.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors *********************************** OPNFV Fuel Installation Instruction *********************************** Abstract ======== This document describes how to install the ``Gambia`` release of OPNFV when using Fuel as a deployment tool, covering its usage, limitations, dependencies and required system resources. This is an unified documentation for both ``x86_64`` and ``aarch64`` architectures. All information is common for both architectures except when explicitly stated. Introduction ============ This document provides guidelines on how to install and configure the ``Gambia`` release of OPNFV when using Fuel as a deployment tool, including required software and hardware configurations. Although the available installation options provide a high degree of freedom in how the system is set up, including architecture, services and features, etc., said permutations may not provide an OPNFV compliant reference architecture. This document provides a step-by-step guide that results in an OPNFV ``Gambia`` compliant deployment. The audience of this document is assumed to have good knowledge of networking and Unix/Linux administration. Before starting the installation of the ``Gambia`` release of OPNFV, using Fuel as a deployment tool, some planning must be done. Preparations ============ Prior to installation, a number of deployment specific parameters must be collected, those are: #. Provider sub-net and gateway information #. Provider ``VLAN`` information #. Provider ``DNS`` addresses #. Provider ``NTP`` addresses #. How many nodes and what roles you want to deploy (Controllers, Computes) This information will be needed for the configuration procedures provided in this document. Hardware Requirements ===================== Mininum hardware requirements depend on the deployment type. .. WARNING:: If ``baremetal`` nodes are present in the cluster, the architecture of the nodes running the control plane (``kvm01``, ``kvm02``, ``kvm03`` for ``HA`` scenarios, respectively ``ctl01``, ``gtw01``, ``odl01`` for ``noHA`` scenarios) and the ``jumpserver`` architecture must be the same (either ``x86_64`` or ``aarch64``). .. TIP:: The compute nodes may have different architectures, but extra configuration might be required for scheduling VMs on the appropiate host. This use-case is not tested in OPNFV CI, so it is considered experimental. Hardware Requirements for ``virtual`` Deploys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following minimum hardware requirements must be met for the ``virtual`` installation of ``Gambia`` using Fuel: +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **HW Aspect** | **Requirement** | | | | +==================+======================================================+ | **1 Jumpserver** | A physical node (also called Foundation Node) that | | | will host a Salt Master container and each of the VM | | | nodes in the virtual deploy | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **CPU** | Minimum 1 socket with Virtualization support | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **RAM** | Minimum 32GB/server (Depending on VNF work load) | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **Disk** | Minimum 100GB (SSD or 15krpm SCSI highly recommended)| +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ Hardware Requirements for ``baremetal`` Deploys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following minimum hardware requirements must be met for the ``baremetal`` installation of ``Gambia`` using Fuel: +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **HW Aspect** | **Requirement** | | | | +==================+======================================================+ | **1 Jumpserver** | A physical node (also called Foundation Node) that | | | hosts the Salt Master container and MaaS VM | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **# of nodes** | Minimum 5 | | | | | | - 3 KVM servers which will run all the controller | | | services | | | | | | - 2 Compute nodes | | | | | | .. WARNING:: | | | | | | ``kvm01``, ``kvm02``, ``kvm03`` nodes and the | | | ``jumpserver`` must have the same architecture | | | (either ``x86_64`` or ``aarch64``). | | | | | | .. NOTE:: | | | | | | ``aarch64`` nodes should run an ``UEFI`` | | | compatible firmware with PXE support | | | (e.g. ``EDK2``). | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **CPU** | Minimum 1 socket with Virtualization support | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **RAM** | Minimum 16GB/server (Depending on VNF work load) | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **Disk** | Minimum 256GB 10kRPM spinning disks | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **Networks** | Mininum 4 | | | | | | - 3 VLANs (``public``, ``mgmt``, ``private``) - | | | can be a mix of tagged/native | | | | | | - 1 Un-Tagged VLAN for PXE Boot - | | | ``PXE/admin`` Network | | | | | | .. NOTE:: | | | | | | These can be allocated to a single NIC | | | or spread out over multiple NICs. | | | | | | .. WARNING:: | | | | | | No external ``DHCP`` server should be present | | | in the ``PXE/admin`` network segment, as it | | | would interfere with ``MaaS`` ``DHCP`` during | | | ``baremetal`` node commissioning/deploying. | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **Power mgmt** | All targets need to have power management tools that | | | allow rebooting the hardware (e.g. ``IPMI``). | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ Hardware Requirements for ``hybrid`` (``baremetal`` + ``virtual``) Deploys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following minimum hardware requirements must be met for the ``hybrid`` installation of ``Gambia`` using Fuel: +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **HW Aspect** | **Requirement** | | | | +==================+======================================================+ | **1 Jumpserver** | A physical node (also called Foundation Node) that | | | hosts the Salt Master container, MaaS VM and | | | each of the virtual nodes defined in ``PDF`` | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **# of nodes** | .. NOTE:: | | | | | | Depends on ``PDF`` configuration. | | | | | | If the control plane is virtualized, minimum | | | baremetal requirements are: | | | | | | - 2 Compute nodes | | | | | | If the computes are virtualized, minimum | | | baremetal requirements are: | | | | | | - 3 KVM servers which will run all the controller | | | services | | | | | | .. WARNING:: | | | | | | ``kvm01``, ``kvm02``, ``kvm03`` nodes and the | | | ``jumpserver`` must have the same architecture | | | (either ``x86_64`` or ``aarch64``). | | | | | | .. NOTE:: | | | | | | ``aarch64`` nodes should run an ``UEFI`` | | | compatible firmware with PXE support | | | (e.g. ``EDK2``). | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **CPU** | Minimum 1 socket with Virtualization support | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **RAM** | Minimum 16GB/server (Depending on VNF work load) | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **Disk** | Minimum 256GB 10kRPM spinning disks | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **Networks** | Same as for ``baremetal`` deployments | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | **Power mgmt** | Same as for ``baremetal`` deployments | +------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ Help with Hardware Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calculate hardware requirements: When choosing the hardware on which you will deploy your OpenStack environment, you should think about: - CPU -- Consider the number of virtual machines that you plan to deploy in your cloud environment and the CPUs per virtual machine. - Memory -- Depends on the amount of RAM assigned per virtual machine and the controller node. - Storage -- Depends on the local drive space per virtual machine, remote volumes that can be attached to a virtual machine, and object storage. - Networking -- Depends on the Choose Network Topology, the network bandwidth per virtual machine, and network storage. Top of the Rack (``TOR``) Configuration Requirements ==================================================== The switching infrastructure provides connectivity for the OPNFV infrastructure operations, tenant networks (East/West) and provider connectivity (North/South); it also provides needed connectivity for the Storage Area Network (SAN). To avoid traffic congestion, it is strongly suggested that three physically separated networks are used, that is: 1 physical network for administration and control, one physical network for tenant private and public networks, and one physical network for SAN. The switching connectivity can (but does not need to) be fully redundant, in such case it comprises a redundant 10GE switch pair for each of the three physically separated networks. .. WARNING:: The physical ``TOR`` switches are **not** automatically configured from the OPNFV Fuel reference platform. All the networks involved in the OPNFV infrastructure as well as the provider networks and the private tenant VLANs needs to be manually configured. Manual configuration of the ``Gambia`` hardware platform should be carried out according to the `OPNFV Pharos Specification`_. OPNFV Software Prerequisites ============================ .. NOTE:: All prerequisites described in this chapter apply to the ``jumpserver`` node. OS Distribution Support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Jumpserver node should be pre-provisioned with an operating system, according to the `OPNFV Pharos specification`_. OPNFV Fuel has been validated by CI using the following distributions installed on the Jumpserver: - ``CentOS 7`` (recommended by Pharos specification); - ``Ubuntu Xenial 16.04``; .. TOPIC:: ``aarch64`` notes For an ``aarch64`` Jumpserver, the ``libvirt`` minimum required version is ``3.x``, ``3.5`` or newer highly recommended. .. TIP:: ``CentOS 7`` (``aarch64``) distro provided packages are already new enough. .. WARNING:: ``Ubuntu 16.04`` (``arm64``), distro packages are too old and 3rd party repositories should be used. For convenience, Armband provides a DEB repository holding all the required packages. To add and enable the Armband repository on an Ubuntu 16.04 system, create a new sources list file ``/apt/sources.list.d/armband.list`` with the following contents: .. code-block:: console jenkins@jumpserver:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armband.list deb http://linux.enea.com/mcp-repos/queens/xenial queens-armband main jenkins@jumpserver:~$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net \ --recv 798AB1D1 jenkins@jumpserver:~$ sudo apt-get update OS Distribution Packages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, the ``deploy.sh`` script will automatically install the required distribution package dependencies on the Jumpserver, so the end user does not have to manually install them before starting the deployment. This includes Python, QEMU, libvirt etc. .. SEEALSO:: To disable automatic package installation (and/or upgrade) during deployment, check out the ``-P`` deploy argument. .. WARNING:: The install script expects ``libvirt`` to be already running on the Jumpserver. In case ``libvirt`` packages are missing, the script will install them; but depending on the OS distribution, the user might have to start the ``libvirt`` daemon service manually, then run the deploy script again. Therefore, it is recommended to install ``libvirt`` explicitly on the Jumpserver before the deployment. While not mandatory, upgrading the kernel on the Jumpserver is also highly recommended. .. code-block:: console jenkins@jumpserver:~$ sudo apt-get install \ linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04-edge libvirt-bin jenkins@jumpserver:~$ sudo reboot User Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The user running the deploy script on the Jumpserver should belong to ``sudo`` and ``libvirt`` groups, and have passwordless sudo access. .. NOTE:: Throughout this documentation, we will use the ``jenkins`` username for this role. The following example adds the groups to the user ``jenkins``: .. code-block:: console jenkins@jumpserver:~$ sudo usermod -aG sudo jenkins jenkins@jumpserver:~$ sudo usermod -aG libvirt jenkins jenkins@jumpserver:~$ sudo reboot jenkins@jumpserver:~$ groups jenkins sudo libvirt jenkins@jumpserver:~$ sudo visudo ... %jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL Local Artifact Storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The folder containing the temporary deploy artifacts (``/home/jenkins/tmpdir`` in the examples below) needs to have mask ``777`` in order for ``libvirt`` to be able to use them. .. code-block:: console jenkins@jumpserver:~$ mkdir -p -m 777 /home/jenkins/tmpdir Network Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Relevant Linux bridges should also be pre-configured for certain networks, depending on the type of the deployment. +------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Network | Linux Bridge | Linux Bridge necessity based on deploy type | | | +--------------+---------------+---------------+ | | | ``virtual`` | ``baremetal`` | ``hybrid`` | +============+===============+==============+===============+===============+ | PXE/admin | ``admin_br`` | absent | present | present | +------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------+ | management | ``mgmt_br`` | optional | optional, | optional, | | | | | recommended, | recommended, | | | | | required for | required for | | | | | ``functest``, | ``functest``, | | | | | ``yardstick`` | ``yardstick`` | +------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------+ | internal | ``int_br`` | optional | optional | present | +------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------+ | public | ``public_br`` | optional | optional, | optional, | | | | | recommended, | recommended, | | | | | useful for | useful for | | | | | debugging | debugging | +------------+---------------+--------------+---------------+---------------+ .. TIP:: IP addresses should be assigned to the created bridge interfaces (not to one of its ports). .. WARNING:: ``PXE/admin`` bridge (``admin_br``) **must** have an IP address. Changes ``deploy.sh`` Will Perform to Jumpserver OS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. WARNING:: The install script will alter Jumpserver sysconf and disable ``net.bridge.bridge-nf-call``. .. WARNING:: The install script will automatically install and/or upgrade the required distribution package dependencies on the Jumpserver, unless explicitly asked not to (via the ``-P`` deploy arg). OPNFV Software Configuration (``XDF``) ====================================== .. versionadded:: 5.0.0 .. versionchanged:: 7.0.0 Unlike the old approach based on OpenStack Fuel, OPNFV Fuel no longer has a graphical user interface for configuring the environment, but instead switched to OPNFV specific descriptor files that we will call generically ``XDF``: - ``PDF`` (POD Descriptor File) provides an abstraction of the target POD with all its hardware characteristics and required parameters; - ``IDF`` (Installer Descriptor File) extends the ``PDF`` with POD related parameters required by the OPNFV Fuel installer; - ``SDF`` (Scenario Descriptor File, **not** yet adopted) will later replace embedded scenario definitions, describing the roles and layout of the cluster enviroment for a given reference architecture; .. TIP:: For ``virtual`` deployments, if the ``public`` network will be accessed from outside the ``jumpserver`` node, a custom ``PDF``/``IDF`` pair is required for customizing ``idf.net_config.public`` and ``idf.fuel.jumphost.bridges.public``. .. NOTE:: For OPNFV CI PODs, as well as simple (no ``public`` bridge) ``virtual`` deployments, ``PDF``/``IDF`` files are already available in the `pharos git repo`_. They can be used as a reference for user-supplied inputs or to kick off a deployment right away. +----------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | LAB/POD | ``PDF``/``IDF`` availability based on deploy type | | +------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ | | ``virtual`` | ``baremetal`` | ``hybrid`` | +==========+========================+====================+====================+ | OPNFV CI | available in | available in | N/A, as currently | | POD | `pharos git repo`_ | `pharos git repo`_ | there are 0 hybrid | | | (e.g. | (e.g. ``lf-pod2``, | PODs in OPNFV CI | | | ``ericsson-virtual1``) | ``arm-pod5``) | | +----------+------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ | local or | ``user-supplied`` | ``user-supplied`` | ``user-supplied`` | | new POD | | | | +----------+------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ .. TIP:: Both ``PDF`` and ``IDF`` structure are modelled as ``yaml`` schemas in the `pharos git repo`_, also included as a git submodule in OPNFV Fuel. .. SEEALSO:: - ``mcp/scripts/pharos/config/pdf/pod1.schema.yaml`` - ``mcp/scripts/pharos/config/pdf/idf-pod1.schema.yaml`` Schema files are also used during the initial deployment phase to validate the user-supplied input ``PDF``/``IDF`` files. ``PDF`` ~~~~~~~ The Pod Descriptor File is a hardware description of the POD infrastructure. The information is modeled under a ``yaml`` structure. The hardware description covers the ``jumphost`` node and a set of ``nodes`` for the cluster target boards. For each node the following characteristics are defined: - Node parameters including ``CPU`` features and total memory; - A list of available disks; - Remote management parameters; - Network interfaces list including name, ``MAC`` address, link speed, advanced features; .. SEEALSO:: A reference file with the expected ``yaml`` structure is available at: - ``mcp/scripts/pharos/config/pdf/pod1.yaml`` For more information on ``PDF``, see the `OPNFV PDF Wiki Page`_. .. WARNING:: The fixed IPs defined in ``PDF`` are ignored by the OPNFV Fuel installer script and it will instead assign addresses based on the network ranges defined in ``IDF``. For more details on the way IP addresses are assigned, see :ref:`OPNFV Fuel User Guide <fuel-userguide>`. ``PDF``/``IDF`` Role (hostname) Mapping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upcoming ``SDF`` support will introduce a series of possible node roles. Until that happens, the role mapping logic is hardcoded, based on node index in ``PDF``/``IDF`` (which should also be in sync, i.e. the parameters of the ``n``-th cluster node defined in ``PDF`` should be the ``n``-th node in ``IDF`` structures too). +-------------+------------------+----------------------+ | Node index | ``HA`` scenario | ``noHA`` scenario | +=============+==================+======================+ | 1st | ``kvm01`` | ``ctl01`` | +-------------+------------------+----------------------+ | 2nd | ``kvm02`` | ``gtw01`` | +-------------+------------------+----------------------+ | 3rd | ``kvm03`` | ``odl01``/``unused`` | +-------------+------------------+----------------------+ | 4th, | ``cmp001``, | ``cmp001``, | | 5th, | ``cmp002``, | ``cmp002``, | | ... | ``...`` | ``...`` | +-------------+------------------+----------------------+ .. TIP:: To switch node role(s), simply reorder the node definitions in ``PDF``/``IDF`` (make sure to keep them in sync). ``IDF`` ~~~~~~~ The Installer Descriptor File extends the ``PDF`` with POD related parameters required by the installer. This information may differ per each installer type and it is not considered part of the POD infrastructure. ``idf.*`` Overview ------------------ The ``IDF`` file must be named after the ``PDF`` it attaches to, with the prefix ``idf-``. .. SEEALSO:: A reference file with the expected ``yaml`` structure is available at: - ``mcp/scripts/pharos/config/pdf/idf-pod1.yaml`` The file follows a ``yaml`` structure and at least two sections (``idf.net_config`` and ``idf.fuel``) are expected. The ``idf.fuel`` section defines several sub-sections required by the OPNFV Fuel installer: - ``jumphost``: List of bridge names for each network on the Jumpserver; - ``network``: List of device name and bus address info of all the target nodes. The order must be aligned with the order defined in the ``PDF`` file. The OPNFV Fuel installer relies on the ``IDF`` model to setup all node NICs by defining the expected device name and bus address; - ``maas``: Defines the target nodes commission timeout and deploy timeout; - ``reclass``: Defines compute parameter tuning, including huge pages, ``CPU`` pinning and other ``DPDK`` settings; .. code-block:: yaml --- idf: version: 0.1 # fixed, the only supported version (mandatory) net_config: # POD network configuration overview (mandatory) oob: ... # mandatory admin: ... # mandatory mgmt: ... # mandatory storage: ... # mandatory private: ... # mandatory public: ... # mandatory fuel: # OPNFV Fuel specific section (mandatory) jumphost: # OPNFV Fuel jumpserver bridge configuration (mandatory) bridges: # Bridge name mapping (mandatory) admin: 'admin_br' # <PXE/admin bridge name> or ~ mgmt: 'mgmt_br' # <mgmt bridge name> or ~ private: ~ # <private bridge name> or ~ public: 'public_br' # <public bridge name> or ~ trunks: ... # Trunked networks (optional) maas: # MaaS timeouts (optional) timeout_comissioning: 10 # commissioning timeout in minutes timeout_deploying: 15 # deploy timeout in minutes network: # Cluster nodes network (mandatory) ntp_strata_host1: 1.pool.ntp.org # NTP1 (optional) ntp_strata_host2: 0.pool.ntp.org # NTP2 (optional) node: ... # List of per-node cfg (mandatory) reclass: # Additional params (mandatory) node: ... # List of per-node cfg (mandatory) ``idf.net_config`` ------------------ ``idf.net_config`` was introduced as a mechanism to map all the usual cluster networks (internal and provider networks, e.g. ``mgmt``) to their ``VLAN`` tags, ``CIDR`` and a physical interface index (used to match networks to interface names, like ``eth0``, on the cluster nodes). .. WARNING:: The mapping between one network segment (e.g. ``mgmt``) and its ``CIDR``/ ``VLAN`` is not configurable on a per-node basis, but instead applies to all the nodes in the cluster. For each network, the following parameters are currently supported: +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``idf.net_config.*`` key | Details | +==========================+==================================================+ | ``interface`` | The index of the interface to use for this net. | | | For each cluster node (if network is present), | | | OPNFV Fuel will determine the underlying physical| | | interface by picking the element at index | | | ``interface`` from the list of network interface | | | names defined in | | | ``idf.fuel.network.node.*.interfaces``. | | | Required for each network. | | | | | | .. NOTE:: | | | | | | The interface index should be the | | | same on all cluster nodes. This can be | | | achieved by ordering them accordingly in | | | ``PDF``/``IDF``. | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``vlan`` | ``VLAN`` tag (integer) or the string ``native``. | | | Required for each network. | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``ip-range`` | When specified, all cluster IPs dynamically | | | allocated by OPNFV Fuel for that network will be | | | assigned inside this range. | | | Required for ``oob``, optional for others. | | | | | | .. NOTE:: | | | | | | For now, only range start address is used. | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``network`` | Network segment address. | | | Required for each network, except ``oob``. | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``mask`` | Network segment mask. | | | Required for each network, except ``oob``. | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``gateway`` | Gateway IP address. | | | Required for ``public``, N/A for others. | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | ``dns`` | List of DNS IP addresses. | | | Required for ``public``, N/A for others. | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ Sample ``public`` network configuration block: .. code-block:: yaml idf: net_config: public: interface: 1 vlan: native network: ip-range: mask: 24 gateway: dns: - - .. TOPIC:: ``hybrid`` POD notes Interface indexes must be the same for all nodes, which is problematic when mixing ``virtual`` nodes (where all interfaces were untagged so far) with ``baremetal`` nodes (where interfaces usually carry tagged VLANs). .. TIP:: To achieve this, a special ``jumpserver`` network layout is used: ``mgmt``, ``storage``, ``private``, ``public`` are trunked together in a single ``trunk`` bridge: - without decapsulating them (if they are also tagged on ``baremetal``); a ``trunk.<vlan_tag>`` interface should be created on the ``jumpserver`` for each tagged VLAN so the kernel won't drop the packets; - by decapsulating them first (if they are also untagged on ``baremetal`` nodes); The ``trunk`` bridge is then used for all bridges OPNFV Fuel is aware of in ``idf.fuel.jumphost.bridges``, e.g. for a ``trunk`` where only ``mgmt`` network is not decapsulated: .. code-block:: yaml idf: fuel: jumphost: bridges: admin: 'admin_br' mgmt: 'trunk' private: 'trunk' public: 'trunk' trunks: # mgmt network is not decapsulated for jumpserver infra VMs, # to align with the VLAN configuration of baremetal nodes. mgmt: True .. WARNING:: The Linux kernel limits the name of network interfaces to 16 characters. Extra care is required when choosing bridge names, so appending the ``VLAN`` tag won't lead to an interface name length exceeding that limit. ``idf.fuel.network`` -------------------- ``idf.fuel.network`` allows mapping the cluster networks (e.g. ``mgmt``) to their physical interface name (e.g. ``eth0``) and bus address on the cluster nodes. ``idf.fuel.network.node`` should be a list with the same number (and order) of elements as the cluster nodes defined in ``PDF``, e.g. the second cluster node in ``PDF`` will use the interface name and bus address defined in the second list element. Below is a sample configuration block for a single node with two interfaces: .. code-block:: yaml idf: fuel: network: node: # Ordered-list, index should be in sync with node index in PDF - interfaces: # Ordered-list, index should be in sync with interface index # in PDF - 'ens3' - 'ens4' busaddr: # Bus-info reported by `ethtool -i ethX` - '0000:00:03.0' - '0000:00:04.0' ``idf.fuel.reclass`` -------------------- ``idf.fuel.reclass`` provides a way of overriding default values in the reclass cluster model. This currently covers strictly compute parameter tuning, including huge pages, ``CPU`` pinning and other ``DPDK`` settings. ``idf.fuel.reclass.node`` should be a list with the same number (and order) of elements as the cluster nodes defined in ``PDF``, e.g. the second cluster node in ``PDF`` will use the parameters defined in the second list element. The following parameters are currently supported: +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``idf.fuel.reclass.node.*`` | Details | | key | | +=================================+===========================================+ | ``nova_cpu_pinning`` | List of CPU cores nova will be pinned to. | | | | | | .. NOTE:: | | | | | | Currently disabled. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``compute_hugepages_size`` | Size of each persistent huge pages. | | | | | | Usual values are ``2M`` and ``1G``. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``compute_hugepages_count`` | Total number of persistent huge pages. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``compute_hugepages_mount`` | Mount point to use for huge pages. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``compute_kernel_isolcpu`` | List of certain CPU cores that are | | | isolated from Linux scheduler. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``compute_dpdk_driver`` | Kernel module to provide userspace I/O | | | support. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``compute_ovs_pmd_cpu_mask`` | Hexadecimal mask of CPUs to run ``DPDK`` | | | Poll-mode drivers. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``compute_ovs_dpdk_socket_mem`` | Set of amount huge pages in ``MB`` to be | | | used by ``OVS-DPDK`` daemon taken for each| | | ``NUMA`` node. Set size is equal to | | | ``NUMA`` nodes count, elements are | | | divided by comma. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``compute_ovs_dpdk_lcore_mask`` | Hexadecimal mask of ``DPDK`` lcore | | | parameter used to run ``DPDK`` processes. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``compute_ovs_memory_channels`` | Number of memory channels to be used. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``dpdk0_driver`` | NIC driver to use for physical network | | | interface. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``dpdk0_n_rxq`` | Number of ``RX`` queues. | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ Sample ``compute_params`` configuration block (for a single node): .. code-block:: yaml idf: fuel: reclass: node: - compute_params: common: &compute_params_common compute_hugepages_size: 2M compute_hugepages_count: 2048 compute_hugepages_mount: /mnt/hugepages_2M dpdk: <<: *compute_params_common compute_dpdk_driver: uio compute_ovs_pmd_cpu_mask: "0x6" compute_ovs_dpdk_socket_mem: "1024" compute_ovs_dpdk_lcore_mask: "0x8" compute_ovs_memory_channels: "2" dpdk0_driver: igb_uio dpdk0_n_rxq: 2 ``SDF`` ~~~~~~~ Scenario Descriptor Files are not yet implemented in the OPNFV Fuel ``Gambia`` release. Instead, embedded OPNFV Fuel scenarios files are locally available in ``mcp/config/scenario``. OPNFV Software Installation and Deployment ========================================== This section describes the process of installing all the components needed to deploy the full OPNFV reference platform stack across a server cluster. Deployment Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. WARNING:: OPNFV releases previous to ``Gambia`` used to rely on the ``virtual`` keyword being part of the POD name (e.g. ``ericsson-virtual2``) to configure the deployment type as ``virtual``. Otherwise ``baremetal`` was implied. ``Gambia`` and newer releases are more flexbile towards supporting a mix of ``baremetal`` and ``virtual`` nodes, so the type of deployment is now automatically determined based on the cluster nodes types in ``PDF``: +---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | ``PDF`` has nodes of type | Deployment type | +---------------+-----------------+ | | ``baremetal`` | ``virtual`` | | +===============+=================+===========================================+ | yes | no | ``baremetal`` | +---------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------+ | yes | yes | ``hybrid`` | +---------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------+ | no | yes | ``virtual`` | +---------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------+ Based on that, the deployment script will later enable/disable certain extra nodes (e.g. ``mas01``) and/or ``STATE`` files (e.g. ``maas``). ``HA`` vs ``noHA`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ High availability of OpenStack services is determined based on scenario name, e.g. ``os-nosdn-nofeature-noha`` vs ``os-nosdn-nofeature-ha``. .. TIP:: ``HA`` scenarios imply a virtualized control plane (``VCP``) for the OpenStack services running on the 3 ``kvm`` nodes. .. SEEALSO:: An experimental feature argument (``-N``) is supported by the deploy script for disabling ``VCP``, although it might not be supported by all scenarios and is not being continuosly validated by OPNFV CI/CD. .. WARNING:: ``virtual`` ``HA`` deployments are not officially supported, due to poor performance and various limitations of nested virtualization on both ``x86_64`` and ``aarch64`` architectures. .. TIP:: ``virtual`` ``HA`` deployments without ``VCP`` are supported, but highly experimental. +-------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------+ | Feature | ``HA`` scenario | ``noHA`` scenario | +===============================+=========================+===================+ | ``VCP`` | yes, | no | | (Virtualized Control Plane) | disabled with ``-N`` | | +-------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------+ | OpenStack APIs SSL | yes | no | +-------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------+ | Storage | ``GlusterFS`` | ``NFS`` | +-------------------------------+-------------------------+-------------------+ Steps to Start the Automatic Deploy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These steps are common for ``virtual``, ``baremetal`` or ``hybrid`` deploys, ``x86_64``, ``aarch64`` or ``mixed`` (``x86_64`` and ``aarch64``): - Clone the OPNFV Fuel code from gerrit - Checkout the ``Gambia`` release tag - Start the deploy script .. NOTE:: The deployment uses the OPNFV Pharos project as input (``PDF`` and ``IDF`` files) for hardware and network configuration of all current OPNFV PODs. When deploying a new POD, one may pass the ``-b`` flag to the deploy script to override the path for the labconfig directory structure containing the ``PDF`` and ``IDF`` (``<URI to configuration repo ...>`` is the absolute path to a local or remote directory structure, populated similar to `pharos git repo`_, i.e. ``PDF``/``IDF`` reside in a subdirectory called ``labs/<lab_name>``). .. code-block:: console jenkins@jumpserver:~$ git clone https://git.opnfv.org/fuel jenkins@jumpserver:~$ cd fuel jenkins@jumpserver:~/fuel$ git checkout opnfv-7.0.0 jenkins@jumpserver:~/fuel$ ci/deploy.sh -l <lab_name> \ -p <pod_name> \ -b <URI to configuration repo containing the PDF/IDF files> \ -s <scenario> \ -D \ -S <Storage directory for deploy artifacts> |& tee deploy.log .. TIP:: Besides the basic options, there are other recommended deploy arguments: - use ``-D`` option to enable the debug info - use ``-S`` option to point to a tmp dir where the disk images are saved. The deploy artifacts will be re-used on subsequent (re)deployments. - use ``|& tee`` to save the deploy log to a file Typical Cluster Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Common cluster layouts usually fall into one of the cases described below, categorized by deployment type (``baremetal``, ``virtual`` or ``hybrid``) and high availability (``HA`` or ``noHA``). A simplified overview of the steps ``deploy.sh`` will automatically perform is: - create a Salt Master Docker container on the jumpserver, which will drive the rest of the installation; - ``baremetal`` or ``hybrid`` only: create a ``MaaS`` infrastructure node VM, which will be leveraged using Salt to handle OS provisioning on the ``baremetal`` nodes; - leverage Salt to install & configure OpenStack; .. NOTE:: A virtual network ``mcpcontrol`` is always created for initial connection of the VMs on Jumphost. .. WARNING:: A single cluster deployment per ``jumpserver`` node is currently supported, indifferent of its type (``virtual``, ``baremetal`` or ``hybrid``). Once the deployment is complete, the following should be accessible: +---------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------+ | Resource | ``HA`` scenario | ``noHA`` scenario | +===============+==================================+===========================+ | ``Horizon`` | ``https://<prx public VIP>`` | ``http://<ctl VIP>:8078`` | | (Openstack | | | | Dashboard) | | | +---------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------+ | ``SaltStack`` | ``http://<prx public VIP>:8090`` | N/A | | Deployment | | | | Documentation | | | +---------------+----------------------------------+---------------------------+ .. SEEALSO:: For more details on locating and importing the generated SSL certificate, see :ref:`OPNFV Fuel User Guide <fuel-userguide>`. ``virtual`` ``noHA`` POD ------------------------ In the following figure there are two generic examples of ``virtual`` deploys, each on a separate Jumphost node, both behind the same ``TOR`` switch: - Jumphost 1 has only virsh bridges (created by the deploy script); - Jumphost 2 has a mix of Linux (manually created) and ``libvirt`` managed bridges (created by the deploy script); .. figure:: img/fuel_virtual_noha.png :align: center :width: 60% :alt: OPNFV Fuel Virtual noHA POD Network Layout Examples OPNFV Fuel Virtual noHA POD Network Layout Examples +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``cfg01`` | Salt Master Docker container | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``ctl01`` | Controller VM | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``gtw01`` | Gateway VM with neutron services | | | (``DHCP`` agent, ``L3`` agent, ``metadata`` agent etc) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``odl01`` | VM on which ``ODL`` runs | | | (for scenarios deployed with ODL) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``cmp001``, | Compute VMs | | ``cmp002`` | | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ .. TIP:: If external access to the ``public`` network is not required, there is little to no motivation to create a custom ``PDF``/``IDF`` set for a virtual deployment. Instead, the existing virtual PODs definitions in `pharos git repo`_ can be used as-is: - ``ericsson-virtual1`` for ``x86_64``; - ``arm-virtual2`` for ``aarch64``; .. code-block:: console # example deploy cmd for an x86_64 virtual cluster jenkins@jumpserver:~/fuel$ ci/deploy.sh -l ericsson \ -p virtual1 \ -s os-nosdn-nofeature-noha \ -D \ -S /home/jenkins/tmpdir |& tee deploy.log ``baremetal`` ``noHA`` POD -------------------------- .. WARNING:: These scenarios are not tested in OPNFV CI, so they are considered experimental. .. figure:: img/fuel_baremetal_noha.png :align: center :width: 60% :alt: OPNFV Fuel Baremetal noHA POD Network Layout Example OPNFV Fuel Baremetal noHA POD Network Layout Example +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``cfg01`` | Salt Master Docker container | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``mas01`` | MaaS Node VM | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``ctl01`` | Baremetal controller node | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``gtw01`` | Baremetal Gateway with neutron services | | | (dhcp agent, L3 agent, metadata, etc) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``odl01`` | Baremetal node on which ODL runs | | | (for scenarios deployed with ODL, otherwise unused | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``cmp001``, | Baremetal Computes | | ``cmp002`` | | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tenant VM | VM running in the cloud | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ ``baremetal`` ``HA`` POD ------------------------ .. figure:: img/fuel_baremetal_ha.png :align: center :width: 60% :alt: OPNFV Fuel Baremetal HA POD Network Layout Example OPNFV Fuel Baremetal HA POD Network Layout Example +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``cfg01`` | Salt Master Docker container | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``mas01`` | MaaS Node VM | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``kvm01``, | Baremetals which hold the VMs with | | ``kvm02``, | controller functions | | ``kvm03`` | | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``prx01``, | Proxy VMs for Nginx | | ``prx02`` | | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``msg01``, | RabbitMQ Service VMs | | ``msg02``, | | | ``msg03`` | | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``dbs01``, | MySQL service VMs | | ``dbs02``, | | | ``dbs03`` | | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``mdb01``, | Telemetry VMs | | ``mdb02``, | | | ``mdb03`` | | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``odl01`` | VM on which ``OpenDaylight`` runs | | | (for scenarios deployed with ``ODL``) | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | ``cmp001``, | Baremetal Computes | | ``cmp002`` | | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | Tenant VM | VM running in the cloud | +---------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ .. code-block:: console # x86_x64 baremetal deploy on pod2 from Linux Foundation lab (lf-pod2) jenkins@jumpserver:~/fuel$ ci/deploy.sh -l lf \ -p pod2 \ -s os-nosdn-nofeature-ha \ -D \ -S /home/jenkins/tmpdir |& tee deploy.log .. code-block:: console # aarch64 baremetal deploy on pod5 from Enea ARM lab (arm-pod5) jenkins@jumpserver:~/fuel$ ci/deploy.sh -l arm \ -p pod5 \ -s os-nosdn-nofeature-ha \ -D \ -S /home/jenkins/tmpdir |& tee deploy.log ``hybrid`` ``noHA`` POD ----------------------- .. figure:: img/fuel_hybrid_noha.png :align: center :width: 60% :alt: OPNFV Fuel Hybrid noHA POD Network Layout Examples OPNFV Fuel Hybrid noHA POD Network Layout Examples +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``cfg01`` | Salt Master Docker container | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``mas01`` | MaaS Node VM | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``ctl01`` | Controller VM | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``gtw01`` | Gateway VM with neutron services | | | (``DHCP`` agent, ``L3`` agent, ``metadata`` agent etc) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``odl01`` | VM on which ``ODL`` runs | | | (for scenarios deployed with ODL) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | ``cmp001``, | Baremetal Computes | | ``cmp002`` | | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ Automatic Deploy Breakdown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When an automatic deploy is started, the following operations are performed sequentially by the deploy script: +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | **Deploy stage** | **Details** | +==================+==========================================================+ | Argument | enviroment variables and command line arguments passed | | Parsing | to ``deploy.sh`` are interpreted | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Distribution | Install and/or configure mandatory requirements on the | | Package | ``jumpserver`` node: | | Installation | | | | - ``Docker`` (from upstream and not distribution repos, | | | as the version included in ``Ubuntu`` ``Xenial`` is | | | outdated); | | | - ``docker-compose`` (from upstream, as the version | | | included in both ``CentOS 7`` and | | | ``Ubuntu Xenial 16.04`` has dependency issues on most | | | systems); | | | - ``virt-inst`` (from upstream, as the version included | | | in ``Ubuntu Xenial 16.04`` is outdated and lacks | | | certain required features); | | | - other miscelaneous requirements, depending on | | | ``jumpserver`` distribution OS; | | | | | | .. SEEALSO:: | | | | | | - ``mcp/scripts/requirements_deb.yaml`` (``Ubuntu``) | | | - ``mcp/scripts/requirements_rpm.yaml`` (``CentOS``) | | | | | | .. WARNING:: | | | | | | Mininum required ``Docker`` version is ``17.x``. | | | | | | .. WARNING:: | | | | | | Mininum required ``virt-inst`` version is ``1.4``. | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Patch | For each ``git`` submodule in OPNFV Fuel repository, | | Apply | if a subdirectory with the same name exists under | | | ``mcp/patches``, all patches in that subdirectory are | | | applied using ``git-am`` to the respective ``git`` | | | submodule. | | | | | | This allows OPNFV Fuel to alter upstream repositories | | | contents before consuming them, including: | | | | | | - ``Docker`` container build process customization; | | | - ``salt-formulas`` customization; | | | - ``reclass.system`` customization; | | | | | | .. SEEALSO:: | | | | | | - ``mcp/patches/README.rst`` | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | SSH RSA Keypair | If not already present, a RSA keypair is generated on | | Generation | the ``jumpserver`` node at: | | | | | | - ``/var/lib/opnfv/mcp.rsa{,.pub}`` | | | | | | The public key will be added to the ``authorized_keys`` | | | list for ``ubuntu`` user, so the private key can be used | | | for key-based logins on: | | | | | | - ``cfg01``, ``mas01`` infrastructure nodes; | | | - all cluster nodes (``baremetal`` and/or ``virtual``), | | | including ``VCP`` VMs; | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``j2`` | Based on ``XDF`` (``PDF``, ``IDF``, ``SDF``) and | | Expansion | additional deployment configuration determined during | | | ``argument parsing`` stage described above, all jinja2 | | | templates are expanded, including: | | | | | | - various classes in ``reclass.cluster``; | | | - docker-compose ``yaml`` for Salt Master bring-up; | | | - ``libvirt`` network definitions (``xml``); | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Jumpserver | Basic validation that common ``jumpserver`` requirements | | Requirements | are satisfied, e.g. ``PXE/admin`` is Linux bridge if | | Check | ``baremetal`` nodes are defined in the ``PDF``. | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Infrastucture | .. NOTE:: | | Setup | | | | All steps apply to and only to the ``jumpserver``. | | | | | | - prepare virtual machines; | | | - (re)create ``libvirt`` managed networks; | | | - apply ``sysctl`` configuration; | | | - apply ``udev`` configuration; | | | - create & start virtual machines prepared earlier; | | | - create & start Salt Master (``cfg01``) Docker | | | container; | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ``STATE`` | Based on deployment type, scenario and other parameters, | | Files | a ``STATE`` file list is constructed, then executed | | | sequentially. | | | | | | .. TIP:: | | | | | | The table below lists all current ``STATE`` files | | | and their intended action. | | | | | | .. SEEALSO:: | | | | | | For more information on how the list of ``STATE`` | | | files is constructed, see | | | :ref:`OPNFV Fuel User Guide <fuel-userguide>`. | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Log | Contents of ``/var/log`` are recursively gathered from | | Collection | all the nodes, then archived together for later | | | inspection. | +------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ ``STATE`` Files Overview ------------------------ +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``STATE`` file | Targets involved and main intended action | +===========================+=================================================+ | ``virtual_init`` | ``cfg01``: reclass node generation | | | | | | ``jumpserver`` VMs (e.g. ``mas01``): basic OS | | | config | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``maas`` | ``mas01``: OS, MaaS installation, | | | ``baremetal`` node commissioning and deploy | | | | | | .. NOTE:: | | | | | | Skipped if no ``baremetal`` nodes are | | | defined in ``PDF`` (``virtual`` deploy). | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``baremetal_init`` | ``kvm``, ``cmp``: OS install, config | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``dpdk`` | ``cmp``: configure OVS-DPDK | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``networks`` | ``ctl``: create OpenStack networks | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``neutron_gateway`` | ``gtw01``: configure Neutron gateway | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``opendaylight`` | ``odl01``: install & configure ``ODL`` | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``openstack_noha`` | cluster nodes: install OpenStack without ``HA`` | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``openstack_ha`` | cluster nodes: install OpenStack with ``HA`` | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``virtual_control_plane`` | ``kvm``: create ``VCP`` VMs | | | | | | ``VCP`` VMs: basic OS config | | | | | | .. NOTE:: | | | | | | Skipped if ``-N`` deploy argument is used. | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ | ``tacker`` | ``ctl``: install & configure Tacker | +---------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ Release Notes ============= Please refer to the :ref:`OPNFV Fuel Release Notes <fuel-releasenotes>` article. References ========== For more information on the OPNFV ``Gambia`` 7.0 release, please see: #. `OPNFV Home Page`_ #. `OPNFV Documentation`_ #. `OPNFV Software Downloads`_ #. `OPNFV Gambia Wiki Page`_ #. `OpenStack Queens Release Artifacts`_ #. `OpenStack Documentation`_ #. `OpenDaylight Artifacts`_ #. `Mirantis Cloud Platform Documentation`_ #. `Saltstack Documentation`_ #. `Saltstack Formulas`_ #. `Reclass`_ .. FIXME: cleanup unused refs, extend above list .. _`OpenDaylight`: https://www.opendaylight.org .. _`OpenDaylight Artifacts`: https://www.opendaylight.org/software/downloads .. _`MCP`: https://www.mirantis.com/software/mcp/ .. _`Mirantis Cloud Platform Documentation`: https://docs.mirantis.com/mcp/latest/ .. _`fuel git repository`: https://git.opnfv.org/fuel .. _`pharos git repo`: https://git.opnfv.org/pharos .. _`OpenStack Documentation`: https://docs.openstack.org/queens .. _`OpenStack Queens Release Artifacts`: https://www.openstack.org/software/queens .. _`OPNFV Home Page`: https://www.opnfv.org .. _`OPNFV Gambia Wiki Page`: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/SWREL/Gambia .. _`OPNFV Documentation`: https://docs.opnfv.org .. _`OPNFV Software Downloads`: https://www.opnfv.org/software/downloads .. _`Apache License 2.0`: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. _`Saltstack Documentation`: https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/ .. _`Saltstack Formulas`: https://salt-formulas.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ .. _`Reclass`: https://reclass.pantsfullofunix.net .. _`OPNFV Pharos Specification`: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/pharos/Pharos+Specification .. _`OPNFV PDF Wiki Page`: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/INF/POD+Descriptor