.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

Version history
| **Date**   | **Ver.** | **Author**       | **Comment**                      |
|            |          |                  |                                  |
| 2016-08-17 | 1.0.0    | Juha Haapavirta  | Colorado release                 |
|            |          | Column Gaynor    |                                  |
| 2017-01-23 | 1.0.1    | Morgan Richomme  | Adaptations for Danube           |
|            |          |                  |                                  |
|            |          |                  |                                  |


The goal of this document is to describe the OPNFV Functest test cases and to
provide a procedure to execute them. In the OPNFV Danube system release,
a Functest CLI utility is introduced for easier execution of test procedures.

**IMPORTANT**: It is assumed here that the Functest Docker container is already
properly deployed and that all instructions described in this guide are to be
performed from *inside* the deployed Functest Docker container.

.. include:: ./introduction.rst

The different test cases are described in the remaining sections of this document.

VIM (Virtualized Infrastructure Manager)

In Colorado release a new Tier 'healthcheck' with one testcase 'healthcheck'
was introduced. The healthcheck testcase verifies that some basic IP connectivity
and  essential operations of OpenStack functionality over the command line are
working correctly.

In particular, the following verifications are performed:

  * DHCP agent functionality for IP address allocation
  * Openstack Authentication management functionality via the Keystone API
  * OpenStack Image management functionality via the Glance API
  * OpenStack Block Storage management functionality via the Cinder API
  * OpenStack Networking management functionality via the Neutron API
  * Openstack Compute management functionality via the NOVA API

Self-obviously, successful completion of the 'healthcheck' testcase is a
necessary pre-requisite for the execution of all other test Tiers.


Given the script **ping.sh**::

    while true; do
        ping -c 1 $1 2>&1 >/dev/null
        if [ "Z$RES" = "Z0" ] ; then
            echo 'vPing OK'
            echo 'vPing KO'
    sleep 1

The goal of this test is to establish an SSH connection using a floating IP
on the Public/External network and verify that 2 instances can talk over a Private
Tenant network::

 vPing_ssh test case
 +-------------+                    +-------------+
 |             |                    |             |
 |             | Boot VM1 with IP1  |             |
 |             +------------------->|             |
 |   Tester    |                    |   System    |
 |             | Boot VM2           |    Under    |
 |             +------------------->|     Test    |
 |             |                    |             |
 |             | Create floating IP |             |
 |             +------------------->|             |
 |             |                    |             |
 |             | Assign floating IP |             |
 |             | to VM2             |             |
 |             +------------------->|             |
 |             |                    |             |
 |             | Establish SSH      |             |
 |             | connection to VM2  |             |
 |             | through floating IP|             |
 |             +------------------->|             |
 |             |                    |             |
 |             | SCP ping.sh to VM2 |             |
 |             +------------------->|             |
 |             |                    |             |
 |             | VM2 executes       |             |
 |             | ping.sh to VM1     |             |
 |             +------------------->|             |
 |             |                    |             |
 |             |    If ping:        |             |
 |             |      exit OK       |             |
 |             |    else (timeout): |             |
 |             |      exit Failed   |             |
 |             |                    |             |
 +-------------+                    +-------------+

This test can be considered as an "Hello World" example.
It is the first basic use case which **must** work on any deployment.


This test case is similar to vPing_ssh but without the use of Floating IPs
and the Public/External network to transfer the ping script.
Instead, it uses Nova metadata service to pass it to the instance at booting time.
As vPing_ssh, it checks that 2 instances can talk to
each other on a Private Tenant network::

 vPing_userdata test case
 +-------------+                    +-------------+
 |             |                    |             |
 |             | Boot VM1 with IP1  |             |
 |             +------------------->|             |
 |             |                    |             |
 |             | Boot VM2 with      |             |
 |             | ping.sh as userdata|             |
 |             | with IP1 as $1.    |             |
 |             +------------------->|             |
 |   Tester    |                    |   System    |
 |             | VM2 exeutes ping.sh|    Under    |
 |             | (ping IP1)         |     Test    |
 |             +------------------->|             |
 |             |                    |             |
 |             | Monitor nova       |             |
 |             |  console-log VM 2  |             |
 |             |    If ping:        |             |
 |             |      exit OK       |             |
 |             |    else (timeout)  |             |
 |             |      exit Failed   |             |
 |             |                    |             |
 +-------------+                    +-------------+

When the second VM boots it will execute the script passed as userdata
automatically. The ping will be detected by periodically capturing the output
in the console-log of the second VM.


Tempest `[2]`_ is the reference OpenStack Integration test suite.
It is a set of integration tests to be run against a live OpenStack cluster.
Tempest has suites of tests for:

  * OpenStack API validation
  * Scenarios
  * Other specific tests useful in validating an OpenStack deployment

Functest uses Rally `[3]`_ to run the Tempest suite.
Rally generates automatically the Tempest configuration file **tempest.conf**.
Before running the actual test cases,
Functest creates the needed resources (user, tenant) and
updates the appropriate parameters into the configuration file.

When the Tempest suite is executed, each test duration is measured and the full
console output is stored to a *log* file for further analysis.

The Tempest testcases are distributed accross two

  * Smoke Tier - Test Case 'tempest_smoke_serial'
  * Components Tier - Test case 'tempest_full_parallel'

NOTE: Test case 'tempest_smoke_serial' executes a defined set of tempest smoke
tests with a single thread (i.e. serial mode). Test case 'tempest_full_parallel'
executes all defined Tempest tests using several concurrent threads
(i.e. parallel mode). The number of threads activated corresponds to the number
of available logical CPUs.

The goal of the Tempest test suite is to check the basic functionalities of the
different OpenStack components on an OPNFV fresh installation, using the
corresponding REST API interfaces.

Rally bench test suites

Rally `[3]`_ is a benchmarking tool that answers the question:

*How does OpenStack work at scale?*

The goal of this test suite is to benchmark all the different OpenStack modules and
get significant figures that could help to define Telco Cloud KPIs.

The OPNFV Rally scenarios are based on the collection of the actual Rally scenarios:

 * authenticate
 * cinder
 * glance
 * heat
 * keystone
 * neutron
 * nova
 * quotas
 * requests

A basic SLA (stop test on errors) has been implemented.

The Rally testcases are distributed accross two Tiers:

  * Smoke Tier - Test Case 'rally_sanity'
  * Components Tier - Test case 'rally_full'

NOTE: Test case 'rally_sanity' executes a limited number of Rally smoke test
cases. Test case 'rally_full' executes the full defined set of Rally tests.


SNAPS stands for "SNA/NFV Application development Platform and Stack".
This project seeks to develop baseline OpenStack NFV installations. It has been
developed by Steven Pisarski and provided an object oriented library to perform
functional and performance tests. It has been declined in several test suites in

connection check
Connection_check consists in 9 test cases (test duration < 5s) checking the
connectivity with Glance, Keystone, Neutron, Nova and the external network.

This test case verifies the retrieval of OpenStack clients: Keystone, Glance,
Neutron and Nova and may perform some simple queries. When the config value of
snaps.use_keystone is True, functest must have access to the cloud's private
This suite consists in 49 tests (test duration< 2 minutes)

This test case contains tests that setup and destroy environments with VMs with
and without Floating IPs with a newly created user and project. Set the config
value snaps.use_floating_ips (True|False) to toggle this functionality. When
the config value of snaps.use_keystone is True, functest must have access
the cloud's private network.
This suite consists in 38 tests (test duration < 10 minutes)

More information on SNAPS can be found in  `[13]`_

SDN Controllers

There are currently 2 available controllers:

 * OpenDaylight (ODL)


The OpenDaylight (ODL) test suite consists of a set of basic tests inherited
from the ODL project using the Robot `[11]`_ framework.
The suite verifies creation and deletion of networks, subnets and ports with
OpenDaylight and Neutron.

The list of tests can be described as follows:

 * Basic Restconf test cases
   * Connect to Restconf URL
   * Check the HTTP code status

 * Neutron Reachability test cases
   * Get the complete list of neutron resources (networks, subnets, ports)

 * Neutron Network test cases
   * Check OpenStack networks
   * Check OpenDaylight networks
   * Create a new network via OpenStack and check the HTTP status code returned by Neutron
   * Check that the network has also been successfully created in OpenDaylight

 * Neutron Subnet test cases
   * Check OpenStack subnets
   * Check OpenDaylight subnets
   * Create a new subnet via OpenStack and check the HTTP status code returned by Neutron
   * Check that the subnet has also been successfully created in OpenDaylight

 * Neutron Port test cases
   * Check OpenStack Neutron for known ports
   * Check OpenDaylight ports
   * Create a new port via OpenStack and check the HTTP status code returned by Neutron
   * Check that the new port has also been successfully created in OpenDaylight

 * Delete operations
   * Delete the port previously created via OpenStack
   * Check that the port has been also succesfully deleted in OpenDaylight
   * Delete previously subnet created via OpenStack
   * Check that the subnet has also been successfully deleted in OpenDaylight
   * Delete the network created via OpenStack
   * Check that the network has also been succesfully deleted in OpenDaylight

Note: the checks in OpenDaylight are based on the returned HTTP status
code returned by OpenDaylight.


TestON Framework is used to test the ONOS SDN controller functions.
The test cases deal with L2 and L3 functions.
The ONOS test suite can be run on any ONOS compliant scenario.

The test cases are described as follows:

 * onosfunctest: The main executable file contains the initialization of
   the docker environment and functions called by FUNCvirNetNB and

 * FUNCvirNetNB

   * Create Network: Post Network data and check it in ONOS
   * Update Network: Update the Network and compare it in ONOS
   * Delete Network: Delete the Network and check if it's NULL in ONOS or
   * Create Subnet: Post Subnet data and check it in ONOS
   * Update Subnet: Update the Subnet and compare it in ONOS
   * Delete Subnet: Delete the Subnet and check if it's NULL in ONOS or not
   * Create Port: Post Port data and check it in ONOS
   * Update Port: Update the Port and compare it in ONOS
   * Delete Port: Delete the Port and check if it's NULL in ONOS or not

 * FUNCvirNetNBL3

   * Create Router: Post data for create Router and check it in ONOS
   * Update Router: Update the Router and compare it in ONOS
   * Delete Router: Delete the Router data and check it in ONOS
   * Create RouterInterface: Post Router Interface data to an existing Router
     and check it in ONOS
   * Delete RouterInterface: Delete the RouterInterface and check the Router
   * Create FloatingIp: Post data for create FloatingIp and check it in ONOS
   * Update FloatingIp: Update the FloatingIp and compare it in ONOS
   * Delete FloatingIp: Delete the FloatingIp and check that it is 'NULL' in
   * Create External Gateway: Post data to create an External Gateway for an
     existing Router and check it in ONOS
   * Update External Gateway: Update the External Gateway and compare the change
   * Delete External Gateway: Delete the External Gateway and check that it is
     'NULL' in ONOS


Please refer to the dedicated feature user guides for details:

 * bgpvpn: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/sdnvpn/danube/docs/userguide/index.html
 * copper: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/copper/danube/docs/userguide/index.html
 * doctor: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/doctor/danube/userguide/index.html
 * domino: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/domino/docs/userguide-single/index.html
 * moon: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/moon/docs/userguide/index.html
 * multisites: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/multisite/docs/userguide/index.html
 * onos-sfc: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/onosfw/danube/userguide/index.html
 * odl-sfc: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/sfc/danube/userguide/index.html
 * promise: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/danube/colorado/docs/userguide/index.html
 * security_scan: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/security_scan/colorado/docs/userguide/index.html


Security Scanning, is a project to insure security compliance and vulnerability
checks, as part of an automated CI / CD platform delivery process.

The project makes use of the existing SCAP format `[6]`_ to perform deep
scanning of NFVI nodes, to insure they are hardened and free of known CVE
reported vulnerabilities.

The SCAP content itself, is then consumed and run using an upstream opensource tool
known as OpenSCAP `[7]`_.

The OPNFV Security Group have developed the code that will called by the OPNFV Jenkins
build platform, to perform a complete scan. Resulting reports are then copied to the
OPNFV functest dashboard.

The current work flow is as follows:

  * Jenkins Build Initiated
  * security_scan.py script is called, and a config file is passed to the script as
    an argument.
  * The IP addresses of each NFVi node (compute / control) are gathered
  * A scan profile is matched to the node type.
  * The OpenSCAP application is remotely installed onto each target node gathered
    on step 3, using upstream packaging (rpm and .deb).
  * A scan is made against each node gathered within step 3.
  * HTML Reports are downloaded for rendering on a dashboard.
  * If the config file value 'clean' is set to 'True' then the application installed in
    step 5 is removed, and all reports created at step 6 are deleted.

Security scan is supported by Apex, TODO....


The IP Multimedia Subsystem or IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem (IMS) is an
architectural framework for delivering IP multimedia services.

vIMS has been integrated in Functest to demonstrate the capability to deploy a
relatively complex NFV scenario on the OPNFV platform. The deployment of a complete
functional VNF allows the test of most of the essential functions needed for a
NFV platform.

The goal of this test suite consists of:

 * deploy a VNF orchestrator (Cloudify)
 * deploy a Clearwater vIMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) VNF from this
   orchestrator based on a TOSCA blueprint defined in `[5]`_
 * run suite of signaling tests on top of this VNF

The Clearwater architecture is described as follows:

.. figure:: ../images/clearwater-architecture.png
   :align: center
   :alt: vIMS architecture


See parser user guide for details: `[12]`_

.. include:: ./runfunctest.rst

Test results

Manual testing

In manual mode test results are displayed in the console and result files
are put in /home/opnfv/functest/results.

Automated testing

In automated mode, test results are displayed in jenkins logs, a summary is provided
at the end of the job and can be described as follow::

 |                                                                FUNCTEST REPORT                                                                   |
 |                                                                                                                                                  |
 |  Deployment description:                                                                                                                         |
 |    INSTALLER: fuel                                                                                                                               |
 |    SCENARIO:  os-odl_l2-nofeature-ha                                                                                                             |
 |    BUILD TAG: jenkins-functest-fuel-baremetal-daily-master-324                                                                                   |
 |    CI LOOP:   daily                                                                                                                              |
 |                                                                                                                                                  |
 | TEST CASE               | TIER          | DURATION   | RESULT        | URL                                                                       |
 | healthcheck             | healthcheck   | 03:07      | PASS          |                                                                           |
 | vping_ssh               | smoke         | 00:56      | PASS          | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results/57ac13d79377c54b278bd4c1 |
 | vping_userdata          | smoke         | 00:41      | PASS          | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results/57ac14019377c54b278bd4c2 |
 | tempest_smoke_serial    | smoke         | 16:05      | FAIL          | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results/57ac17ca9377c54b278bd4c3 |
 | rally_sanity            | smoke         | 12:19      | PASS          | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results/57ac1aad9377c54b278bd4cd |
 | odl                     | sdn_suites    | 00:24      | PASS          | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results/57ac1ad09377c54b278bd4ce |
 | promise                 | features      | 00:41      | PASS          | http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/api/v1/results/57ac1ae59377c54b278bd4cf |

Results are automatically pushed to the test results database, some additional
result files are pushed to OPNFV artifact web sites.

Based on the results stored in the result database, a `Functest reporting`_
portal is also automatically updated. This portal provides information on:

 * The overall status per scenario and per installer
 * Tempest: Tempest test case including reported errors per scenario and installer
 * vIMS: vIMS details per scenario and installer

.. figure:: ../images/functest-reporting-status.png
   :align: center
   :alt: Functest reporting portal Fuel status page

Test Dashboard

Based on results collected in CI, a test dashboard is dynamically generated.

.. include:: ./troubleshooting.rst


.. _`[1]`: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/functest/colorado/docs/configguide/#
.. _`[2]`: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/overview.html
.. _`[3]`: https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html
.. _`[4]`: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/slides/Functest%20in%20Depth_0.pdf
.. _`[5]`: https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/opnfv-cloudify-clearwater/blob/master/openstack-blueprint.yaml
.. _`[6]`: https://scap.nist.gov/
.. _`[7]`: https://github.com/OpenSCAP/openscap
.. _`[9]`: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/tree/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/os_defaults.yaml
.. _`[11]`: http://robotframework.org/
.. _`[12]`: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/parser/colorado/docs/userguide/index.html
.. _`[13]`: TODO URL doc SNAPS

OPNFV main site: opnfvmain_.

OPNFV functional test page: opnfvfunctest_.

IRC support chan: #opnfv-testperf

.. _opnfvmain: http://www.opnfv.org
.. _opnfvfunctest: https://wiki.opnfv.org/opnfv_functional_testing
.. _`OpenRC`: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/common/cli_set_environment_variables_using_openstack_rc.html
.. _`Rally installation procedure`: https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorial/step_0_installation.html
.. _`config_test.py` : https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/tree/testcases/config_functest.py
.. _`config_functest.yaml` : https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/functest/tree/testcases/config_functest.yaml
.. _`Functest reporting`: http://testresults.opnfv.org/reporting/functest/release/colorado/index-status-fuel.html