# test-case for check_i18n.py # python check_i18n.py check_i18n.txt -d # message format checking # capital checking msg = _("hello world, error") msg = _("hello world_var, error") msg = _('file_list xyz, pass') msg = _("Hello world, pass") # format specifier checking msg = _("Hello %s world %d, error") msg = _("Hello %s world, pass") msg = _("Hello %(var1)s world %(var2)s, pass") # message has been localized # is_localized msg = _("Hello world, pass") msg = _("Hello world, pass") % var LOG.debug(_('Hello world, pass')) LOG.info(_('Hello world, pass')) raise x.y.Exception(_('Hello world, pass')) raise Exception(_('Hello world, pass')) # message need be localized # is_log_callfunc LOG.debug('hello world, error') LOG.debug('hello world, error' % xyz) sys.append('hello world, warn') # is_log_i18n_msg_with_mod LOG.debug(_('Hello world, error') % xyz) # default warn msg = 'hello world, warn' msg = 'hello world, warn' % var # message needn't be localized # skip only one word msg = '' msg = "hello,pass" # skip dict msg = {'hello world, pass': 1} # skip list msg = ["hello world, pass"] # skip subscript msg['hello world, pass'] # skip xml marker msg = "<test><t></t></test>, pass" # skip sql statement msg = "SELECT * FROM xyz WHERE hello=1, pass" msg = "select * from xyz, pass" # skip add statement msg = 'hello world' + e + 'world hello, pass' # skip doc string """ Hello world, pass """ class Msg: pass