#!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 grakiss.wanglei@huawei.com and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import copy import os import time import uuid import click from container import Container from dovetail import constants from parser import Parser from report import BottlenecksChecker, FunctestChecker, YardstickChecker from report import VnftestChecker from report import BottlenecksCrawler, FunctestCrawler, YardstickCrawler from report import VnftestCrawler from report import Report from test_runner import DockerRunner, ShellRunner from testcase import Testcase from testcase import Testsuite from utils.dovetail_config import DovetailConfig as dt_cfg import utils.dovetail_logger as dt_logger import utils.dovetail_utils as dt_utils def load_testsuite(testsuite): Testsuite.load() return Testsuite.get(testsuite) def run_test(testcase_list, logger): duration = 0 if not testcase_list: logger.warning("No test case will be executed.") return duration start_time = time.time() for testcase_name in testcase_list: logger.info('>>[testcase]: {}'.format(testcase_name)) testcase = Testcase.get(testcase_name) run_testcase = True # if testcase.exceed_max_retry_times(): # run_testcase = False # if testcase.script_result_acquired(): # run_testcase = False if run_testcase: testcase.run() stop_on_fail = check_tc_result(testcase, logger) try: if (not stop_on_fail or stop_on_fail['criteria'] == "FAIL") \ and dt_cfg.dovetail_config['stop']: return "stop_on_fail" except KeyError as e: logger.error("There is no key {}.".format(e)) end_time = time.time() duration = end_time - start_time return duration def check_tc_result(testcase, logger): result_dir = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'] validate_type = testcase.validate_type() functest_result = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['functest']['result']['file_path'] if validate_type.lower() in ['yardstick', 'bottlenecks', 'vnftest']: result_file = os.path.join(result_dir, testcase.name() + '.out') elif validate_type.lower() == 'functest': result_file = os.path.join(result_dir, functest_result) else: logger.error("Don't support {} now.".format(validate_type)) return if os.path.isfile(result_file): logger.info( "Results have been stored with file {}.".format(result_file)) else: logger.error( "Failed to store results with file {}.".format(result_file)) result = Report.get_result(testcase) Report.check_result(testcase, result) return result def validate_input(input_dict, check_dict, logger): func_tag = input_dict['functest_tag'] yard_tag = input_dict['yardstick_tag'] # bott_tag = input_dict['bott_tag'] valid_functest_tags = check_dict['valid_functest_tags'] valid_yardstick_tags = check_dict['valid_yardstick_tags'] if func_tag is not None and func_tag not in valid_functest_tags: logger.error("The input option 'functest_tag' can't be '{}', " "valid values are {}.".format(func_tag, valid_functest_tags)) raise SystemExit(1) if yard_tag is not None and yard_tag not in valid_yardstick_tags: logger.error("The input option 'yardstick_tag' can't be '{}', " "valid values are {}.".format(yard_tag, valid_yardstick_tags)) raise SystemExit(1) # if bott_tag is not None and bott_tag not in valid_tag: # logger.error("The input option 'bott_tag' can't be {}, " # "valid values are {}.".format(bott_tag, valid_tag)) # raise SystemExit(1) def filter_config(input_dict, logger): cli_dict = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['cli'] configs = {} for key in cli_dict: if not cli_dict[key]: continue try: cli_config = cli_dict[key]['config'] if cli_config is None: continue except KeyError: continue for key, value in input_dict.items(): for config_key, config_value in cli_config.items(): value_dict = {} value_dict['value'] = value try: value_dict['path'] = config_value['path'] if key == config_key: configs[key] = value_dict break if key.upper() == config_key: configs[key.upper()] = value_dict break except KeyError as e: logger.exception('KeyError {}.'.format(e)) raise SystemExit(1) if not configs: return None return configs def create_logs(): Container.create_log() Parser.create_log() Report.create_log() FunctestCrawler.create_log() YardstickCrawler.create_log() VnftestCrawler.create_log() BottlenecksCrawler.create_log() FunctestChecker.create_log() YardstickChecker.create_log() VnftestChecker.create_log() BottlenecksChecker.create_log() Testcase.create_log() Testsuite.create_log() DockerRunner.create_log() ShellRunner.create_log() def clean_results_dir(): result_path = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'] if os.path.exists(result_path): if os.path.isdir(result_path): cmd = 'sudo rm -rf %s/*' % (result_path) dt_utils.exec_cmd(cmd, exit_on_error=False, exec_msg_on=False) else: print "result_dir in dovetail_config.yml is not a directory." raise SystemExit(1) def get_result_path(): try: dovetail_home = os.environ["DOVETAIL_HOME"] except Exception: print("ERROR: mandatory env variable 'DOVETAIL_HOME' is not found, " "please set in env_config.sh and source this file before " "running.") return None result_path = os.path.join(dovetail_home, 'results') dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'] = result_path dt_cfg.dovetail_config['images_dir'] = os.path.join(dovetail_home, 'images') pre_config_path = os.path.join(dovetail_home, 'pre_config') patch_set_path = os.path.join(dovetail_home, 'patches') dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'] = pre_config_path dt_cfg.dovetail_config['patch_dir'] = patch_set_path return dovetail_home def copy_userconfig_files(logger): pre_config_path = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'] if not os.path.isdir(pre_config_path): os.makedirs(pre_config_path) cmd = 'sudo cp -r %s/* %s' % (constants.USERCONF_PATH, pre_config_path) dt_utils.exec_cmd(cmd, logger, exit_on_error=False) def copy_patch_files(logger): patch_set_path = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['patch_dir'] if not os.path.isdir(patch_set_path): os.makedirs(patch_set_path) cmd = 'sudo cp -a -r %s/* %s' % (constants.PATCH_PATH, patch_set_path) dt_utils.exec_cmd(cmd, logger, exit_on_error=False) # env_init can source some env variable used in dovetail, such as # when https+credential used, OS_CACERT def env_init(logger): openrc = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'], dt_cfg.dovetail_config['env_file']) if not os.path.isfile(openrc): logger.error("File {} does not exist.".format(openrc)) dt_utils.source_env(openrc) def check_hosts_file(logger): hosts_file = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['config_dir'], 'hosts.yaml') if not os.path.isfile(hosts_file): logger.warn("There is no hosts file {}, may be some issues with " "domain name resolution.".format(hosts_file)) def parse_cli(logger=None, **kwargs): validate_input(kwargs, dt_cfg.dovetail_config['validate_input'], logger) configs = filter_config(kwargs, logger) if configs is not None: dt_cfg.update_config(configs) dt_cfg.dovetail_config['offline'] = True if kwargs['offline'] else False dt_cfg.dovetail_config['noclean'] = True if kwargs['no_clean'] else False dt_cfg.dovetail_config['stop'] = True if kwargs['stop'] else False if kwargs['no_api_validation']: dt_cfg.dovetail_config['no_api_validation'] = True logger.warning('Strict API response validation DISABLED.') else: dt_cfg.dovetail_config['no_api_validation'] = False def check_testcase_list(testcase_list, logger=None): if testcase_list: for tc in testcase_list: if tc not in Testcase.testcase_list: logger.error('Test case {} is not defined.'.format(tc)) return None return testcase_list return None # If specify 'testcase' with CLI, ignore 'testsuite' and 'testarea' # If not specify 'testcase', check combination of 'testsuite' and 'testarea' def get_testcase_list(logger=None, **kwargs): Testcase.load() testcase_list = kwargs['testcase'] if testcase_list: return check_testcase_list(testcase_list, logger) testsuite_validation = False testsuite = kwargs['testsuite'] if testsuite in dt_cfg.dovetail_config['testsuite_supported']: testsuite_validation = True origin_testarea = kwargs['testarea'] testarea_validation, testarea = Testcase.check_testarea(origin_testarea) if testsuite_validation and testarea_validation: testsuite_yaml = load_testsuite(testsuite) testcase_list = Testcase.get_testcase_list(testsuite_yaml, testarea) return check_testcase_list(testcase_list, logger) elif not testsuite_validation: logger.error('Test suite {} is not defined.'.format(testsuite)) else: logger.error('Test area {} is not defined.'.format(origin_testarea)) return None def main(*args, **kwargs): """Dovetail compliance test entry!""" build_tag = "daily-master-%s" % str(uuid.uuid1()) dt_cfg.dovetail_config['build_tag'] = build_tag if not get_result_path(): return clean_results_dir() if kwargs['debug']: os.environ['DEBUG'] = 'true' create_logs() logger = dt_logger.Logger('run').getLogger() logger.info('================================================') logger.info('Dovetail compliance: {}!'.format(kwargs['testsuite'])) logger.info('================================================') logger.info('Build tag: {}'.format(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['build_tag'])) parse_cli(logger, **kwargs) env_init(logger) copy_userconfig_files(logger) copy_patch_files(logger) dt_utils.check_docker_version(logger) dt_utils.get_openstack_endpoint(logger) check_hosts_file(logger) dt_utils.get_hardware_info(logger) testcase_list = get_testcase_list(logger, **kwargs) duration = run_test(testcase_list, logger) if (duration != "stop_on_fail"): Report.generate(testcase_list, duration) if (kwargs['report']): Report.save_logs() dt_cfg.load_config_files(constants.CONF_PATH) dovetail_config = copy.deepcopy(dt_cfg.dovetail_config) CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) if dovetail_config['cli']['options'] is not None: for key, value in dovetail_config['cli']['options'].items(): if value is not None: for k, v in value.items(): flags = v['flags'] v.pop('flags') v.pop('path', None) main = click.option(*flags, **v)(main) if dovetail_config['cli']['arguments'] is not None: for key, value in dovetail_config['cli']['arguments'].items(): if value is not None: for k, v in value.items(): flags = v['flags'] v.pop('flags') v.pop('path', None) main = click.argument(flags, **v)(main) main = click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)(main) if __name__ == '__main__': main()