.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors ======== Abstract ======== This document contains details about how to use OPNFV Fuel - Euphrates release - after it was deployed. For details on how to deploy check the installation instructions in the :ref:`references` section. This is an unified documentation for both x86_64 and aarch64 architectures. All information is common for both architectures except when explicitly stated. ================ Network Overview ================ Fuel uses several networks to deploy and administer the cloud: +------------------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Network name | Deploy Type | Description | | | | | +==================+===================+=========================================================+ | **PXE/ADMIN** | baremetal only | Used for booting the nodes via PXE | +------------------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | **MCPCONTROL** | baremetal & | Used to provision the infrastructure VMs (Salt & MaaS). | | | virtual | On virtual deploys, it is used for Admin too (on target | | | | VMs) leaving the PXE/Admin bridge unused | +------------------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | **Mgmt** | baremetal & | Used for internal communication between | | | virtual | OpenStack components | +------------------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | **Internal** | baremetal & | Used for VM data communication within the | | | virtual | cloud deployment | +------------------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | **Public** | baremetal & | Used to provide Virtual IPs for public endpoints | | | virtual | that are used to connect to OpenStack services APIs. | | | | Used by Virtual machines to access the Internet | +------------------+-------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ These networks - except mcpcontrol - can be linux bridges configured before the deploy on the Jumpserver. If they don't exists at deploy time, they will be created by the scripts as virsh networks. Mcpcontrol exists only on the Jumpserver and needs to be virtual because a DHCP server runs on this network and associates static host entry IPs for Salt and Maas VMs. =================== Accessing the Cloud =================== Access to any component of the deployed cloud is done from Jumpserver to user *ubuntu* with ssh key */var/lib/opnfv/mcp.rsa*. The example below is a connection to Salt master. .. code-block:: bash $ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/opnfv/mcp.rsa -l ubuntu **Note**: The Salt master IP is not hard set, it is configurable via INSTALLER_IP during deployment The Fuel baremetal deploy has a Virtualized Control Plane (VCP) which means that the controller services are installed in VMs on the baremetal targets (kvm servers). These VMs can also be accessed with virsh console: user *opnfv*, password *opnfv_secret*. This method does not apply to infrastructure VMs (Salt master and MaaS). The example below is a connection to a controller VM. The connection is made from the baremetal server kvm01. .. code-block:: bash $ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/opnfv/mcp.rsa -l ubuntu x.y.z.141 ubuntu@kvm01:~$ virsh console ctl01 User *ubuntu* has sudo rights. User *opnfv* has sudo rights only on aarch64 deploys. ============================= Exploring the Cloud with Salt ============================= To gather information about the cloud, the salt commands can be used. It is based around a master-minion idea where the salt-master pushes config to the minions to execute actions. For example tell salt to execute a ping to on all the nodes. .. figure:: img/saltstack.png Complex filters can be done to the target like compound queries or node roles. For more information about Salt see the :ref:`references` section. Some examples are listed below. Note that these commands are issued from Salt master with *root* user. #. View the IPs of all the components .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~$ salt "*" network.ip_addrs cfg01.baremetal-mcp-ocata-odl-ha.local: - - mas01.baremetal-mcp-ocata-odl-ha.local: - - - ......................... #. View the interfaces of all the components and put the output in a file with yaml format .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~$ salt "*" network.interfaces --out yaml --output-file interfaces.yaml root@cfg01:~# cat interfaces.yaml cfg01.baremetal-mcp-ocata-odl-ha.local: enp1s0: hwaddr: 52:54:00:72:77:12 inet: - address: broadcast: label: enp1s0 netmask: inet6: - address: fe80::5054:ff:fe72:7712 prefixlen: '64' scope: link up: true ......................... #. View installed packages in MaaS node .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~# salt "mas*" pkg.list_pkgs mas01.baremetal-mcp-ocata-odl-ha.local: ---------- accountsservice: 0.6.40-2ubuntu11.3 acl: 2.2.52-3 acpid: 1:2.0.26-1ubuntu2 adduser: 3.113+nmu3ubuntu4 anerd: 1 ......................... #. Execute any linux command on all nodes (list the content of */var/log* in this example) .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~# salt "*" cmd.run 'ls /var/log' cfg01.baremetal-mcp-ocata-odl-ha.local: alternatives.log apt auth.log boot.log btmp cloud-init-output.log cloud-init.log ......................... #. Execute any linux command on nodes using compound queries filter .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~# salt -C '* and cfg01*' cmd.run 'ls /var/log' cfg01.baremetal-mcp-ocata-odl-ha.local: alternatives.log apt auth.log boot.log btmp cloud-init-output.log cloud-init.log ......................... #. Execute any linux command on nodes using role filter .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~# salt -I 'nova:compute' cmd.run 'ls /var/log' cmp001.baremetal-mcp-ocata-odl-ha.local: alternatives.log apache2 apt auth.log btmp ceilometer cinder cloud-init-output.log cloud-init.log ......................... =================== Accessing Openstack =================== Once the deployment is complete, Openstack CLI is accessible from controller VMs (ctl01..03). Openstack credentials are at */root/keystonercv3*. .. code-block:: bash root@ctl01:~# source keystonercv3 root@ctl01:~# openstack image list +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------+ | ID | Name | Status | +======================================+===============================================+========+ | 152930bf-5fd5-49c2-b3a1-cae14973f35f | CirrosImage | active | | 7b99a779-78e4-45f3-9905-64ae453e3dcb | Ubuntu16.04 | active | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------+ The OpenStack Dashboard, Horizon is available at http://<controller VIP>:8078, e.g. The administrator credentials are *admin*/*opnfv_secret*. .. figure:: img/horizon_login.png A full list of IPs/services is available at <proxy public VIP>:8090 for baremetal deploys. .. figure:: img/salt_services_ip.png For Virtual deploys, the most commonly used IPs are in the table below. +-----------+--------------+---------------+ | Component | IP | Default value | +===========+==============+===============+ | gtw01 | x.y.z.110 | | +-----------+--------------+---------------+ | ctl01 | x.y.z.100 | | +-----------+--------------+---------------+ | cmp001 | x.y.z.105 | | +-----------+--------------+---------------+ | cmp002 | x.y.z.106 | | +-----------+--------------+---------------+ .. _references: ========== References ========== 1) `Installation instructions <http://docs.opnfv.org/en/stable-euphrates/submodules/fuel/docs/release/installation/installation.instruction.html>`_ 2) `Saltstack Documentation <https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics>`_ 3) `Saltstack Formulas <http://salt-formulas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/develop/overview-reclass.html>`_