#!/bin/bash # NETWORK AND SUBNET echo "Creating network with subnet" neutron net-create test-net neutron subnet-create --name test-subnet test-net net_id=`neutron net-list | grep test-net | cut -f 2 -d " "` # ATTACH NETWORK TO ROUTER echo "Attaching external and tenant networks to reouter" neutron router-create test-router neutron router-interface-add test-router test-subnet neutron router-gateway-set test-router external # CREATE SECURITY GROUP echo "Creating security groups with ICMP and SSH allow rules" nova secgroup-create test-secgroup test nova secgroup-add-rule test-secgroup icmp -1 -1 nova secgroup-add-rule test-secgroup tcp 22 22 # FIRST VM echo "Creating first VM in the network and adding the security group to it" nova boot --image cirros-0.3.4 --flavor 1 --nic net-id=$net_id test-vm1 nova add-secgroup test-vm1 test-secgroup echo "Waiting 7 seconds for the VM to come up" sleep 7 # SECOND VM echo "Creating second VM in the network and adding the security group to it" nova boot --image cirros-0.3.4 --flavor 1 --nic net-id=$net_id test-vm1 nova boot --image cirros-0.3.4 --flavor 1 --nic net-id=$net_id test-vm2 nova add-secgroup test-vm2 test-secgroup # FLOATING IP echo "Creating and associating floating IP for the first VM" floatingip_id=`neutron floatingip-create external | grep " id " | tr -s " " | cut -f 4 -d " "` neutron floatingip-associate $floatingip_id `neutron port-list | grep | cut -d " " -f 2`