############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2019 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## {%- import 'net_map.j2' as nm with context %} --- classes: - system.reclass.storage.salt - system.reclass.storage.system.kubernetes_control_single {%- if nm.cluster.has_baremetal_nodes %} - system.reclass.storage.system.infra_maas_single {%- endif %} - system.salt.master.api - system.salt.master.single - system.salt.minion.ca.salt_master - system.salt.minion.cert.k8s_server_single - cluster.mcp-k8s-calico-noha parameters: _param: salt_master_environment_repository: 'https://github.com/salt-formulas' salt_master_environment_revision: master reclass_data_repository: local salt_master_base_environment: prd salt_master_host: salt_minion_ca_host: ${linux:network:fqdn} # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length salt_api_password_hash: "$6$sGnRlxGf$al5jMCetLP.vfI/fTl3Z0N7Za1aeiexL487jAtyRABVfT3NlwZxQGVhO7S1N8OwS/34VHYwZQA8lkXwKMN/GS1" kubernetes_control_node01_deploy_address: ${_param:opnfv_openstack_control_node01_pxe_admin_address} linux: system: user: salt: home: /home/salt salt: master: accept_policy: open_mode file_recv: true worker_threads: 4 command_timeout: 20 minion: mine: module: x509.get_pem_entries: ['/etc/pki/all_cas/*'] reclass: storage: data_source: engine: local node: kubernetes_control_node01: params: pxe_admin_interface: {{ nm.ctl01.nic_admin }} pxe_admin_address: ${_param:opnfv_openstack_control_node01_pxe_admin_address} # We support per-node (not only per-role) compute configuration via IDF {%- for cmp in range(1, nm.cmp_nodes + 1) %} {%- set n = '%02d' | format(cmp) %} {%- set i = nm.cmp001.idx + cmp - 1 %} {%- set admin = nm.net_admin_hosts | length + nm.start_ip[nm.net_admin] + loop.index %} {%- set mgmt = nm.net_mgmt_hosts | length + nm.start_ip[nm.net_mgmt] + loop.index %} {%- set pub = nm.net_public_hosts | length + nm.start_ip[nm.net_public] + loop.index %} {%- set pri = nm.net_private_hosts | length + nm.start_ip[nm.net_private] + loop.index %} openstack_compute_node{{ n }}: name: cmp{{ '%03d' | format(cmp) }} domain: ${_param:cluster_domain} classes: - cluster.${_param:cluster_name}.kubernetes.compute params: pxe_admin_address: {{ nm.net_admin | ipnet_hostaddr(admin) }} pxe_admin_interface: {{ conf.idf.fuel.network.node[i].interfaces[nm.idx_admin] }} single_address: {{ nm.net_mgmt | ipnet_hostaddr(mgmt) }} tenant_address: {{ nm.net_private | ipnet_hostaddr(pri) }} external_address: {{ nm.net_public | ipnet_hostaddr(pub) }} salt_master_host: ${_param:reclass_config_master} linux_system_codename: xenial {%- endfor %}