#!/usr/bin/python -u # # Author: Jose Lausuch (jose.lausuch@ericsson.com) # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import argparse import enum import importlib import logging import logging.config import os import re import sys import functest.ci.generate_report as generate_report import functest.ci.tier_builder as tb import functest.core.testcase as testcase import functest.utils.functest_utils as ft_utils import functest.utils.openstack_clean as os_clean import functest.utils.openstack_snapshot as os_snapshot import functest.utils.openstack_utils as os_utils from functest.utils.constants import CONST # __name__ cannot be used here logger = logging.getLogger('functest.ci.run_tests') class Result(enum.Enum): EX_OK = os.EX_OK EX_ERROR = -1 class BlockingTestFailed(Exception): pass class RunTestsParser(object): def __init__(self): self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() self.parser.add_argument("-t", "--test", dest="test", action='store', help="Test case or tier (group of tests) " "to be executed. It will run all the test " "if not specified.") self.parser.add_argument("-n", "--noclean", help="Do not clean " "OpenStack resources after running each " "test (default=false).", action="store_true") self.parser.add_argument("-r", "--report", help="Push results to " "database (default=false).", action="store_true") def parse_args(self, argv=[]): return vars(self.parser.parse_args(argv)) class GlobalVariables: EXECUTED_TEST_CASES = [] OVERALL_RESULT = Result.EX_OK CLEAN_FLAG = True REPORT_FLAG = False def print_separator(str, count=45): line = "" for i in range(0, count - 1): line += str logger.info("%s" % line) def source_rc_file(): rc_file = CONST.openstack_creds if not os.path.isfile(rc_file): raise Exception("RC file %s does not exist..." % rc_file) logger.debug("Sourcing the OpenStack RC file...") os_utils.source_credentials(rc_file) for key, value in os.environ.iteritems(): if re.search("OS_", key): if key == 'OS_AUTH_URL': CONST.OS_AUTH_URL = value elif key == 'OS_USERNAME': CONST.OS_USERNAME = value elif key == 'OS_TENANT_NAME': CONST.OS_TENANT_NAME = value elif key == 'OS_PASSWORD': CONST.OS_PASSWORD = value def generate_os_snapshot(): os_snapshot.main() def cleanup(): os_clean.main() def update_test_info(test_name, result, duration): for test in GlobalVariables.EXECUTED_TEST_CASES: if test['test_name'] == test_name: test.update({"result": result, "duration": duration}) def get_run_dict(testname): try: dict = ft_utils.get_dict_by_test(testname) if not dict: logger.error("Cannot get {}'s config options".format(testname)) elif 'run' in dict: return dict['run'] return None except Exception: logger.exception("Cannot get {}'s config options".format(testname)) return None def run_test(test, tier_name, testcases=None): duration = "XX:XX" result_str = "PASS" test_name = test.get_name() logger.info("\n") # blank line print_separator("=") logger.info("Running test case '%s'..." % test_name) print_separator("=") logger.debug("\n%s" % test) source_rc_file() if test.needs_clean() and GlobalVariables.CLEAN_FLAG: generate_os_snapshot() flags = (" -t %s" % (test_name)) if GlobalVariables.REPORT_FLAG: flags += " -r" result = testcase.TestCase.EX_RUN_ERROR run_dict = get_run_dict(test_name) if run_dict: try: module = importlib.import_module(run_dict['module']) cls = getattr(module, run_dict['class']) test_dict = ft_utils.get_dict_by_test(test_name) test_case = cls(**test_dict) try: kwargs = run_dict['args'] result = test_case.run(**kwargs) except KeyError: result = test_case.run() if result == testcase.TestCase.EX_OK: if GlobalVariables.REPORT_FLAG: test_case.push_to_db() result = test_case.is_successful() duration = test_case.get_duration() except ImportError: logger.exception("Cannot import module {}".format( run_dict['module'])) except AttributeError: logger.exception("Cannot get class {}".format( run_dict['class'])) else: raise Exception("Cannot import the class for the test case.") if test.needs_clean() and GlobalVariables.CLEAN_FLAG: cleanup() logger.info("Test execution time: %s", duration) if result != testcase.TestCase.EX_OK: logger.error("The test case '%s' failed. " % test_name) GlobalVariables.OVERALL_RESULT = Result.EX_ERROR result_str = "FAIL" if test.is_blocking(): if not testcases or testcases == "all": # if it is a single test we don't print the whole results table update_test_info(test_name, result_str, duration) generate_report.main(GlobalVariables.EXECUTED_TEST_CASES) raise BlockingTestFailed("The test case {} failed and is blocking" .format(test.get_name())) update_test_info(test_name, result_str, duration) def run_tier(tier): tier_name = tier.get_name() tests = tier.get_tests() if tests is None or len(tests) == 0: logger.info("There are no supported test cases in this tier " "for the given scenario") return 0 logger.info("\n\n") # blank line print_separator("#") logger.info("Running tier '%s'" % tier_name) print_separator("#") logger.debug("\n%s" % tier) for test in tests: run_test(test, tier_name) def run_all(tiers): summary = "" tiers_to_run = [] for tier in tiers.get_tiers(): if (len(tier.get_tests()) != 0 and re.search(CONST.CI_LOOP, tier.get_ci_loop()) is not None): tiers_to_run.append(tier) summary += ("\n - %s:\n\t %s" % (tier.get_name(), tier.get_test_names())) logger.info("Tests to be executed:%s" % summary) GlobalVariables.EXECUTED_TEST_CASES = generate_report.init(tiers_to_run) for tier in tiers_to_run: run_tier(tier) generate_report.main(GlobalVariables.EXECUTED_TEST_CASES) def main(**kwargs): CI_INSTALLER_TYPE = CONST.INSTALLER_TYPE CI_SCENARIO = CONST.DEPLOY_SCENARIO file = CONST.functest_testcases_yaml _tiers = tb.TierBuilder(CI_INSTALLER_TYPE, CI_SCENARIO, file) if kwargs['noclean']: GlobalVariables.CLEAN_FLAG = False if kwargs['report']: GlobalVariables.REPORT_FLAG = True try: if kwargs['test']: source_rc_file() if _tiers.get_tier(kwargs['test']): GlobalVariables.EXECUTED_TEST_CASES = generate_report.init( [_tiers.get_tier(kwargs['test'])]) run_tier(_tiers.get_tier(kwargs['test'])) elif _tiers.get_test(kwargs['test']): run_test(_tiers.get_test(kwargs['test']), _tiers.get_tier(kwargs['test']), kwargs['test']) elif kwargs['test'] == "all": run_all(_tiers) else: logger.error("Unknown test case or tier '%s', " "or not supported by " "the given scenario '%s'." % (kwargs['test'], CI_SCENARIO)) logger.debug("Available tiers are:\n\n%s" % _tiers) return Result.EX_ERROR else: run_all(_tiers) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) GlobalVariables.OVERALL_RESULT = Result.EX_ERROR logger.info("Execution exit value: %s" % GlobalVariables.OVERALL_RESULT) return GlobalVariables.OVERALL_RESULT if __name__ == '__main__': logging.config.fileConfig( CONST.__getattribute__('dir_functest_logging_cfg')) parser = RunTestsParser() args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(main(**args).value)