#!/usr/bin/env python # # jose.lausuch@ericsson.com # valentin.boucher@orange.com # grakiss.wanglei@huawei.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import sys import os import re import subprocess from collections import Mapping, Set, Sequence import json from datetime import datetime from distutils.version import LooseVersion import yaml import python_hosts from dovetail import constants from dovetail_config import DovetailConfig as dt_cfg from openstack_utils import OS_Utils def exec_log(verbose, logger, msg, level, flush=False): if not verbose: return if logger: if level == 'info': logger.info(msg) elif level == 'error': logger.error(msg) elif level == 'debug': logger.debug(msg) else: pass else: print(msg) if flush: sys.stdout.flush() def exec_cmd(cmd, logger=None, exit_on_error=False, info=False, exec_msg_on=True, err_msg="", verbose=True): msg_err = ("The command '%s' failed." % cmd) if not err_msg else err_msg msg_exec = ("Executing command: '%s'" % cmd) level = 'info' if info else 'debug' if exec_msg_on: exec_log(verbose, logger, msg_exec, level) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout = '' # count = 1 # DEBUG = os.getenv('DEBUG') for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): exec_log(verbose, logger, line.strip(), level, True) stdout += line # if DEBUG is None or DEBUG.lower() != "true": # show_progress_bar(count) # count += 1 stdout = stdout.strip() returncode = p.wait() p.stdout.close() if returncode != 0: exec_log(verbose, logger, msg_err, 'error') if exit_on_error: sys.exit(1) return returncode, stdout # walkthrough the object, yield path and value # dual python 2/3 compatability, inspired by the "six" library string_types = (str, unicode) if str is bytes else (str, bytes) # iteritems = lambda mapping: getattr(mapping, 'iteritems', mapping.items)() def iteritems(mapping): return getattr(mapping, 'iteritems', mapping.items)() def objwalk(obj, path=(), memo=None): if memo is None: memo = set() iterator = None if isinstance(obj, Mapping): iterator = iteritems elif isinstance(obj, (Sequence, Set)) and not isinstance(obj, string_types): iterator = enumerate if iterator: if id(obj) not in memo: memo.add(id(obj)) for path_component, value in iterator(obj): for result in objwalk(value, path + (path_component,), memo): yield result memo.remove(id(obj)) else: yield path, obj def get_obj_by_path(obj, dst_path): for path, obj in objwalk(obj): if path == dst_path: return obj def source_env(env_file): with open(env_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line.lstrip().startswith('export'): for match in re.findall(r"export (.*)=(.*)", line): match = (match[0].strip('\"'), match[1].strip('\"')) match = (match[0].strip('\''), match[1].strip('\'')) os.environ.update({match[0]: match[1]}) def check_https_enabled(logger=None): logger.debug("Checking if https enabled or not...") os_auth_url = os.getenv('OS_AUTH_URL') if os_auth_url.startswith('https'): logger.debug("https is enabled") return True logger.debug("https is not enabled") return False def get_duration(start_date, stop_date, logger): fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' try: datetime_start = datetime.strptime(start_date, fmt) datetime_stop = datetime.strptime(stop_date, fmt) delta = (datetime_stop - datetime_start).seconds res = "%sm%ss" % (delta / 60, delta % 60) return res except ValueError as e: logger.exception("ValueError: {}".format(e)) return None def show_progress_bar(length): max_len = 50 length %= max_len sys.stdout.write('Running ' + ' ' * max_len + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('Running ' + '.' * length + '\r') sys.stdout.flush() def check_docker_version(logger=None): server_ret, server_ver = \ exec_cmd("sudo docker version -f'{{.Server.Version}}'", logger=logger) client_ret, client_ver = \ exec_cmd("sudo docker version -f'{{.Client.Version}}'", logger=logger) if server_ret == 0: logger.debug("docker server version: {}".format(server_ver)) if server_ret != 0 or (LooseVersion(server_ver) < LooseVersion('1.12.3')): logger.error("Don't support this Docker server version. " "Docker server should be updated to at least 1.12.3.") if client_ret == 0: logger.debug("docker client version: {}".format(client_ver)) if client_ret != 0 or (LooseVersion(client_ver) < LooseVersion('1.12.3')): logger.error("Don't support this Docker client version. " "Docker client should be updated to at least 1.12.3.") def add_hosts_info(ip, hostnames): hosts = python_hosts.Hosts(path='/etc/hosts') filtered_hostnames = [hostname for hostname in hostnames if hostname] if not ip or not filtered_hostnames: return new_entry = python_hosts.HostsEntry(entry_type='ipv4', address=ip, names=filtered_hostnames) hosts.add([new_entry]) hosts.write() def get_hardware_info(logger=None): pod_file = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'], dt_cfg.dovetail_config['pod_file']) logger.info("Get hardware info of all nodes list in file {} ..." .format(pod_file)) result_dir = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'] info_file_path = os.path.join(result_dir, 'sut_hardware_info') all_info_file = os.path.join(result_dir, 'all_hosts_info.json') inventory_file = os.path.join(result_dir, 'inventory.ini') if not get_inventory_file(pod_file, inventory_file, logger): logger.error("Failed to get SUT hardware info.") return None ret, msg = exec_cmd("cd {} && ansible all -m setup -i {} --tree {}" .format(constants.USERCONF_PATH, inventory_file, info_file_path), verbose=False) if not os.path.exists(info_file_path) or ret != 0: logger.error("Failed to get SUT hardware info.") return None if not combine_files(info_file_path, all_info_file, logger): logger.error("Failed to get all hardware info.") return None logger.info("Hardware info of all nodes are stored in file {}." .format(all_info_file)) return all_info_file def get_inventory_file(pod_file, inventory_file, logger=None): if not os.path.isfile(pod_file): logger.error("File {} doesn't exist.".format(pod_file)) return False try: with open(pod_file, 'r') as f, open(inventory_file, 'w') as out_f: pod_info = yaml.safe_load(f) for host in pod_info['nodes']: host_info = ('{} ansible_host={} ansible_user={}' .format(host['name'], host['ip'], host['user'])) if 'password' in host.keys(): host_info += (' ansible_ssh_pass={}\n' .format(host['password'])) elif 'key_filename' in host.keys(): key = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'], 'id_rsa') host_info += (' ansible_ssh_private_key_file={}\n' .format(key)) else: logger.error('No password or key_filename in file {}.' .format(pod_file)) return False out_f.write(host_info) logger.debug("Ansible inventory file is {}.".format(inventory_file)) return True except KeyError as e: logger.exception("KeyError {}.".format(e)) return False except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to read file {}.".format(pod_file)) return False def combine_files(file_path, result_file, logger=None): all_info = {} info_files = os.listdir(file_path) for info_file in info_files: try: absolute_file_path = os.path.join(file_path, info_file) with open(absolute_file_path, 'r') as f: all_info[info_file] = json.load(f) except Exception: logger.error("Failed to read file {}.".format(absolute_file_path)) return None try: with open(result_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(all_info)) except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to write file {}.".format(result_file)) return None return result_file def get_openstack_endpoint(logger=None): https_enabled = check_https_enabled(logger) insecure = os.getenv('OS_INSECURE') if https_enabled and insecure and insecure.lower() == "true": os_utils = OS_Utils(verify=False) else: os_utils = OS_Utils() res, msg = os_utils.list_endpoints() if not res: logger.error("Failed to get admin endpoints. Exception message, {}" .format(msg)) return None result_file = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'], 'endpoint_info.json') try: with open(result_file, 'w') as f: f.write(msg) logger.debug("Record all endpoint info into file {}." .format(result_file)) return msg except Exception: logger.exception("Failed to write endpoint info into file.") return None def check_cacert_file(cacert, logger=None): if not os.path.isfile(cacert): logger.error("OS_CACERT is {}, but the file does not exist." .format(cacert)) return False if not dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'] == os.path.dirname(cacert): logger.error("Credential file must be put under {}, " "which can be mounted into other container." .format(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'])) return False return True def get_hosts_info(logger=None): hosts_config = "" hosts_config_file = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'], 'hosts.yaml') if not os.path.isfile(hosts_config_file): return hosts_config with open(hosts_config_file) as f: hosts_yaml = yaml.safe_load(f) if not hosts_yaml: logger.debug("File {} is empty.".format(hosts_config_file)) return hosts_config try: if not hosts_yaml['hosts_info']: return hosts_config for ip, hostnames in hosts_yaml['hosts_info'].iteritems(): if not hostnames: continue add_hosts_info(ip, hostnames) names_str = ' '.join(hostname for hostname in hostnames if hostname) if not names_str: continue hosts_config += ' --add-host=\'{}\':{} '.format(names_str, ip) logger.debug('Get hosts info {}:{}.'.format(ip, names_str)) except KeyError as e: logger.error("There is no key {} in file {}" .format(e, hosts_config_file)) return hosts_config def read_yaml_file(file_path, logger=None): if not os.path.isfile(file_path): logger.error("File {} doesn't exist.".format(file_path)) return None try: with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = yaml.safe_load(f) return content except Exception as e: logger.exception("Failed to read file {}, exception: {}" .format(file_path, e)) return None def read_plain_file(file_path, logger=None): if not os.path.isfile(file_path): logger.error("File {} doesn't exist.".format(file_path)) return None try: with open(file_path, 'r') as f: content = f.read() return content except Exception as e: logger.exception("Failed to read file {}, exception: {}" .format(file_path, e)) return None def get_value_from_dict(key_path, input_dict): """ Returns the value of a key in input_dict key_path must be given in string format with dots Example: result.dir """ if not isinstance(key_path, str): return None for key in key_path.split("."): if not isinstance(input_dict, dict): return None input_dict = input_dict.get(key) if not input_dict: return None return input_dict