#!/bin/bash -e # shellcheck disable=SC2155,SC1001,SC2015,SC2128 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2018 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## # # Library of shell functions dedicated to j2 template handling # PHAROS_GEN_CFG='./pharos/config/utils/generate_config.py' PHAROS_IA='./pharos/config/installers/fuel/pod_config.yml.j2' PHAROS_VALIDATE_SCHEMA_SCRIPT='./pharos/config/utils/validate_schema.py' PHAROS_SCHEMA_PDF='./pharos/config/pdf/pod1.schema.yaml' PHAROS_SCHEMA_IDF='./pharos/config/pdf/idf-pod1.schema.yaml' # Handles pod_config and scenarios only function do_templates_scenario { local image_dir=$1; shift local target_lab=$1; shift local target_pod=$1; shift local lab_config_uri=$1; shift local scenario_dir=$1; shift local extra_yaml=("$@") BASE_CONFIG_PDF="${lab_config_uri}/labs/${target_lab}/${target_pod}.yaml" BASE_CONFIG_IDF="${lab_config_uri}/labs/${target_lab}/idf-${target_pod}.yaml" LOCAL_PDF="${image_dir}/$(basename "${BASE_CONFIG_PDF}")" LOCAL_IDF="${image_dir}/$(basename "${BASE_CONFIG_IDF}")" # Expand scenario file and main reclass input (pod_config.yaml) based on PDF if ! curl --create-dirs -o "${LOCAL_PDF}" "${BASE_CONFIG_PDF}"; then notify_e "[ERROR] Could not retrieve PDF (Pod Descriptor File)!" elif ! curl -o "${LOCAL_IDF}" "${BASE_CONFIG_IDF}"; then notify_e "[ERROR] Could not retrieve IDF (Installer Descriptor File)!" fi # Check first if configuration files are valid if [[ ! "$target_pod" =~ "virtual" ]]; then if ! "${PHAROS_VALIDATE_SCHEMA_SCRIPT}" -y "${LOCAL_PDF}" \ -s "${PHAROS_SCHEMA_PDF}"; then notify_e "[ERROR] PDF does not match yaml schema!" elif ! "${PHAROS_VALIDATE_SCHEMA_SCRIPT}" -y "${LOCAL_IDF}" \ -s "${PHAROS_SCHEMA_IDF}"; then notify_e "[ERROR] IDF does not match yaml schema!" fi fi if ! "${PHAROS_GEN_CFG}" -y "${LOCAL_PDF}" \ -i "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${PHAROS_IA}")")" \ -j "${PHAROS_IA}" -v > "${image_dir}/pod_config.yml"; then notify_e "[ERROR] Could not convert PDF+IDF to reclass model input!" fi printenv | \ awk '/^(SALT|MCP|MAAS).*=/ { gsub(/=/,": "); print }' >> "${LOCAL_PDF}" j2args=$(find "${scenario_dir}" -name '*.j2' -exec echo -j {} \;) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! "${PHAROS_GEN_CFG}" -y "${LOCAL_PDF}" ${j2args} -b -v \ -i "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${PHAROS_IA}")")"; then notify_e '[ERROR] Could not convert j2 scenario definitions!' fi for _yaml in "${extra_yaml[@]}"; do awk '/^---$/{f=1;next;}f' "${_yaml}" >> "${LOCAL_PDF}" done } # Expand reclass and virsh network templates based on PDF + IDF + others function do_templates_cluster { local image_dir=$1; shift local target_lab=$1; shift local target_pod=$1; shift local git_repo_root=$1; shift local extra_yaml=("$@") RECLASS_CLUSTER_DIR=$(cd "${git_repo_root}/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster"; pwd) LOCAL_PDF="${image_dir}/${target_pod}.yaml" for _yaml in "${extra_yaml[@]}"; do awk '/^---$/{f=1;next;}f' "${_yaml}" >> "${LOCAL_PDF}" done # shellcheck disable=SC2046 j2args=$(find "${RECLASS_CLUSTER_DIR}" "$(readlink -f virsh_net)" \ "$(readlink -f docker-compose)" $(readlink -f ./*j2) \ -name '*.j2' -exec echo -j {} \;) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! "${PHAROS_GEN_CFG}" -y "${LOCAL_PDF}" ${j2args} -b -v \ -i "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${PHAROS_IA}")")"; then notify_e '[ERROR] Could not convert PDF to network definitions!' fi }