BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
stable/v1.30Merge "Update Helm to last stable version" into stable/v1.30Cedric Ollivier5 weeks
stable/v1.29Merge "Update Helm to last stable version" into stable/v1.29Cedric Ollivier5 weeks
stable/v1.28Merge "Update Helm to last stable version" into stable/v1.28Cedric Ollivier5 weeks
masterMerge "Update Helm to last stable version"Cedric Ollivier5 weeks
stable/v1.31Merge "Update Helm to last stable version" into stable/v1.31Cedric Ollivier5 weeks
stable/v1.27Leverage the new CNF TestSuite repoCédric Ollivier7 months
stable/v1.26Fix an invalid name issueCédric Ollivier10 months
stable/v1.24Fix upper-constraintsCédric Ollivier10 months
stable/v1.25Fix upper-constraintsCédric Ollivier10 months
stable/v1.22Allow building Functest Kubernetes Virtual MachinesCédric Ollivier13 months
stable/v1.23Allow building Functest Kubernetes Virtual MachinesCédric Ollivier13 months
stable/kaliOutdated need to install python2.7-dev in CircleCICédric Ollivier3 years
stable/leguerOutdated need to install python2.7-dev in CircleCICédric Ollivier3 years
stable/v1.21Outdated need to install python2.7-dev in CircleCICédric Ollivier3 years
stable/jermaInstall setuptools_scm before xrallyCédric Ollivier4 years
stable/iruyaInstall setuptools_scm before xrallyCédric Ollivier4 years
stable/hunterInstall setuptools_scm before xrallyCédric Ollivier4 years
stable/gambiaSlightly improve tox.iniCédric Ollivier6 years
stable/fraserUpdate .travis.yml to manage manifestsCédric Ollivier6 years