# From Infra to E2E testing [Cédric Ollivier](mailto:cedric.ollivier@orange.com) 2019/04/04 ## Infrastructure verification ### Functest in a nutshell - verify any kind of OpenStack and Kubernetes deployments (OPNFV model) including production environments - conform with upstream rules (OpenStack gate jobs and Kubernetes conformance tests) - ensure that the platforms meet Network Functions Virtualization requirements ### Functest suites - all functional tests as defined by the upstream communities (e.g. Tempest, neutron-tempest-api, Barbican, Patrole...) - upstream API and dataplane benchmarking tools (Rally, Vmtp and Shaker) - Virtual Network Function deployments and testing (vIMS, vRouter and vEPC) ### Xtesting in a nutshell - allow the developer to work only on the test suites without diving into CI/CD integration - simplify test integration in a complete LFN-based CI/CD toolchain (e.g. Jenkins, Testing Containers, Test API and dashboard) - allow a proper design and verify multiple components in the same CI/CD toolchain (OpenStack, Kubernetes, ONAP, etc.) **Easy to use and very useful for any CI/CD toochain** ### Chained CI  <!-- .element: style="border: 0" --> ## End2end network services testing ### Network automation journey - test network equipment and software including the Data-Center infrastructure - improve method and validation process to shorten the TTM - need tools and methodology to quickly disseminate CI/CD culture and assemble sparsed testcases verifying network services **Why not leveraging on existing opensource tools such as Xtesting?** ### Deploy your own testing toolchain - deploy anywhere the full OPNFV CI/CD toolchain in a few commands - could be instantiated for testing services out of the infrastructure domain - offer all Xtesting-based fonctional jobs (e.g. Functest) to the endusers ### Testing [FTTH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiber_to_the_x) equipment  <!-- .element: style="border: 0; width: 90%" --> ### Demo - describe the testcase execution - build and publish your container - list your test in the toolchain description - deploy your own toolchain in a few commands https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=32015004 ## Conclusion ### Conclusion - Xtesting is a key helper from first tests to full end2end service testing - And we are still pushing the limits: - allow verifying production Infrastructure and then break the classical preproduction/production model - support Raspberry Pi **Upstream first! Try it, and you will love it! ** ## Thank you