path: root/deploy/cloud/deployment.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'deploy/cloud/deployment.py')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deploy/cloud/deployment.py b/deploy/cloud/deployment.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecccc241f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deploy/cloud/deployment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# szilard.cserey@ericsson.com
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+import time
+import re
+import json
+from common import (
+ N,
+ E,
+ exec_cmd,
+ run_proc,
+ run_proc_wait_terminated,
+ run_proc_kill,
+ parse,
+ err,
+ log,
+ delete,
+SEARCH_TEXT = '(err)'
+LOG_FILE = '/var/log/puppet.log'
+LIST_OF_CHAR_TO_BE_ESCAPED = ['[', ']', '"']
+class DeployNotStart(Exception):
+ """Unable to start deployment"""
+class NodesGoOffline(Exception):
+ """Nodes goes offline during deployment"""
+class Deployment(object):
+ def __init__(self, dea, yaml_config_dir, env_id, node_id_roles_dict,
+ no_health_check, deploy_timeout):
+ self.dea = dea
+ self.yaml_config_dir = yaml_config_dir
+ self.env_id = env_id
+ self.node_id_roles_dict = node_id_roles_dict
+ self.no_health_check = no_health_check
+ self.deploy_timeout = deploy_timeout
+ self.pattern = re.compile(
+ '\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d')
+ def collect_error_logs(self):
+ for node_id, roles_blade in self.node_id_roles_dict.iteritems():
+ log_list = []
+ cmd = ('ssh -q node-%s grep \'"%s"\' %s'
+ % (node_id, SEARCH_TEXT, LOG_FILE))
+ results, _ = exec_cmd(cmd, False)
+ for result in results.splitlines():
+ log_msg = ''
+ sub_cmd = '"%s" %s' % (result, LOG_FILE)
+ sub_cmd = sub_cmd.replace(c, '\%s' % c)
+ grep_cmd = ('grep -B%s %s'
+ cmd = ('ssh -q node-%s "%s"' % (node_id, grep_cmd))
+ details, _ = exec_cmd(cmd, False)
+ details_list = details.splitlines()
+ found_prev_log = False
+ for i in range(len(details_list) - 2, -1, -1):
+ if self.pattern.match(details_list[i]):
+ found_prev_log = True
+ break
+ if found_prev_log:
+ log_msg += '\n'.join(details_list[i:-1]) + '\n'
+ grep_cmd = ('grep -A%s %s'
+ cmd = ('ssh -q node-%s "%s"' % (node_id, grep_cmd))
+ details, _ = exec_cmd(cmd, False)
+ details_list = details.splitlines()
+ found_next_log = False
+ for i in range(1, len(details_list)):
+ if self.pattern.match(details_list[i]):
+ found_next_log = True
+ break
+ if found_next_log:
+ log_msg += '\n'.join(details_list[:i])
+ else:
+ log_msg += details
+ if log_msg:
+ log_list.append(log_msg)
+ if log_list:
+ role = ('controller' if 'controller' in roles_blade[0]
+ else 'compute host')
+ log('_' * 40 + 'Errors in node-%s %s' % (node_id, role)
+ + '_' * 40)
+ for log_msg in log_list:
+ print(log_msg + '\n')
+ def run_deploy(self):
+ abort_after = 60 * int(self.deploy_timeout)
+ start = time.time()
+ log('Starting deployment of environment %s' % self.env_id)
+ deploy_id = None
+ ready = False
+ timeout = False
+ attempts = 0
+ while attempts < 3:
+ try:
+ if time.time() > start + abort_after:
+ timeout = True
+ break
+ if not deploy_id:
+ deploy_id = self._start_deploy_task()
+ sts, prg, msg = self._deployment_status(deploy_id)
+ if sts == 'error':
+ log('Error during deployment: {}'.format(msg))
+ break
+ if sts == 'running':
+ log('Environmnent deploymnet progress: {}%'.format(prg))
+ elif sts == 'ready':
+ ready = True
+ break
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
+ except (DeployNotStart, NodesGoOffline) as e:
+ log(e)
+ attempts += 1
+ deploy_id = None
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME * attempts)
+ if timeout:
+ err('Deployment timed out, environment %s is not operational, '
+ 'snapshot will not be performed'
+ % self.env_id)
+ if ready:
+ log('Environment %s successfully deployed'
+ % self.env_id)
+ else:
+ self.collect_error_logs()
+ err('Deployment failed, environment %s is not operational'
+ % self.env_id, self.collect_logs)
+ def _start_deploy_task(self):
+ out, _ = exec_cmd('fuel2 env deploy {}'.format(self.env_id), False)
+ id = self._deployment_task_id(out)
+ return id
+ def _deployment_task_id(self, response):
+ response = str(response)
+ if response.startswith('Deployment task with id'):
+ for s in response.split():
+ if s.isdigit():
+ return int(s)
+ raise DeployNotStart('Unable to start deployment: {}'.format(response))
+ def _deployment_status(self, id):
+ task = self._task_fields(id)
+ if task['status'] == 'error':
+ if task['message'].endswith(
+ 'offline. Remove them from environment and try again.'):
+ raise NodesGoOffline(task['message'])
+ return task['status'], task['progress'], task['message']
+ def _task_fields(self, id):
+ try:
+ out, _ = exec_cmd('fuel2 task show {} -f json'.format(id), False)
+ task_info = json.loads(out)
+ properties = {}
+ # for 9.0 this can be list of dicts or dict
+ # see https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1625518
+ if isinstance(task_info, list):
+ for d in task_info:
+ properties.update({d['Field']: d['Value']})
+ else:
+ return task_info
+ return properties
+ except ValueError as e:
+ err('Unable to fetch task info: {}'.format(e))
+ def collect_logs(self):
+ log('Cleaning out any previous deployment logs')
+ exec_cmd('rm -f /var/log/remote/fuel-snapshot-*', False)
+ exec_cmd('rm -f /root/deploy-*', False)
+ log('Generating Fuel deploy snap-shot')
+ if exec_cmd('fuel snapshot < /dev/null &> snapshot.log', False)[1] <> 0:
+ log('Could not create a Fuel snapshot')
+ else:
+ exec_cmd('mv /root/fuel-snapshot* /var/log/remote/', False)
+ log('Collecting all Fuel Snapshot & deploy log files')
+ r, _ = exec_cmd('tar -czhf /root/deploy-%s.log.tar.gz /var/log/remote' % time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), False)
+ log(r)
+ def verify_node_status(self):
+ node_list = parse(exec_cmd('fuel --env %s node' % self.env_id))
+ failed_nodes = []
+ for node in node_list:
+ if node[N['status']] != 'ready':
+ failed_nodes.append((node[N['id']], node[N['status']]))
+ if failed_nodes:
+ summary = ''
+ for node, status in failed_nodes:
+ summary += '[node %s, status %s]\n' % (node, status)
+ err('Deployment failed: %s' % summary, self.collect_logs)
+ def health_check(self):
+ log('Now running sanity and smoke health checks')
+ r = exec_cmd('fuel health --env %s --check sanity,smoke --force' % self.env_id)
+ log(r)
+ if 'failure' in r:
+ err('Healthcheck failed!', self.collect_logs)
+ def deploy(self):
+ self.run_deploy()
+ self.verify_node_status()
+ if not self.no_health_check:
+ self.health_check()
+ self.collect_logs()