#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2016 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Error: missing parameter! try again like this:" echo "" echo "./launch_db.sh" echo "" echo "parameters:" echo " db_host_ip: your localhost ip address " echo "" exit 1 fi export mongodb_port=${mongodb_port:-"27017"} export testapi_port=${testapi_port:-"8000"} export db_host_ip=${db_host_ip:-"$1"} set -e echo "===================" echo "Create the mongodb." echo "===================" set +e # pull image kkltcjk/mongodb:reporting mongodb_img="kkltcjk/mongodb:reporting" echo "Step1: pull the image $mongodb_img." sudo docker pull $mongodb_img set -e container_name='mongodb' echo "Step2: remove the exist container with the same name '$container_name' if exists." sudo docker ps -a -f "name=${container_name}" if [[ ! -z $(sudo docker ps -aq -f "name=${container_name}") ]]; then sudo docker ps -aq -f "name=${container_name}" | xargs sudo docker rm -f fi # run mongodb container echo "Step3: run ${container_name} container." cmd="sudo docker run -itd -p ${mongodb_port}:27017 --name ${container_name} ${mongodb_img}" echo $cmd ${cmd} echo "Successfully create mongo DB." echo "==========================" echo "Create the testapi service." echo "==========================" set +e # pull image kkltcjk/testapi:reporting testapi_img="kkltcjk/testapi:reporting" echo "Step1: pull the image $testapi_img." sudo docker pull $testapi_img set -e container_name='testapi' echo "Step2: remove the exist container with the same name '$container_name' if exists." sudo docker ps -a -f "name=${container_name}" if [[ ! -z $(sudo docker ps -aq -f "name=${container_name}") ]]; then sudo docker ps -aq -f "name=${container_name}" | xargs sudo docker rm -f fi # run testapi container echo "Step3: run ${container_name} container." cmd="sudo docker run -itd -p ${testapi_port}:8000 --name ${container_name} -e mongodb_url=mongodb://${db_host_ip}:${mongodb_port}/ ${testapi_img}" echo $cmd ${cmd} echo "Wait for testapi to work..." sleep 10 echo "=================================" echo "Upload default project info to DB" echo "=================================" echo "Init DB info..." cmd="python ./init_db.py ${db_host_ip} ${testapi_port}" echo ${cmd} ${cmd} echo "Successfully load DB info."