dha-pod-config-metadata: title: Deployment Hardware Adapter (DHA) for fuel development pipeline - Ericsson ELX version version: 0.0.3 created: Feb 2 2016 comment: ELX Fuel8 version # Adapter to use for this definition adapter: libvirt # Node list. # Mandatory property is id, all other properties are adapter specific. nodes: - id: 1 libvirtName: controller1 libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/controller.xml - id: 2 libvirtName: compute1 libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/compute.xml - id: 3 libvirtName: compute2 libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/compute.xml - id: 4 libvirtName: compute3 libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/compute.xml - id: 5 libvirtName: fuel-master libvirtTemplate: templates/virtual_environment/vms/fuel.xml isFuel: yes username: root password: r00tme virtNetConfDir: templates/virtual_environment/networks disks: fuel: 100G controller: 100G compute: 100G number_cpus: # Entry is not mandatory! If it is left empty # the default is 2 cpus per node controller: 2