#!/usr/bin/python # SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 The Linux Foundation and others # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################## """ Generate JSON listing of OPNFV Artifacts This produces a slimmed down version of metadata provided by Google Storage for each artifact. Also excludes a large number of uninteresting files. """ from apiclient import discovery from apiclient.errors import HttpError import argparse import json import os import sys api = { 'projects': {}, 'docs': {}, 'releases': {}, } releases = [ 'arno.2015.1.0', 'arno.2015.2.0', 'brahmaputra.1.0', ] # List of file extensions to filter out ignore_extensions = [ '.buildinfo', '.woff', '.ttf', '.svg', '.eot', '.pickle', '.doctree', '.js', '.png', '.css', '.gif', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.bmp', ] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='OPNFV Artifacts JSON Generator') parser.add_argument( '-k', dest='key', default='', help='API Key for Google Cloud Storage') parser.add_argument( '-p', default=None, dest='pretty', action='store_const', const=2, help='pretty print the output') # Parse and assign arguments args = parser.parse_args() key = args.key pretty_print = args.pretty def output(item, indent=2): print(json.dumps(item, sort_keys=True, indent=indent)) def has_gerrit_review(dir_list): """ If a directory contains an integer, it is assumed to be a gerrit review number """ for d in dir_list: if d.isdigit(): return int(d) return False def has_release(dir_list): """ Checks if any directory contains a release name """ for d in dir_list: if d in releases: return d return False def has_documentation(dir_list): """ Checks for a directory specifically named 'docs' """ for d in dir_list: if d == 'docs': return True return False # Rename this or modify how gerrit review are handled def has_logs(gerrit_review): """ If a gerrit review exists, create a link to the review """ if gerrit_review: return "https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/c/%s" % gerrit_review return False def has_ignorable_extension(filename): for extension in ignore_extensions: if filename.lower().endswith(extension): return True return False def get_results(key): """ Pull down all metadata from artifacts.opnfv.org and store it in projects as: { 'PROJECT': [file ...], } """ storage = discovery.build('storage', 'v1', developerKey=key) files = storage.objects().list(bucket='artifacts.opnfv.org', fields='nextPageToken,' 'items(' 'name,' 'mediaLink,' 'updated,' 'contentType,' 'size' ')') while (files is not None): sites = files.execute() for site in sites['items']: # Filter out unneeded files (js, images, css, buildinfo, etc) if has_ignorable_extension(site['name']): continue # Split /foo/bar/ into ['foo', 'bar'] and remove any extra # slashes (ex. /foo//bar/) site_split = filter(None, site['name'].split('/')) # Don't do anything if we aren't given files multiple # directories deep if len(site_split) < 2: continue project = site_split[0] name = '/'.join(site_split[1:]) proxy = "http://build.opnfv.org/artifacts.opnfv.org/%s" % site['name'] if name.endswith('.html'): href = "http://artifacts.opnfv.org/%s" % site['name'] href_type = 'view' else: href = site['mediaLink'] href_type = 'download' gerrit = has_gerrit_review(site_split) logs = False # has_logs(gerrit) documentation = has_documentation(site_split) release = has_release(site_split) category = 'project' if gerrit: category = 'gerrit' elif release: category = 'release' elif logs: category = 'logs' metadata = { 'category': category, 'gerritreview': gerrit, 'release': release, 'name': name, 'size': site['size'], 'time': site['updated'], 'contentType': site['contentType'], 'href': href, 'href_type': href_type, 'proxy_href': proxy, } if project in releases: if project not in api['releases']: api['releases'][project] = [metadata] else: api['releases'][project].append(metadata) else: if project not in api['projects']: api['projects'][project] = [metadata] else: api['projects'][project].append(metadata) files = storage.objects().list_next(files, sites) return api # Fail if there is an invalid