--- tiers: - name: healthcheck order: 1 ci_loop: '(daily)|(weekly)' description: >- A set of e2e tests integrated from kubernetes project. testcases: - case_name: k8s_smoke project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- Smoke Tests a running Kubernetes cluster, which validates the deployed cluster is accessible, and at least satisfies minimal functional requirements. dependencies: installer: '(compass)|(joid)|(kubespray)|(container4nfv)' scenario: 'k8-*' run: module: 'functest_kubernetes.k8stest' class: 'K8sSmokeTest' - name: smoke order: 2 ci_loop: '(daily)|(weekly)' description: >- A set of conformance tests integrated from kubernetes project. testcases: - case_name: k8s_conformance project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- Conformance Tests are expect to pass on any Kubernetes cluster, this tests are necessary demonstrate conformance of the Kubernetes deployment. dependencies: installer: '(compass)|(joid)|(kubespray)' scenario: 'k8-*' run: module: 'functest_kubernetes.k8stest' class: 'K8sConformanceTest' - name: stor4nfv order: 3 ci_loop: '(daily)|(weekly)' description: >- Test suite from Stor4NFV project. testcases: - case_name: stor4nfv_k8s project_name: stor4nfv criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- This tests are necessary demonstrate conformance of the K8s+Stor4NFV deployment. dependencies: installer: 'compass' scenario: 'stor4nfv' run: module: 'stor4nfv_tests.stor4nfv_k8s' class: 'K8sStor4nfvTest' - name: clover order: 4 ci_loop: '(daily)|(weekly)' description: >- Test suite from Clover project. testcases: - case_name: clover_k8s project_name: clover criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- This tests are necessary demonstrate features of K8s+Istio+Clover deployment. dependencies: installer: 'container4nfv' scenario: 'clover' run: module: 'clover.functest.clover_k8s' class: 'K8sCloverTest'