#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2018 grakiss.wanglei@huawei.com and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import re import requests import subprocess from collections import Mapping, Set, Sequence import json from datetime import datetime from distutils.version import LooseVersion import yaml import python_hosts import docker from dovetail import constants from dovetail.utils.dovetail_config import DovetailConfig as dt_cfg from dovetail.utils.openstack_utils import OS_Utils def exec_log(verbose, logger, msg, level, flush=False): if not verbose: return if logger: if level == 'info': logger.info(msg) elif level == 'error': logger.error(msg) elif level == 'debug': logger.debug(msg) else: print(msg) if flush: sys.stdout.flush() def exec_cmd(cmd, logger=None, exit_on_error=False, info=False, exec_msg_on=True, err_msg='', verbose=True, progress_bar=False): msg_err = ("The command '%s' failed." % cmd) if not err_msg else err_msg msg_exec = ("Executing command: '%s'" % cmd) level = 'info' if info else 'debug' if exec_msg_on: exec_log(verbose, logger, msg_exec, level) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout = '' if progress_bar: count = 1 DEBUG = os.getenv('DEBUG') for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): exec_log(verbose, logger, line.strip().decode('unicode-escape'), level, True) stdout += str(line) if progress_bar and (DEBUG is None or DEBUG.lower() != 'true'): show_progress_bar(count) count += 1 stdout = stdout.strip() returncode = p.wait() p.stdout.close() if returncode != 0: exec_log(verbose, logger, msg_err, 'error') if exit_on_error: sys.exit(1) return returncode, stdout # walkthrough the object, yield path and value # dual python 2/3 compatibility, inspired by the "six" library string_types = (str, 'unicode') if str is bytes else (str, bytes) # items = lambda mapping: getattr(mapping, 'items', mapping.items)() def items(mapping): return getattr(mapping, 'items', mapping.items)() def objwalk(obj, path=(), memo=None): if memo is None: memo = set() iterator = None if isinstance(obj, Mapping): iterator = items elif isinstance(obj, (Sequence, Set)) and not isinstance(obj, string_types): iterator = enumerate if iterator: if id(obj) not in memo: memo.add(id(obj)) for path_component, value in iterator(obj): for result in objwalk(value, path + (path_component,), memo): yield result memo.remove(id(obj)) else: yield path, obj def get_obj_by_path(obj, dst_path): for path, obj in objwalk(obj): if path == dst_path: return obj return None def source_env(env_file): with open(env_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line.lstrip().startswith('export'): for match in re.findall(r"export (.*)=(.*)", line): match = (match[0].strip('\"'), match[1].strip('\"')) match = (match[0].strip('\''), match[1].strip('\'')) os.environ.update({match[0]: match[1]}) def check_https_enabled(logger=None): logger.debug('Checking if https enabled or not...') os_auth_url = os.getenv('OS_AUTH_URL') if os_auth_url.startswith('https'): logger.debug('https is enabled') return True logger.debug('https is not enabled') return False def get_duration(start_date, stop_date, logger): fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' try: datetime_start = datetime.strptime(start_date, fmt) datetime_stop = datetime.strptime(stop_date, fmt) delta = (datetime_stop - datetime_start).seconds res = '%sm%ss' % (delta / 60, delta % 60) return res except ValueError as e: logger.exception('ValueError: {}'.format(e)) return None def show_progress_bar(length): max_len = 50 length %= max_len sys.stdout.write('Running ' + ' ' * max_len + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('Running ' + '.' * length + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() def check_docker_version(logger=None): client = docker.from_env() server_ver = None try: server_ver = client.version()['Version'] except Exception: logger.error('Failed to get Docker server version') if server_ver and (LooseVersion(server_ver) >= LooseVersion('1.12.3')): logger.debug('Docker server version: {}'.format(server_ver)) else: logger.error("Don't support this Docker server version. " "Docker server should be updated to at least 1.12.3.") def add_hosts_info(ip, hostnames): hosts = python_hosts.Hosts(path='/etc/hosts') filtered_hostnames = [hostname for hostname in hostnames if hostname] if not ip or not filtered_hostnames: return new_entry = python_hosts.HostsEntry(entry_type='ipv4', address=ip, names=filtered_hostnames) hosts.add([new_entry]) hosts.write() def get_hardware_info(logger=None): pod_file = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'], dt_cfg.dovetail_config['pod_file']) logger.info('Get hardware info of all nodes list in file {} ...' .format(pod_file)) result_dir = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'] info_file_path = os.path.join(result_dir, 'sut_hardware_info') all_info_file = os.path.join(result_dir, 'all_hosts_info.json') inventory_file = os.path.join(result_dir, 'inventory.ini') if not get_inventory_file(pod_file, inventory_file, logger): logger.error('Failed to get SUT hardware info.') return None ret, msg = exec_cmd('cd {} && ansible all -m setup -i {} --tree {}' .format(constants.USERCONF_PATH, inventory_file, info_file_path), verbose=False) if not os.path.exists(info_file_path) or ret != 0: logger.error('Failed to get SUT hardware info.') return None if not combine_files(info_file_path, all_info_file, logger): logger.error('Failed to get all hardware info.') return None logger.info('Hardware info of all nodes are stored in file {}.' .format(all_info_file)) return all_info_file def get_inventory_file(pod_file, inventory_file, logger=None): if not os.path.isfile(pod_file): logger.error("File {} doesn't exist.".format(pod_file)) return False try: with open(pod_file, 'r') as f, open(inventory_file, 'w') as out_f: pod_info = yaml.safe_load(f) for host in pod_info['nodes']: host_info = ('{} ansible_host={} ansible_user={}' .format(host['name'], host['ip'], host['user'])) if 'password' in host.keys(): host_info += (' ansible_ssh_pass={}\n' .format(host['password'])) elif 'key_filename' in host.keys(): key = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'], 'id_rsa') host_info += (' ansible_ssh_private_key_file={}\n' .format(key)) else: logger.error('No password or key_filename in file {}.' .format(pod_file)) return False out_f.write(host_info) logger.debug('Ansible inventory file is {}.'.format(inventory_file)) return True except KeyError as e: logger.exception('KeyError {}.'.format(e)) return False except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to read file {}.'.format(pod_file)) return False def combine_files(file_path, result_file, logger=None): all_info = {} info_files = os.listdir(file_path) for info_file in info_files: try: absolute_file_path = os.path.join(file_path, info_file) with open(absolute_file_path, 'r') as f: all_info[info_file] = json.load(f) except Exception: logger.error('Failed to read file {}.'.format(absolute_file_path)) return None try: with open(result_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(all_info)) except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to write file {}.'.format(result_file)) return None return result_file def get_openstack_endpoint(logger=None): https_enabled = check_https_enabled(logger) insecure = os.getenv('OS_INSECURE') if https_enabled and insecure and insecure.lower() == 'true': os_utils = OS_Utils(verify=False) else: os_utils = OS_Utils() res_endpoints, msg_endpoints = os_utils.search_endpoints() if not res_endpoints: logger.error('Failed to list endpoints. Exception message, {}' .format(msg_endpoints)) return None endpoints_info = [] for item in msg_endpoints: endpoint = {'URL': item['url'], 'Enabled': item['enabled']} res_services, msg_services = os_utils.search_services( service_id=item['service_id']) if not res_services: logger.error('Failed to list services. Exception message, {}' .format(msg_services)) return None endpoint['Service Type'] = msg_services[0]['service_type'] endpoint['Service Name'] = msg_services[0]['name'] endpoints_info.append(endpoint) result_file = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'], 'endpoint_info.json') try: with open(result_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(endpoints_info, f) logger.debug('Record all endpoint info into file {}.' .format(result_file)) return endpoints_info except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to write endpoint info into file.') return None def check_cacert_file(cacert, logger=None): if not os.path.isfile(cacert): logger.error('OS_CACERT is {}, but the file does not exist.' .format(cacert)) return False if not dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'] == os.path.dirname(cacert): logger.error('Credential file must be put under {}, ' 'which can be mounted into other container.' .format(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'])) return False return True def get_hosts_info(logger=None): hosts_config = {} hosts_config_file = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'], 'hosts.yaml') if not os.path.isfile(hosts_config_file): logger.warn('There is no hosts file {}. This may cause some issues ' 'with domain name resolution.'.format(hosts_config_file)) return hosts_config with open(hosts_config_file) as f: hosts_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) if not hosts_yaml: logger.debug('File {} is empty.'.format(hosts_config_file)) return hosts_config hosts_info = hosts_yaml.get('hosts_info', None) if not hosts_info: logger.error('There is no key hosts_info in file {}' .format(hosts_config_file)) return hosts_config for ip, hostnames in hosts_info.items(): if not hostnames: continue add_hosts_info(ip, hostnames) names_str = ' '.join(hostname for hostname in hostnames if hostname) if not names_str: continue hosts_config[names_str] = ip logger.debug('Get hosts info {}:{}.'.format(ip, names_str)) return hosts_config def read_yaml_file(file_path, logger=None): if not os.path.isfile(file_path): logger.error("File {} doesn't exist.".format(file_path)) return None try: with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = yaml.safe_load(f) return content except Exception as e: logger.exception('Failed to read file {}, exception: {}' .format(file_path, e)) return None def read_plain_file(file_path, logger=None): if not os.path.isfile(file_path): logger.error("File {} doesn't exist.".format(file_path)) return None try: with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = f.read() return content except Exception as e: logger.exception('Failed to read file {}, exception: {}' .format(file_path, e)) return None def get_value_from_dict(key_path, input_dict): """ Returns the value of a key in input_dict key_path must be given in string format with dots Example: result.dir """ if not isinstance(key_path, str) or not isinstance(input_dict, dict): return None for key in key_path.split('.'): input_dict = input_dict.get(key) if not input_dict: return None return input_dict def get_openstack_info(logger): """ When the sut is an OpenStack deployment, its software and hardware info are needed. Software info is the endpoint list. Hardware info is every node's cpu, disk ... """ openrc = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'], dt_cfg.dovetail_config['env_file']) if not os.path.isfile(openrc): logger.error('File {} does not exist.'.format(openrc)) return source_env(openrc) get_hosts_info(logger) get_openstack_endpoint(logger) get_hardware_info(logger) def push_results_to_db(case_name, details, start_date, stop_date, logger): """ Push results to OPNFV TestAPI DB when running with OPNFV CI jobs. All results can be filtered with TestAPI. http://testresults.opnfv.org/test/#/results """ try: url = os.getenv('TEST_DB_URL') data = {'project_name': 'dovetail', 'case_name': case_name, 'details': details, 'start_date': start_date, 'stop_date': stop_date} data['criteria'] = details['criteria'] if details else 'FAIL' data['installer'] = os.getenv('INSTALLER_TYPE') data['scenario'] = os.getenv('DEPLOY_SCENARIO') data['pod_name'] = os.getenv('NODE_NAME') data['build_tag'] = os.getenv('BUILD_TAG') data['version'] = os.getenv('VERSION') req = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) req.raise_for_status() logger.debug('The results were successfully pushed to DB.') return True except Exception: logger.exception('The results cannot be pushed to DB.') return False