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Compliance and Verification program system preparation guide

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

Version history

| **Date**   | **Ver.** | **Author**       | **Comment**                      |
|            |          |                  |                                  |
| 2017-04-25 | 0.0.1    | Chris Price      | Draft version                    |
|            |          |                  |                                  |


This system preparation guide provides a detailed outline of the needed system prerequisites
and expectations for running OPNFV evaluation testing.

Test planning and preparation


Give an outline of the planning phase.


Describe what needs to be in place before starting.

Required Infrastructure, connectivity needs, LF & CVP accounts and any additional security or peripheral needs.
Use sub-chapters for instance for any accounts etc that need to be created.

Preparing the virtualisation infrastructure

Briefly state what will be tested as an intro, then outline the required system state to be achieved prior to running the tests.

Preparing the test staging host system


What is required from the system running the CVP test suites?

Required network configuration


VLAN configurations required for NFV deployments.  Non-VLAN configurations if needed.

Preparing your system for CVP testing


Describe how to realise the "Pharos ready state" and the "Software ready state" in this section.