.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0


This section gives some guidelines about how to troubleshoot the test cases
owned by Functest.

**IMPORTANT**: The steps defined below must be executed inside the Functest Docker
container and after sourcing the OpenStack credentials::

    . $creds


    source /home/opnfv/functest/conf/openstack.creds


This section covers the test cases related to the VIM (vPing, Tempest, Rally).

vPing common
For both vPing test cases (vPing_SSH, and vPing_userdata), the first steps are
* Create Glance image
* Create Network
* Create Security Group
* Create instances

After these actions, the test cases differ and will be explained in their section.

This test cases can be run inside the container as follows::

    $repos_dir/functest/docker/run_tests.sh -t vping_ssh
    $repos_dir/functest/docker/run_tests.sh -t vping_userdata

The *run_tests.sh* script is calling internally the vPing scripts, located in
*$repos_dir/functest/testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/vPing_ssh.py* or
*$repos_dir/functest/testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/vPing_userdata.py* with the
appropriate flags.

After finishing the test execution, the corresponding script will remove all
created resources in OpenStack (image, instances, network and security group).
When troubleshooting, it is handy sometimes to keep those resources in case the
test fails and a manual testing is needed. This can be achieved by adding the flag *-n*::

    $repos_dir/functest/docker/run_tests.sh -n -t vping_ssh
    $repos_dir/functest/docker/run_tests.sh -n -t vping_userdata

Some of the common errors that can appear in this test case are::

    vPing_ssh- ERROR - There has been a problem when creating the neutron network....

This means that there has been some problems with Neutron, even before creating the
instances. Try to create manually a Neutron network and a Subnet to see if that works.
The debug messages will also help to see when it failed (subnet and router creation).
Example of Neutron commands (using range for example)::

    neutron net-create net-test
    neutron subnet-create --name subnet-test --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway net-test
    neutron router-create test_router
    neutron router-interface-add <ROUTER_ID> test_subnet
    neutron router-gateway-set <ROUTER_ID> <EXT_NET_NAME>

Another related error can occur while creating the Security Groups for the instances::

    vPing_ssh- ERROR - Failed to create the security group...

In this case, proceed to create it manually. These are some hints::

    neutron security-group-create sg-test
    neutron security-group-rule-create sg-test --direction ingress --protocol icmp --remote-ip-prefix
    neutron security-group-rule-create sg-test --direction ingress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol tcp --port-range-min 80 --port-range-max 80 --remote-ip-prefix
    neutron security-group-rule-create sg-test --direction egress --ethertype IPv4 --protocol tcp --port-range-min 80 --port-range-max 80 --remote-ip-prefix

The next step is to create the instances. The image used is located in
*/home/opnfv/functest/data/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img* and a glance image is created
with the name *functest-vping*. If booting the instances fails (i.e. the status
is not **ACTIVE**), you can check why it failed by doing::

    nova list
    nova show <INSTANCE_ID>

It might show some messages about the booting failure. To try that manually::

    net_id=$(neutron net-list | grep net-test | awk '{print $2}')
    nova boot --flavor 2 --image functest-vping --nic net-id=$net_id nova-test

This will spawn a VM using the network created previously manually. If you want to use
the existing vPing network, just replace *net-test* by *vping-net*.
In all the OPNFV tested scenarios from CI, it never has been a problem with the
previous actions. Further possible problems are explained in the following sections.

This test case creates a floating IP on the external network and assigns it to
the second instance with name *opnfv-vping-2*. The purpose of this is to establish
a SSH connection to that instance to SCP a script that will ping the first insntace.
This script is located in the repository under
*$repos_dir/functest/testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/ping.sh* and takes an IP as
a parameter. When the SCP is completed, the test will do an SSH call to that script
inside the second instance. Some problems can happen here::

    vPing_ssh- ERROR - Cannot establish connection to IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Aborting

If this is displayed, stop the test or wait for it to finish (if you have used the flag
*-n* in *run_tests.sh* explained previously) so that the test does not clean
the OpenStack resources. It means that the Container can not reach the public
IP assigned to the instance *opnfv-vping-2*. There are many possible reasons, and
they really depend on the chosen scenario. For most of the ODL-L3 and ONOS scenarios
this has been noticed and it is a known limitation.

First, make sure that the instance *opnfv-vping-2* managed to get an IP from
the DHCP agent. It can be checked by doing::

    nova console-log opnfv-vping-2

If the message *Sending discover* and *No lease, failing* is shown, it probably
means that the Neutron dhcp-agent failed to assign an IP or even that it was not
responding. At this point it does not make sense to try to ping the floating IP.

If the instance got an IP properly, try to ping manually the VM from the container::

    nova list
    <grab the public IP>
    ping <public IP>

If the ping does not return anything, try to ping from the Host where the Docker
container is running. If that solves the problem, check the iptable rules because
there might be some rules rejecting ICMP or TCP traffic coming/going from/to the container.

At this point, if the ping does not work either, try to reproduce the test
manually with the steps described above in the vPing common section with the addition::

    neutron floatingip-create <EXT_NET_NAME>
    nova floating-ip-associate nova-test <FLOATING_IP>

Further troubleshooting is out of scope of this document, as it might be due to
problems with the SDN controller. Contact the installer team members.

This test case does not create any floating IP neither establishes an SSH
connection. Instead, it uses nova-metadata service when creating an instance
to pass the same script as before (ping.sh) but as 1-line text. This script
will be executed automatically when the second instance *opnfv-vping-2* is booted.

The only known problem here for this test to fail is mainly the lack of support
of cloud-init (nova-metadata service). Check the console of the instance::

    nova console-log opnfv-vping-2

If this text or similar is showed::

    failed 1/20: up 1.13. request failed
    failed 2/20: up 13.18. request failed
    failed 3/20: up 25.20. request failed
    failed 4/20: up 37.23. request failed
    failed 5/20: up 49.25. request failed
    failed 6/20: up 61.27. request failed
    failed 7/20: up 73.29. request failed
    failed 8/20: up 85.32. request failed
    failed 9/20: up 97.34. request failed
    failed 10/20: up 109.36. request failed
    failed 11/20: up 121.38. request failed
    failed 12/20: up 133.40. request failed
    failed 13/20: up 145.43. request failed
    failed 14/20: up 157.45. request failed
    failed 15/20: up 169.48. request failed
    failed 16/20: up 181.50. request failed
    failed 17/20: up 193.52. request failed
    failed 18/20: up 205.54. request failed
    failed 19/20: up 217.56. request failed
    failed 20/20: up 229.58. request failed
    failed to read iid from metadata. tried 20

it means that the instance failed to read from the metadata service. Contact
the installer team members for more information.

Cloud-init in not supported on scenario dealing with ONOS and the tests have been
excluded from CI in those scenarios.


In the upstream OpenStack CI all the Tempest test cases are supposed to pass.
If some test cases fail in an OPNFV deployment, the reason is very probably one
of the following

| Error                       | Details                                        |
| Resources required for test | Such resources could be e.g. an external       |
| case execution are missing  | network and access to the management subnet    |
|                             | (adminURL) from the Functest docker container. |
| OpenStack components or     | Check running services in the controller and   |
| services are missing or not | compute nodes (e.g. with "systemctl" or        |
| configured properly         | "service" commands). Configuration parameters  |
|                             | can be verified from related .conf files       |
|                             | located under /etc/<component> directories.    |
| Some resources required for | The tempest.conf file, automatically generated |
| execution test cases are    | by Rally in Functest, does not contain all the |
| missing                     | needed parameters or some parameters are not   |
|                             | set properly.                                  |
|                             | The tempest.conf file is located in /home/opnfv|
|                             | /.rally/tempest/for-deployment-<UUID> in       |
|                             | Functest container                             |
|                             | Use "rally deployment list" command in order to|
|                             | check UUID of current deployment.              |

When some Tempest test case fails, captured traceback and possibly also related
REST API requests/responses are output to the console.
More detailed debug information can be found from tempest.log file stored into
related Rally deployment folder.


Same error causes than for Tempest mentioned above may lead to errors in Rally.

It is possible to run only one Rally scenario, instead of the whole suite.
To do that, call the python script (instead of *run_tests.sh*) as follows::

    python $repos_dir/functest/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/run_rally-cert.py -h
    usage: run_rally-cert.py [-h] [-d] [-r] [-s] [-v] [-n] test_name

    positional arguments:
      test_name      Module name to be tested. Possible values are : [
                     authenticate | glance | cinder | heat | keystone | neutron |
                     nova | quotas | requests | vm | all ] The 'all' value
                     performs all possible test scenarios

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help     show this help message and exit
      -d, --debug    Debug mode
      -r, --report   Create json result file
      -s, --smoke    Smoke test mode
      -v, --verbose  Print verbose info about the progress
      -n, --noclean  Don't clean the created resources for this test.

For example, to run the Glance scenario with debug information::

    python $repos_dir/functest/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/run_rally-cert.py -d glance

Possible scenarios are:
 * authenticate
 * glance
 * cinder
 * heat
 * keystone
 * neutron
 * nova
 * quotas
 * requests
 * vm

To know more about what those scenarios are doing, they are defined in:
*$repos_dir/functest/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/suites*. For more info about
Rally scenario definition please refer to the Rally official documentation.

If the flag *all* is specified, it will run all the scenarios one by one. Please
note that this might take some time (~1,5hr), taking around 1 hour to complete the
Nova scenario.

To check any possible problems with rally, the logs are stored under
*/home/opnfv/functest/results/rally/* in the Functest container.


2 versions are supported in Brahmaputra depending on the scenario:
 * Lithium
 * Berylium

The upstream test suites have not been adapted, so you may get 18 or 15 tests
passed on 18 depending on your configuration. The 3 testcases are partly failed
due to wrong return code.





vIMS deployment may fail for several reasons, the most frequent ones are
described in the following table:

| Error                             |  Comments                          |
| Keystone admin API  not reachable | Impossible to create vIMS user and |
|                                   | tenant                             |
| Impossible to retrieve admin role | Impossible to create vIMS user and |
| id                                | tenant                             |
| Error when uploading image from   | impossible to deploy VNF           |
| OpenStack to glance               |                                    |
| Cinder quota cannot be updated    | Default quotas not sufficient, they|
|                                   | are adapted in the script          |
| Impossible to create a volume     | VNF cannot be deployed             |
| SSH connection issue between the  | if vPing test fails, vIMS test will|
| Test container and the VM         | fail...                            |
| No Internet access from a VM      | the VMs of the VNF must have an    |
|                                   | external access to Internet        |
