cloudify public_auth_url = os_utils.get_endpoint('identity') self.logger.debug("CFY inputs: %s" % self.orchestrator['inputs']) cfy = Orchestrator(self.data_dir, self.orchestrator['inputs']) self.orchestrator['object'] = cfy self.logger.debug("Orchestrator object created") self.logger.debug("Tenant name: %s" % self.tenant_name) cfy.set_credentials(username=self.tenant_name, password=self.tenant_name, tenant_name=self.tenant_name, auth_url=public_auth_url) self.logger.info("Credentials set in CFY") # orchestrator VM flavor self.logger.info("Check Flavor is available, if not create one") self.logger.debug("Flavor details %s " % self.orchestrator['requirements']['ram_min']) flavor_exist, flavor_id = os_utils.get_or_create_flavor( "m1.large", self.orchestrator['requirements']['ram_min'], '1', '1', public=True) self.logger.debug("Flavor id: %s" % flavor_id) if not flavor_id: self.logger.info("Available flavors are: ") self.logger.info(self.nova_client.flavor.list()) self.step_failure("Failed to find required flavor" "for this deployment") cfy.set_flavor_id(flavor_id) self.logger.debug("Flavor OK") # orchestrator VM image self.logger.debug("Orchestrator image") if 'os_image' in self.orchestrator['requirements'].keys(): image_id = os_utils.get_image_id( self.glance_client, self.orchestrator['requirements']['os_image']) self.logger.debug("Orchestrator image id: %s" % image_id) if image_id == '': self.logger.error("CFY image not found") self.step_failure("Failed to find required OS image" " for cloudify manager") else: self.step_failure("Failed to find required OS image" " for cloudify manager") cfy.set_image_id(image_id) self.logger.debug("Orchestrator image set") self.logger.debug("Get External network") ext_net = os_utils.get_external_net(self.neutron_client) self.logger.debug("External network: %s" % ext_net) if not ext_net: self.step_failure("Failed to get external network") cfy.set_external_network_name(ext_net) self.logger.debug("CFY External network set") self.logger.debug("get resolvconf") ns = ft_utils.get_resolvconf_ns() if ns: cfy.set_nameservers(ns) self.logger.debug("Resolvconf set") self.logger.info("Prepare virtualenv for cloudify-cli") cmd = "chmod +x " + self.case_dir + "create_venv.sh" ft_utils.execute_command(cmd) time.sleep(3) cmd = self.case_dir + "create_venv.sh " + self.data_dir ft_utils.execute_command(cmd) cfy.download_manager_blueprint( self.orchestrator['blueprint']['url'], self.orchestrator['blueprint']['branch']) cfy.deploy_manager() return {'status': 'PASS', 'result': ''} def deploy_vnf(self): cw = Clearwater(self.vnf.inputs, self.orchestrator.object, self.logger) self.vnf.object = cw self.logger.info("Collect flavor id for all clearwater vm") flavor_exist, flavor_id = os_utils.get_or_create_flavor( "m1.small", self.vnf['requirements']['ram_min'], '1', '1', public=True) self.logger.debug("Flavor id: %s" % flavor_id) if not flavor_id: self.logger.info("Available flavors are: ") self.logger.info(self.nova_client.flavor.list()) self.step_failure("Failed to find required flavor" " for this deployment") cw.set_flavor_id(flavor_id) # VMs image if 'os_image' in self.vnf.requirements.keys(): image_id = os_utils.get_image_id( self.glance_client, self.vnf['requirements']['os_image']) if image_id == '': self.step_failure("Failed to find required OS image" " for clearwater VMs") else: self.step_failure("Failed to find required OS image" " for clearwater VMs") cw.set_image_id(image_id) ext_net = os_utils.get_external_net(self.neutron_client) if not ext_net: self.step_failure("Failed to get external network") cw.set_external_network_name(ext_net) cw.deploy_vnf() return {'status': 'PASS', 'result': ''} def test_vnf(self): script = "source {0}venv_cloudify/bin/activate; " script += "cd {0}; " script += "cfy status | grep -Eo \"([0-9]{{1,3}}\.){{3}}[0-9]{{1,3}}\"" cmd = "/bin/bash -c '" + script.format(self.data_dir) + "'" try: self.logger.debug("Trying to get clearwater manager IP ... ") mgr_ip = os.popen(cmd).read() mgr_ip = mgr_ip.splitlines()[0] except: self.step_failure("Unable to retrieve the IP of the " "cloudify manager server !") api_url = "http://" + mgr_ip + "/api/v2" dep_outputs = requests.get(api_url + "/deployments/" + self.vnf.deployment_name + "/outputs") dns_ip = dep_outputs.json()['outputs']['dns_ip'] ellis_ip = dep_outputs.json()['outputs']['ellis_ip'] ellis_url = "http://" + ellis_ip + "/" url = ellis_url + "accounts" params = {"password": "functest", "full_name": "opnfv functest user", "email": "functest@opnfv.fr", "signup_code": "secret"} rq = requests.post(url, data=params) i = 20 while rq.status_code != 201 and i > 0: rq = requests.post(url, data=params) i = i - 1 time.sleep(10) if rq.status_code == 201: url = ellis_url + "session" rq = requests.post(url, data=params) cookies = rq.cookies url = ellis_url + "accounts/" + params['email'] + "/numbers" if cookies != "": rq = requests.post(url, cookies=cookies) i = 24 while rq.status_code != 200 and i > 0: rq = requests.post(url, cookies=cookies) i = i - 1 time.sleep(25) if rq.status_code != 200: self.step_failure("Unable to create a number: %s" % rq.json()['reason']) nameservers = ft_utils.get_resolvconf_ns() resolvconf = "" for ns in nameservers: resolvconf += "\nnameserver " + ns if dns_ip != "": script = ('echo -e "nameserver ' + dns_ip + resolvconf + '" > /etc/resolv.conf; ') script += 'source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh; ' script += 'cd {0}; ' script += ('rake test[{1}] SIGNUP_CODE="secret"') cmd = ("/bin/bash -c '" + script.format(self.data_dir, self.inputs["public_domain"]) + "'") output_file = "output.txt" f = open(output_file, 'w+') subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) f.close() f = open(output_file, 'r') result = f.read() if result != "": self.logger.debug(result) vims_test_result = "" tempFile = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "temp.json") try: self.logger.debug("Trying to load test results") with open(tempFile) as f: vims_test_result = json.load(f) f.close() except: self.logger.error("Unable to retrieve test results") try: os.remove(tempFile) except: self.logger.error("Deleting file failed") if vims_test_result != '': return {'status': 'PASS', 'result': vims_test_result} else: return {'status': 'FAIL', 'result': ''} def clean(self): self.vnf.object.undeploy_vnf() self.orchestrator.object.undeploy_manager() super(ImsVnf, self).clean() def main(self, **kwargs): self.logger.info("Cloudify IMS VNF onboarding test starting") self.execute() self.logger.info("Cloudify IMS VNF onboarding test executed") if self.criteria is "PASS": return self.EX_OK else: return self.EX_RUN_ERROR def run(self): kwargs = {} return self.main(**kwargs) # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # YAML UTILS # # ----------------------------------------------------------- def get_config(parameter, file): """ Returns the value of a given parameter in file.yaml parameter must be given in string format with dots Example: general.openstack.image_name """ with open(file) as f: file_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) f.close() value = file_yaml for element in parameter.split("."): value = value.get(element) if value is None: raise ValueError("The parameter %s is not defined in" " reporting.yaml" % parameter) return value def download_and_add_image_on_glance(glance, image_name, image_url, data_dir): dest_path = data_dir if not os.path.exists(dest_path): os.makedirs(dest_path) file_name = image_url.rsplit('/')[-1] if not ft_utils.download_url(image_url, dest_path): return False image = os_utils.create_glance_image( glance, image_name, dest_path + file_name) if not image: return False return image