{%- from "opendaylight/map.jinja" import client with context %} {%- if client.get('enabled', True) %} opendaylight_client_packages: pkg.installed: - pkgs: {{ client.pkgs }} {%- if pillar.linux.network.bridge is defined and pillar.linux.network.bridge == 'openvswitch' %} ovs_set_manager: cmd.run: - name: "ovs-vsctl set-manager {{ client.ovsdb_server_iface }} {{ client.ovsdb_odl_iface }}" - unless: "ovs-vsctl get-manager | grep -Fx {{ client.ovsdb_odl_iface }}" ovs_set_tunnel_endpoint: cmd.run: - name: "ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:local_ip={{ client.tunnel_ip }}" - unless: "ovs-vsctl get Open_vSwitch . other_config | fgrep local_ip" - require: - cmd: ovs_set_manager {%- if client.provider_mappings is defined %} ovs_set_provider_mapping: cmd.run: - name: "ovs-vsctl set Open_vSwitch . other_config:provider_mappings={{ client.provider_mappings }}" - unless: "ovs-vsctl get Open_vSwitch . other_config | fgrep provider_mappings" - require: - cmd: ovs_set_manager {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- endif %}