--- tiers: - name: healthcheck order: 0 ci_loop: '(daily)|(weekly)' description: >- First tier to be executed to verify the basic operations in the VIM. testcases: - case_name: connection_check project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: true description: >- This test case verifies the retrieval of OpenStack clients: Keystone, Glance, Neutron and Nova and may perform some simple queries. When the config value of snaps.use_keystone is True, functest must have access to the cloud's private network. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps.connection_check' class: 'ConnectionCheck' - case_name: api_check project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: true description: >- This test case verifies the retrieval of OpenStack clients: Keystone, Glance, Neutron and Nova and may perform some simple queries. When the config value of snaps.use_keystone is True, functest must have access to the cloud's private network. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps.api_check' class: 'ApiCheck' - case_name: snaps_health_check project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: true description: >- This test case creates executes the SimpleHealthCheck Python test class which creates an, image, flavor, network, and Cirros VM instance and observes the console output to validate the single port obtains the correct IP address. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps.health_check' class: 'HealthCheck' - name: smoke order: 1 ci_loop: '(daily)|(weekly)' description: >- Set of basic Functional tests to validate the OPNFV scenarios. testcases: - case_name: vping_ssh project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- This test case verifies: 1) SSH to an instance using floating IPs over the public network. 2) Connectivity between 2 instances over a private network. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.vping.vping_ssh' class: 'VPingSSH' - case_name: vping_userdata project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- This test case verifies: 1) Boot a VM with given userdata. 2) Connectivity between 2 instances over a private network. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.vping.vping_userdata' class: 'VPingUserdata' - case_name: refstack_defcore project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- This test case runs a sub group of tests of the OpenStack Defcore testcases. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.refstack.refstack' class: 'Refstack' - case_name: tempest_smoke_serial project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- This test case runs the smoke subset of the OpenStack Tempest suite. The list of test cases is generated by Tempest automatically and depends on the parameters of the OpenStack deplopyment. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.tempest.tempest' class: 'TempestSmokeSerial' - case_name: snaps_smoke project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- This test case contains tests that setup and destroy environments with VMs with and without Floating IPs with a newly created user and project. Set the config value snaps.use_floating_ips (True|False) to toggle this functionality. When the config value of snaps.use_keystone is True, functest must have access to the cloud's private network. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps.smoke' class: 'SnapsSmoke' - case_name: tempest_custom project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- The test case allows running a customized list of tempest test cases defined in a file under /functest/opnfv_tests/openstack/ /tempest/custom_tests/test_list.txt The file is empty and can be customized with the desired tests. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.tempest.tempest' class: 'TempestCustom' - case_name: patrole project_name: functest criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- Test suite from Patrole project. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.patrole.patrole' class: 'Patrole' args: role: 'admin' services: - 'image' - 'network' exclude: - 'test_networks_multiprovider_rbac' - name: features order: 2 ci_loop: '(daily)|(weekly)' description: >- Test suites from feature projects integrated in functest testcases: - case_name: bgpvpn project_name: sdnvpn criteria: 100 blocking: false description: >- Test suite from SDNVPN project. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'sdnvpn.test.functest.run_sdnvpn_tests' class: 'SdnvpnFunctest' - name: vnf order: 4 ci_loop: '(daily)|(weekly)' description: >- Collection of VNF test cases. testcases: - case_name: cloudify_ims project_name: functest criteria: 80 blocking: false description: >- This test case deploys an OpenSource vIMS solution from Clearwater using the Cloudify orchestrator. It also runs some signaling traffic. dependencies: installer: '' scenario: '' run: module: 'functest.opnfv_tests.vnf.ims.cloudify_ims' class: 'CloudifyIms'