#!/usr/bin/env python # # grakiss.wanglei@huawei.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import click import sys import os import time import utils.dovetail_logger as dt_logger import utils.dovetail_utils as dt_utils from parser import Parser from container import Container from testcase import Testcase from testcase import Testsuite from report import Report from report import FunctestCrawler, YardstickCrawler from report import FunctestChecker, YardstickChecker from conf.dovetail_config import DovetailConfig as dt_cfg def load_testsuite(testsuite): Testsuite.load() return Testsuite.get(testsuite) def set_container_tags(option_str): for script_tag_opt in option_str.split(','): option_str = script_tag_opt.split(':') script_type = option_str[0].strip() script_tag = option_str[1].strip() dt_cfg.dovetail_config[script_type]['docker_tag'] = script_tag def load_testcase(): Testcase.load() def run_test(testsuite, testarea, logger): testarea_list = [] for value in testsuite['testcases_list']: if value is not None and (testarea == 'full' or testarea in value): testarea_list.append(value) duration = 0 for testcase_name in testarea_list: logger.info('>>[testcase]: %s' % (testcase_name)) testcase = Testcase.get(testcase_name) if testcase is None: logger.error('test case %s is not defined in testcase folder, \ skipping' % (testcase_name)) continue run_testcase = True if testcase.exceed_max_retry_times(): run_testcase = False if testcase.script_result_acquired(): run_testcase = False if run_testcase: Container.pull_image(testcase.script_type()) container_id = Container.create(testcase.script_type()) logger.debug('container id:%s' % container_id) if not Testcase.prepared(testcase.script_type()): cmds = testcase.pre_condition()['cmds'] if cmds: for cmd in cmds: Container.exec_cmd(container_id, cmd) Testcase.prepared(testcase.script_type(), True) if not testcase.prepare_cmd(): logger.error('failed to prepare testcase:%s' % testcase.name()) else: start_time = time.time() for cmd in testcase.cmds: Container.exec_cmd(container_id, cmd) end_time = time.time() duration = end_time - start_time # testcase.post_condition() Container.clean(container_id) db_result = Report.get_result(testcase) Report.check_result(testcase, db_result) return duration def validate_options(input_dict, logger): # for 'tag' option for key, value in input_dict.items(): if key == 'tag' and value is not None: for tag in value.split(','): if len(tag.split(':')) != 2: logger.error('TAGS option must be ":,..."') sys.exit(1) def filter_env_options(input_dict): envs_options = {} for key, value in input_dict.items(): key = key.upper() if key in dt_cfg.dovetail_config['cli']['options']['envs']: envs_options[key] = value return envs_options def create_logs(): Container.create_log() Parser.create_log() Report.create_log() FunctestCrawler.create_log() YardstickCrawler.create_log() FunctestChecker.create_log() YardstickChecker.create_log() Testcase.create_log() Testsuite.create_log() def clean_results_dir(): result_path = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'] if os.path.exists(result_path): if os.path.isdir(result_path): cmd = 'sudo rm -rf %s/*' % (result_path) dt_utils.exec_cmd(cmd, exit_on_error=False) else: print "result_dir in dovetail_config.yml is not a directory." sys.exit(-1) def main(*args, **kwargs): """Dovetail compliance test entry!""" clean_results_dir() if kwargs['debug']: os.environ['DEBUG'] = kwargs['debug'] create_logs() logger = dt_logger.Logger('run').getLogger() logger.info('================================================') logger.info('Dovetail compliance: %s!' % (kwargs['testsuite'])) logger.info('================================================') validate_options(kwargs, logger) envs_options = filter_env_options(kwargs) dt_cfg.update_envs(envs_options) logger.info('Your new envs for functest: %s' % dt_cfg.dovetail_config['functest']['envs']) logger.info('Your new envs for yardstick: %s' % dt_cfg.dovetail_config['yardstick']['envs']) if 'tag' in kwargs and kwargs['tag'] is not None: set_container_tags(kwargs['tag']) testarea = kwargs['testarea'] testsuite_validation = False testarea_validation = False if (testarea == 'full') or \ (testarea in dt_cfg.dovetail_config['testarea_supported']): testarea_validation = True if kwargs['testsuite'] in dt_cfg.dovetail_config['testsuite_supported']: testsuite_validation = True if testsuite_validation and testarea_validation: testsuite_yaml = load_testsuite(kwargs['testsuite']) load_testcase() duration = run_test(testsuite_yaml, testarea, logger) Report.generate(testsuite_yaml, testarea, duration) else: logger.error('invalid input commands, testsuite %s testarea %s' % (kwargs['testsuite'], testarea)) dt_cfg.load_config_files() CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help']) if dt_cfg.dovetail_config['cli']['options'] is not None: for key, value in dt_cfg.dovetail_config['cli']['options'].items(): if value is not None: for k, v in value.items(): flags = v['flags'] del v['flags'] main = click.option(*flags, **v)(main) if dt_cfg.dovetail_config['cli']['arguments'] is not None: for key, value in dt_cfg.dovetail_config['cli']['arguments'].items(): if value is not None: for k, v in value.items(): flags = v['flags'] del v['flags'] main = click.argument(flags, **v)(main) main = click.command(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)(main) if __name__ == '__main__': main()