#!/bin/bash BASE_IMAGE=https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/xenial/current/xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img declare -A NODES=( [cfg01]=4096 [ctl01]=8192 [ctl02]=8192 [ctl03]=8192 [gtw01]=2048 [cmp01]=6144 ) # get required packages apt-get install -y mkisofs curl virtinst cpu-checker qemu-kvm # generate ssh key [ -f $SSH_KEY ] || ssh-keygen -f $SSH_KEY -N '' install -o jenkins -m 0600 ${SSH_KEY} /tmp/ # get base image mkdir -p images wget -P /tmp -nc $BASE_IMAGE # generate cloud-init user data envsubst < user-data.template > user-data.sh for node in "${!NODES[@]}"; do # clean up existing nodes if [ "$(virsh domstate $node 2>/dev/null)" == 'running' ]; then virsh destroy $node virsh undefine $node fi # create/prepare images [ -f images/mcp_${node}.iso ] || ./create-config-drive.sh -k ${SSH_KEY}.pub -u user-data.sh -h ${node} images/mcp_${node}.iso cp /tmp/${BASE_IMAGE/*\/} images/mcp_${node}.qcow2 qemu-img resize images/mcp_${node}.qcow2 100G done # create required networks for net in pxe mgmt internal public; do if virsh net-info $net >/dev/null 2>&1; then virsh net-destroy ${net} virsh net-undefine ${net} fi virsh net-define net_${net}.xml virsh net-autostart ${net} virsh net-start ${net} done # create vms with specified options for node in "${!NODES[@]}"; do virt-install --name ${node} --ram ${NODES[$node]} --vcpus=2 --cpu host --accelerate \ --network network:pxe,model=virtio \ --network network:mgmt,model=virtio \ --network network:internal,model=virtio \ --network network:public,model=virtio \ --disk path=$(pwd)/images/mcp_${node}.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none,io=native \ --os-type linux --os-variant none \ --boot hd --vnc --console pty --autostart --noreboot \ --disk path=$(pwd)/images/mcp_${node}.iso,device=cdrom done # set static ip address for salt master node virsh net-update pxe add ip-dhcp-host \ "" --live # start vms for node in "${!NODES[@]}"; do virsh start ${node} sleep $[RANDOM%5+1] done CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS=60 SLEEP=5 # wait until ssh on Salt master is available echo "Attempting to ssh to Salt master ..." ATTEMPT=1 while (($ATTEMPT <= $CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS)); do ssh $SSH_OPTS ubuntu@$SALT_MASTER uptime case $? in (0) echo "${ATTEMPT}> Success"; break ;; (*) echo "${ATTEMPT}/${CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS}> ssh server ain't ready yet, waiting for ${SLEEP} seconds ..." ;; esac sleep $SLEEP ((ATTEMPT+=1)) done