======== How to prepare and run the OPNFV Autodeployment ======= in fuel/build/deploy run these: --- Step.1 Install prerequisites sudo ./install-ubuntu-packages.sh --- Step.2-A If wou want to deploy OPNFV cloud environment on top of KVM/Libvirt virtualization run the following environment setup script sudo python setup_environment.py Example: sudo python setup_environment.py /mnt/images dha.yaml --- Step.2-B If you want to deploy OPNFV cloud environment on baremetal run the following environment setup script sudo python setup_vfuel.py Example: sudo python setup_vfuel.py /mnt/images dha.yaml WARNING!: setup_vfuel.py adds the following snippet into /etc/network/interfaces making sure to replace in setup_vfuel.py interfafe 'p1p1.20' with your actual outbound interface in order to provide network access to the Fuel master for DNS and NTP. iface vfuelnet inet static bridge_ports em1 address netmask pre-down iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING --out-interface p1p1.20 -j MASQUERADE -m comment --comment "vfuelnet" pre-down iptables -D FORWARD --in-interface vfuelnet --out-interface p1p1.20 -m comment --comment "vfuelnet" post-up iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --out-interface p1p1.20 -j MASQUERADE -m comment --comment "vfuelnet" post-up iptables -A FORWARD --in-interface vfuelnet --out-interface p1p1.20 -m comment --comment "vfuelnet" --- Step.3 Start Autodeployment Make sure you use the right Deployment Environment Adapter and Deployment Hardware Adaper configuration files: - for baremetal: baremetal/dea.yaml baremetal/dha.yaml - for libvirt: libvirt/dea.yaml libvirt/dha.yaml sudo python deploy.py [-nf] Example: sudo python deploy.py ~/ISO/opnfv.iso baremetal/dea.yaml baremetal/dha.yaml