#!/usr/bin/env python # # grakiss.wanglei@huawei.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # from __future__ import division import json import urllib2 import re import os import datetime import uuid from pbr import version import utils.dovetail_logger as dt_logger from utils.dovetail_config import DovetailConfig as dt_cfg from testcase import Testcase class Report(object): results = {'functest': {}, 'yardstick': {}, 'shell': {}} logger = None @classmethod def create_log(cls): cls.logger = dt_logger.Logger(__name__ + '.Report').getLogger() @staticmethod def check_result(testcase, db_result): checker = CheckerFactory.create(testcase.validate_type()) if checker is not None: checker.check(testcase, db_result) @classmethod def generate_json(cls, testsuite_yaml, testarea, duration): report_obj = {} report_obj['version'] = \ version.VersionInfo('dovetail').version_string() report_obj['testsuite'] = testsuite_yaml['name'] # TO DO: once dashboard url settled, adjust accordingly report_obj['dashboard'] = None report_obj['validation_ID'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) report_obj['upload_date'] =\ datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") report_obj['duration'] = duration report_obj['testcases_list'] = [] testarea_list = [] for value in testsuite_yaml['testcases_list']: if value is not None and (testarea == 'full' or testarea in value): testarea_list.append(value) for testcase_name in testarea_list: testcase = Testcase.get(testcase_name) testcase_inreport = {} testcase_inreport['name'] = testcase_name if testcase is None: testcase_inreport['result'] = 'Undefined' testcase_inreport['objective'] = '' testcase_inreport['sub_testcase'] = [] report_obj['testcases_list'].append(testcase_inreport) continue testcase_inreport['result'] = testcase.passed() testcase_inreport['objective'] = testcase.objective() testcase_inreport['sub_testcase'] = [] if testcase.sub_testcase() is not None: for sub_test in testcase.sub_testcase(): testcase_inreport['sub_testcase'].append({ 'name': sub_test, 'result': testcase.sub_testcase_passed(sub_test) }) report_obj['testcases_list'].append(testcase_inreport) cls.logger.info(json.dumps(report_obj)) return report_obj @classmethod def generate(cls, testsuite_yaml, testarea, duration): report_data = cls.generate_json(testsuite_yaml, testarea, duration) report_txt = '' report_txt += '\n\nDovetail Report\n' report_txt += 'Version: %s\n' % report_data['version'] report_txt += 'TestSuite: %s\n' % report_data['testsuite'] report_txt += 'Result Dashboard: %s\n' % report_data['dashboard'] report_txt += 'Validation ID: %s\n' % report_data['validation_ID'] report_txt += 'Upload Date: %s\n' % report_data['upload_date'] if report_data['duration'] == 0: report_txt += 'Duration: %s\n\n' % 'N/A' else: report_txt += 'Duration: %.2f s\n\n' % report_data['duration'] total_num = 0 pass_num = 0 sub_report = {} testcase_num = {} testcase_passnum = {} for area in dt_cfg.dovetail_config['testarea_supported']: sub_report[area] = '' testcase_num[area] = 0 testcase_passnum[area] = 0 testarea_scope = [] for testcase in report_data['testcases_list']: pattern = re.compile( '|'.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['testarea_supported'])) area = pattern.findall(testcase['name'])[0] testarea_scope.append(area) sub_report[area] += '-%-25s %s\n' %\ (testcase['name'], testcase['result']) if 'sub_testcase' in testcase: for sub_test in testcase['sub_testcase']: sub_report[area] += '\t%-110s %s\n' %\ (sub_test['name'], sub_test['result']) testcase_num[area] += 1 total_num += 1 if testcase['result'] == 'PASS': testcase_passnum[area] += 1 pass_num += 1 elif testcase['result'] == 'SKIP': testcase_num[area] -= 1 total_num -= 1 if total_num != 0: pass_rate = pass_num / total_num report_txt += 'Pass Rate: %.2f%% (%s/%s)\n' %\ (pass_rate * 100, pass_num, total_num) report_txt += 'Assessed test areas:\n' else: report_txt += \ 'no testcase or all testcases are skipped in this testsuite' for key in sub_report: if testcase_num[key] != 0: pass_rate = testcase_passnum[key] / testcase_num[key] report_txt += '-%-25s pass %.2f%%\n' %\ (key + ' results:', pass_rate * 100) elif key in testarea_scope: report_txt += '-%-25s all skipped\n' % key for key in sub_report: if testcase_num[key] != 0: pass_rate = testcase_passnum[key] / testcase_num[key] report_txt += '%-25s pass rate %.2f%%\n' %\ (key + ':', pass_rate * 100) report_txt += sub_report[key] elif key in testarea_scope: report_txt += '%-25s all skipped\n' % key report_txt += sub_report[key] cls.logger.info(report_txt) cls.save(report_txt) return report_txt # save to disk as default @classmethod def save(cls, report): report_file_name = dt_cfg.dovetail_config['report_file'] try: with open(os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'], report_file_name), 'w') as report_file: report_file.write(report) cls.logger.info('save report to %s', report_file_name) except Exception: cls.logger.error('Failed to save: %s', report_file_name) @classmethod def get_result(cls, testcase): validate_testcase = testcase.validate_testcase() type = testcase.validate_type() crawler = CrawlerFactory.create(type) if crawler is None: cls.logger.error('crawler is None:%s', testcase.name()) return None if validate_testcase in cls.results[type]: return cls.results[type][validate_testcase] result = crawler.crawl(testcase) if result is not None: cls.results[type][validate_testcase] = result testcase.script_result_acquired(True) cls.logger.debug('testcase: %s -> result acquired', validate_testcase) else: retry = testcase.increase_retry() cls.logger.debug('testcase: %s -> result acquired retry:%d', validate_testcase, retry) return result class FunctestCrawler(object): logger = None def __init__(self): self.type = 'functest' self.logger.debug('create crawler:%s', self.type) @classmethod def create_log(cls): cls.logger = \ dt_logger.Logger(__name__ + '.FunctestCrawler').getLogger() def crawl(self, testcase=None): store_type = \ dt_cfg.dovetail_config[self.type]['result']['store_type'] if store_type == 'file': return self.crawl_from_file(testcase) if store_type == 'url': return self.crawl_from_url(testcase) def crawl_from_file(self, testcase=None): dovetail_config = dt_cfg.dovetail_config criteria = 'FAIL' timestart = 0 testcase_duration = 0 testcase_name = testcase.validate_testcase() json_results = {} if testcase_name in dt_cfg.dovetail_config['functest_testcase']: file_path = \ os.path.join(dovetail_config['result_dir'], dovetail_config[self.type]['result']['file_path']) if not os.path.exists(file_path): self.logger.info('result file not found: %s', file_path) return None with open(file_path, 'r') as f: for jsonfile in f: data = json.loads(jsonfile) if testcase_name == data['case_name']: criteria = data['details']['status'] timestart = data['details']['timestart'] testcase_duration = data['details']['duration'] json_results = {'criteria': criteria, 'details': {"timestart": timestart, "duration": testcase_duration, "tests": '', "failures": ''}} elif 'tempest' in testcase_name: file_path = \ os.path.join(dovetail_config['result_dir'], dovetail_config[self.type]['result']['tp_path']) if not os.path.exists(file_path): self.logger.info('result file not found: %s', file_path) return None with open(file_path, 'r') as myfile: output = myfile.read() match = re.findall('(.*?)[. ]*fail ', output) if match: error_logs = " ".join(match) else: error_logs = "" match = re.findall('(.*?)[. ]*skip:', output) if match: skipped = " ".join(match) else: skipped = "" match = re.findall(' - Failures: (\d*)', output) if match: failed_num = int(match[0]) else: failed_num = 0 if failed_num == 0: criteria = 'PASS' match = re.findall('Ran: (\d*) tests in (\d*)\.\d* sec.', output) num_tests, dur_sec_int = match[0] json_results = {'criteria': criteria, 'details': {"timestart": '', "duration": int(dur_sec_int), "tests": int(num_tests), "failures": failed_num, "errors": error_logs, "skipped": skipped}} self.logger.debug('Results: %s', str(json_results)) return json_results def crawl_from_url(self, testcase=None): url = \ dt_cfg.dovetail_config[self.type]['result']['db_url'] % \ testcase.validate_testcase() self.logger.debug("Query to rest api: %s", url) try: data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url)) return data['results'][0] except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Cannot read content from the url: %s, " "exception: %s", url, e) return None class YardstickCrawler(object): logger = None def __init__(self): self.type = 'yardstick' self.logger.debug('create crawler:%s', self.type) @classmethod def create_log(cls): cls.logger = \ dt_logger.Logger(__name__ + '.YardstickCrawler').getLogger() def crawl(self, testcase=None): store_type = \ dt_cfg.dovetail_config[self.type]['result']['store_type'] if store_type == 'file': return self.crawl_from_file(testcase) if store_type == 'url': return self.crawl_from_url(testcase) def crawl_from_file(self, testcase=None): file_path = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'], testcase.validate_testcase() + '.out') if not os.path.exists(file_path): self.logger.info('result file not found: %s', file_path) return None criteria = 'FAIL' with open(file_path, 'r') as f: for jsonfile in f: data = json.loads(jsonfile) if 1 == data['status']: criteria = 'PASS' json_results = {'criteria': criteria} self.logger.debug('Results: %s', str(json_results)) return json_results def crawl_from_url(self, testcase=None): return None class ShellCrawler(object): def __init__(self): self.type = 'shell' def crawl(self, testcase=None): return self.crawl_from_file(testcase) def crawl_from_file(self, testcase=None): file_path = os.path.join(dt_cfg.dovetail_config['result_dir'], testcase.name()) + '.out' if not os.path.exists(file_path): return None try: with open(file_path, 'r') as json_data: result = json.load(json_data) return result except Exception: return None class CrawlerFactory(object): CRAWLER_MAP = {'functest': FunctestCrawler, 'yardstick': YardstickCrawler, 'shell': ShellCrawler} @classmethod def create(cls, type): try: return cls.CRAWLER_MAP[type]() except KeyError: return None class ResultChecker(object): @staticmethod def check(): return 'PASS' class FunctestChecker(object): logger = None @classmethod def create_log(cls): cls.logger = \ dt_logger.Logger(__name__ + '.FunctestChecker').getLogger() def check(self, testcase, db_result): sub_testcase_list = testcase.sub_testcase() if not db_result: if sub_testcase_list is not None: for sub_testcase in sub_testcase_list: testcase.sub_testcase_passed(sub_testcase, 'FAIL') return testcase.passed(db_result['criteria']) if sub_testcase_list is None: return testcase_passed = 'SKIP' for sub_testcase in sub_testcase_list: self.logger.debug('check sub_testcase:%s', sub_testcase) if sub_testcase in db_result['details']['errors']: testcase.sub_testcase_passed(sub_testcase, 'FAIL') testcase_passed = 'FAIL' elif sub_testcase in db_result['details']['skipped']: testcase.sub_testcase_passed(sub_testcase, 'SKIP') else: testcase.sub_testcase_passed(sub_testcase, 'PASS') if testcase_passed == 'SKIP': for sub_testcase in sub_testcase_list: if testcase.sub_testcase_status[sub_testcase] == 'PASS': testcase_passed = 'PASS' break testcase.passed(testcase_passed) class YardstickChecker(object): logger = None @classmethod def create_log(cls): cls.logger = \ dt_logger.Logger(__name__ + '.YardstickChecker').getLogger() @staticmethod def check(testcase, result): if not result: testcase.passed(False) else: testcase.passed(result['criteria'] == 'PASS') return class ShellChecker(object): @staticmethod def check(testcase, result): try: testcase.passed(result['pass']) except Exception: testcase.passed(False) class CheckerFactory(object): CHECKER_MAP = {'functest': FunctestChecker, 'yardstick': YardstickChecker, 'shell': ShellChecker} @classmethod def create(cls, type): try: return cls.CHECKER_MAP[type]() except KeyError: return None