#!/bin/bash -e # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2154,SC1090,SC1091 ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Ericsson AB, Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others. # jonas.bjurel@ericsson.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # BEGIN of Exit handlers # do_exit () { local RC=$? clean if [ ${RC} -eq 0 ]; then notify "\n[OK] MCP: Openstack installation finished succesfully!\n\n" 2 else notify "\n[ERROR] MCP: Openstack installation threw a fatal error!\n\n" fi } # # End of Exit handlers ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # BEGIN of usage description # usage () { cat << EOF xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $(notify "$(basename "$0"): Deploy the Fuel@OPNFV MCP stack" 3) $(notify "USAGE:" 2) $(basename "$0") -b base-uri -l lab-name -p pod-name -s deploy-scenario \\ [-B PXE Bridge [-B Mgmt Bridge [-B Internal Bridge [-B Public Bridge]]]] \\ [-S storage-dir] [-L /path/to/log/file.tar.gz] \\ [-f[f]] [-F] [-e | -E[E]] [-d] [-D] $(notify "OPTIONS:" 2) -b Base-uri for the stack-configuration structure -B Bridge(s): 1st usage = PXE, 2nd = Mgmt, 3rd = Internal, 4th = Public -d Dry-run -D Debug logging -e Do not launch environment deployment -E Remove existing VCP VMs (use twice to redeploy baremetal nodes) -f Deploy on existing Salt master (use twice to also skip config sync) -F Do only create a Salt master -h Print this message and exit -l Lab-name -p Pod-name -s Deploy-scenario short-name -S Storage dir for VM images -L Deployment log path and file name $(notify "Description:" 2) Deploys the Fuel@OPNFV stack on the indicated lab resource. This script provides the Fuel@OPNFV deployment abstraction. It depends on the OPNFV official configuration directory/file structure and provides a fairly simple mechanism to execute a deployment. $(notify "Input parameters to the build script are:" 2) -b Base URI to the configuration directory (needs to be provided in URI style, it can be a local resource: file:// or a remote resource http(s)://). A POD Descriptor File (PDF) should be available at: /labs//.yaml The default is './mcp/config'. -B Bridges to be used by deploy script. It can be specified several times, or as a comma separated list of bridges, or both: -B br1 -B br2,br3 First occurence sets PXE Brige, next Mgmt, then Internal and Public. For an empty value, the deploy script will use virsh to create the default expected network (e.g. -B pxe,,,public will use existing "pxe" and "public" bridges, respectively create "mgmt" and "internal"). Note that a virtual network "mcpcontrol" is always created. For virtual deploys, "mcpcontrol" is also used for PXE, leaving the PXE bridge unused. For baremetal deploys, PXE bridge is used for baremetal node provisioning, while "mcpcontrol" is used to provision the infrastructure VMs only. The default is 'pxebr'. -d Dry-run - Produce deploy config files, but do not execute deploy -D Debug logging - Enable extra logging in sh deploy scripts (set -x) -e Do not launch environment deployment -E Remove existing VCP VMs. It will destroy and undefine all VCP VMs currently defined on cluster KVM nodes. If specified twice (e.g. -E -E), baremetal nodes (VCP too, implicitly) will be removed, then reprovisioned. Only applicable for baremetal deploys. -f Deploy on existing Salt master. It will skip infrastructure VM creation, but it will still sync reclass configuration from current repo to Salt Master node. If specified twice (e.g. -f -f), config sync will also be skipped. -F Do only create a Salt master -h Print this message and exit -L Deployment log path and name, eg. -L /home/jenkins/job.log.tar.gz -l Lab name as defined in the configuration directory, e.g. lf -p POD name as defined in the configuration directory, e.g. pod2 -s Deployment-scenario, this points to a short deployment scenario name, which has to be defined in config directory (e.g. os-odl-nofeature-ha). -S Storage dir for VM images, default is mcp/deploy/images $(notify "[NOTE] sudo & virsh priviledges are needed for this script to run" 3) Example: $(notify "sudo $(basename "$0") \\ -b file:///home/jenkins/securedlab \\ -l lf -p pod2 \\ -s os-odl-nofeature-ha" 2) EOF } # # END of usage description ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # BEGIN of colored notification wrapper # notify() { tput setaf "${2:-1}" || true echo -en "${1:-"[WARN] Unsupported opt arg: $3\\n"}" tput sgr0 } # # END of colored notification wrapper ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # BEGIN of deployment clean-up # clean() { echo "Cleaning up deploy tmp directories" } # # END of deployment clean-up ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # BEGIN of variables to customize # CI_DEBUG=${CI_DEBUG:-0}; [[ "${CI_DEBUG}" =~ (false|0) ]] || set -x REPO_ROOT_PATH=$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/..") DEPLOY_DIR=$(cd "${REPO_ROOT_PATH}/mcp/scripts"; pwd) STORAGE_DIR=$(cd "${REPO_ROOT_PATH}/mcp/deploy/images"; pwd) RECLASS_CLUSTER_DIR=$(cd "${REPO_ROOT_PATH}/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster"; pwd) DEPLOY_TYPE='baremetal' OPNFV_BRIDGES=('pxebr' 'mgmt' 'internal' 'public') URI_REGEXP='(file|https?|ftp)://.*' BASE_CONFIG_URI="file://${REPO_ROOT_PATH}/mcp/config" # Customize deploy workflow DRY_RUN=${DRY_RUN:-0} USE_EXISTING_INFRA=${USE_EXISTING_INFRA:-0} INFRA_CREATION_ONLY=${INFRA_CREATION_ONLY:-0} NO_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT=${NO_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT:-0} ERASE_ENV=${ERASE_ENV:-0} source "${DEPLOY_DIR}/globals.sh" # # END of variables to customize ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # BEGIN of main # set +x OPNFV_BRIDGE_IDX=0 while getopts "b:B:dDfEFl:L:p:s:S:he" OPTION do case $OPTION in b) BASE_CONFIG_URI=${OPTARG} if [[ ! $BASE_CONFIG_URI =~ ${URI_REGEXP} ]]; then notify "[ERROR] -b $BASE_CONFIG_URI - invalid URI\n" usage exit 1 fi ;; B) OIFS=${IFS} IFS=',' OPT_BRIDGES=($OPTARG) for bridge in "${OPT_BRIDGES[@]}"; do if [ -n "${bridge}" ]; then OPNFV_BRIDGES[${OPNFV_BRIDGE_IDX}]="${bridge}" fi ((OPNFV_BRIDGE_IDX+=1)) done IFS=${OIFS} ;; d) DRY_RUN=1 ;; D) CI_DEBUG=1 ;; f) ((USE_EXISTING_INFRA+=1)) ;; F) INFRA_CREATION_ONLY=1 ;; e) NO_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT=1 ;; E) ((ERASE_ENV+=1)) ;; l) TARGET_LAB=${OPTARG} ;; L) DEPLOY_LOG="${OPTARG}" ;; p) TARGET_POD=${OPTARG} if [[ "${TARGET_POD}" =~ "virtual" ]]; then DEPLOY_TYPE='virtual' fi ;; s) DEPLOY_SCENARIO=${OPTARG} ;; S) if [[ ${OPTARG} ]]; then STORAGE_DIR="${OPTARG}" fi ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; *) notify "[ERROR] Arguments not according to new argument style\n" exit 1 ;; esac done if [[ "$(sudo whoami)" != 'root' ]]; then notify "[ERROR] This script requires sudo rights\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Validate mandatory arguments are set if [ -z "${TARGET_LAB}" ] || [ -z "${TARGET_POD}" ] || \ [ -z "${DEPLOY_SCENARIO}" ]; then notify "[ERROR] At least one of the mandatory args is missing!\n" 1>&2 usage exit 1 fi [[ "${CI_DEBUG}" =~ (false|0) ]] || set -x # Enable the automatic exit trap trap do_exit SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT # Set no restrictive umask so that Jenkins can remove any residuals umask 0000 clean pushd "${DEPLOY_DIR}" > /dev/null # Prepare the deploy config files based on lab/pod information, deployment # scenario, etc. # Install required packages [ -n "$(command -v apt-get)" ] && sudo apt-get install -y \ git make rsync mkisofs curl virtinst cpu-checker qemu-kvm uuid-runtime \ libvirt-bin [ -n "$(command -v yum)" ] && sudo yum install -y --skip-broken \ git make rsync genisoimage curl virt-install qemu-kvm util-linux \ libvirt # For baremetal, python is indirectly required for PDF parsing if [ "${DEPLOY_TYPE}" = 'baremetal' ]; then [ -n "$(command -v apt-get)" ] && sudo apt-get install -y \ python python-ipaddress python-jinja2 [ -n "$(command -v yum)" ] && sudo yum install -y --skip-broken \ python python-ipaddress python-jinja2 fi # AArch64 VMs use AAVMF (guest UEFI) if [ "$(uname -m)" = 'aarch64' ]; then [ -n "$(command -v apt-get)" ] && sudo apt-get install -y qemu-efi [ -n "$(command -v yum)" ] && sudo yum install -y --skip-broken AAVMF fi if ! virsh list >/dev/null 2>&1; then notify "[ERROR] This script requires hypervisor access\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Clone git submodules and apply our patches make -C "${REPO_ROOT_PATH}/mcp/patches" deepclean patches-import # Convert Pharos-compatible POD Descriptor File (PDF) to reclass model input PHAROS_GEN_CONFIG_SCRIPT="./pharos/config/utils/generate_config.py" PHAROS_INSTALLER_ADAPTER="./pharos/config/installers/fuel/pod_config.yml.j2" BASE_CONFIG_PDF="${BASE_CONFIG_URI}/labs/${TARGET_LAB}/${TARGET_POD}.yaml" BASE_CONFIG_IDF="${BASE_CONFIG_URI}/labs/${TARGET_LAB}/idf-${TARGET_POD}.yaml" LOCAL_PDF="${STORAGE_DIR}/$(basename "${BASE_CONFIG_PDF}")" LOCAL_IDF="${STORAGE_DIR}/$(basename "${BASE_CONFIG_IDF}")" LOCAL_PDF_RECLASS="${STORAGE_DIR}/pod_config.yml" if ! curl --create-dirs -o "${LOCAL_PDF}" "${BASE_CONFIG_PDF}"; then if [ "${DEPLOY_TYPE}" = 'baremetal' ]; then notify "[ERROR] Could not retrieve PDF (Pod Descriptor File)!\n" 1>&2 exit 1 else notify "[WARN] Could not retrieve PDF (Pod Descriptor File)!\n" 3 fi elif ! curl -o "${LOCAL_IDF}" "${BASE_CONFIG_IDF}"; then notify "[WARN] POD has no IDF (Installer Descriptor File)!\n" 3 elif ! "${PHAROS_GEN_CONFIG_SCRIPT}" -y "${LOCAL_PDF}" \ -j "${PHAROS_INSTALLER_ADAPTER}" > "${LOCAL_PDF_RECLASS}"; then notify "[ERROR] Could not convert PDF to reclass model input!\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Check scenario file existence SCENARIO_DIR="../config/scenario" if [ ! -f "${SCENARIO_DIR}/${DEPLOY_TYPE}/${DEPLOY_SCENARIO}.yaml" ]; then notify "[WARN] ${DEPLOY_SCENARIO}.yaml not found!\n" 3 notify "[WARN] Setting simplest scenario (os-nosdn-nofeature-noha)\n" 3 DEPLOY_SCENARIO='os-nosdn-nofeature-noha' if [ ! -f "${SCENARIO_DIR}/${DEPLOY_TYPE}/${DEPLOY_SCENARIO}.yaml" ]; then notify "[ERROR] Scenario definition file is missing!\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi # Check defaults file existence if [ ! -f "${SCENARIO_DIR}/defaults-$(uname -i).yaml" ]; then notify "[ERROR] Scenario defaults file is missing!\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Get required infra deployment data set +x source lib.sh eval "$(parse_yaml "${SCENARIO_DIR}/defaults-$(uname -i).yaml")" eval "$(parse_yaml "${SCENARIO_DIR}/${DEPLOY_TYPE}/${DEPLOY_SCENARIO}.yaml")" eval "$(parse_yaml "${LOCAL_PDF_RECLASS}")" [[ "${CI_DEBUG}" =~ (false|0) ]] || set -x export CLUSTER_DOMAIN=${cluster_domain} # Serialize vnode data as ',,|,,[...]' for node in "${virtual_nodes[@]}"; do virtual_custom_ram="virtual_${node}_ram" virtual_custom_vcpus="virtual_${node}_vcpus" virtual_nodes_data+="${node}," virtual_nodes_data+="${!virtual_custom_ram:-$virtual_default_ram}," virtual_nodes_data+="${!virtual_custom_vcpus:-$virtual_default_vcpus}|" done virtual_nodes_data=${virtual_nodes_data%|} # Expand reclass and virsh network templates for tp in "${RECLASS_CLUSTER_DIR}/all-mcp-ocata-common/opnfv/"*.template \ net_*.template; do eval "cat <<-EOF $(<"${tp}") EOF" 2> /dev/null > "${tp%.template}" done # Convert Pharos-compatible PDF to reclass network definitions if [ "${DEPLOY_TYPE}" = 'baremetal' ]; then find "${RECLASS_CLUSTER_DIR}/${CLUSTER_DOMAIN%.local}" \ "${RECLASS_CLUSTER_DIR}/${DEPLOY_TYPE}-mcp-ocata-common" \ -name '*.j2' | while read -r tp do if ! "${PHAROS_GEN_CONFIG_SCRIPT}" -y "${LOCAL_PDF}" \ -j "${tp}" > "${tp%.j2}"; then notify "[ERROR] Could not convert PDF to reclass network defs!\n" exit 1 fi done fi # Map PDF networks 'admin', 'mgmt', 'private' and 'public' to bridge names BR_NAMES=('admin' 'mgmt' 'private' 'public') BR_NETS=( \ "${parameters__param_opnfv_maas_pxe_address}" \ "${parameters__param_opnfv_infra_config_address}" \ "${parameters__param_opnfv_openstack_compute_node01_tenant_address}" \ "${parameters__param_opnfv_openstack_compute_node01_external_address}" \ ) for ((i = 0; i < ${#BR_NETS[@]}; i++)); do br_jump=$(eval echo "\$parameters__param_opnfv_jump_bridge_${BR_NAMES[i]}") if [ -n "${br_jump}" ] && [ "${br_jump}" != 'None' ] && \ [ -d "/sys/class/net/${br_jump}/bridge" ]; then notify "[OK] Bridge found for '${BR_NAMES[i]}': ${br_jump}\n" 2 OPNFV_BRIDGES[${i}]="${br_jump}" elif [ -n "${BR_NETS[i]}" ]; then bridge=$(ip addr | awk "/${BR_NETS[i]%.*}./ {print \$NF; exit}") if [ -n "${bridge}" ] && [ -d "/sys/class/net/${bridge}/bridge" ]; then notify "[OK] Bridge found for net ${BR_NETS[i]%.*}.0: ${bridge}\n" 2 OPNFV_BRIDGES[${i}]="${bridge}" fi fi done notify "[NOTE] Using bridges: ${OPNFV_BRIDGES[*]}\n" 2 # Infra setup if [ ${DRY_RUN} -eq 1 ]; then notify "[NOTE] Dry run, skipping all deployment tasks\n" 2 1>&2 exit 0 elif [ ${USE_EXISTING_INFRA} -gt 0 ]; then notify "[NOTE] Use existing infra\n" 2 1>&2 check_connection else generate_ssh_key prepare_vms "${base_image}" "${STORAGE_DIR}" "${virtual_nodes[@]}" create_networks "${OPNFV_BRIDGES[@]}" create_vms "${STORAGE_DIR}" "${virtual_nodes_data}" "${OPNFV_BRIDGES[@]}" update_mcpcontrol_network start_vms "${virtual_nodes[@]}" check_connection fi if [ ${USE_EXISTING_INFRA} -lt 2 ]; then wait_for 5 "./salt.sh ${LOCAL_PDF_RECLASS}" fi # Openstack cluster setup set +x if [ ${INFRA_CREATION_ONLY} -eq 1 ] || [ ${NO_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT} -eq 1 ]; then notify "[NOTE] Skip openstack cluster setup\n" 2 else for state in "${cluster_states[@]}"; do notify "[STATE] Applying state: ${state}\n" 2 # shellcheck disable=SC2086,2029 wait_for 5 "ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_SALT} sudo \ CI_DEBUG=$CI_DEBUG ERASE_ENV=$ERASE_ENV \ /root/fuel/mcp/config/states/${state}" done fi ./log.sh "${DEPLOY_LOG}" popd > /dev/null # # END of main ##############################################################################