############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Mirantis Inc. and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## {% from "opendaylight/map.jinja" import server with context %} {% from "linux/map.jinja" import system with context %} {%- if server.enabled %} opendaylight_repo_key: cmd.run: - name: "apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 44C05248" - env: {%- if system.proxy.pkg.http is defined %} - http_proxy: {{ system.proxy.pkg.http }} {%- endif %} {%- if system.proxy.pkg.https is defined %} - https_proxy: {{ system.proxy.pkg.https }} {%- endif %} opendaylight_repo: pkgrepo.managed: # NOTE(armband): PPA handling behind proxy broken, define it explicitly # https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/45224 # - ppa: {{ server.repo }} - human_name: opendaylight-ppa - name: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/odl-team/{{ server.version }}/ubuntu xenial main - file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/odl-team-ubuntu-{{ server.version }}-xenial.list {%- if grains['saltversioninfo'] < [2017, 7] %} service.mask: module.run: - m_name: opendaylight {%- else %} opendaylight_service_mask: service.masked: - name: opendaylight {%- endif %} opendaylight: pkg.installed: - require: - pkgrepo: opendaylight_repo - require_in: - file: /opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml - file: /opt/opendaylight/bin/setenv - ini: /opt/opendaylight/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg - ini: /opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg service.running: - enable: true {%- if grains['saltversioninfo'] >= [2017, 7] %} - unmask: true {%- endif %} - watch: - file: /opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml - file: /opt/opendaylight/bin/setenv - ini: /opt/opendaylight/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg - ini: /opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg /opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml: file.managed: - source: salt://opendaylight/files/jetty.xml - template: jinja - user: odl - group: odl /opt/opendaylight/bin/setenv: file.managed: - source: salt://opendaylight/files/setenv.shell - mode: 0755 - use: - file: /opt/opendaylight/etc/jetty.xml {% set features %} {%- for f in server.karaf_features.itervalues() -%} {{ f | join(',') }}{%- if not loop.last %},{%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {% endset %} /opt/opendaylight/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg: ini.options_present: - sections: featuresBoot: {{ features }} /opt/opendaylight/etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg: ini.options_present: - sections: org.ops4j.pax.web.listening.addresses: {{ server.odl_bind_ip }} org.osgi.service.http.port: {{ server.odl_rest_port }} {%- if server.get('router_enabled', false) %} /opt/opendaylight/etc/custom.properties: ini.options_present: - sections: ovsdb.l3.fwd.enabled: 'yes' ovsdb.of.version: 1.3 - require: - pkg: opendaylight - watch_in: - service: opendaylight {%- endif %} {%- if grains['cpuarch'] == 'aarch64' %} opendaylight-leveldbjni: pkg.installed {%- endif %} {%- endif %}