.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) Intel Corporation, Ericsson AB, Huawei, and others .. _dovetail-certification_workflow: ============ OVP Workflow ============ Introduction ============ This document provides guidance for prospective participants on how to obtain "OPNFV Verified" for products and services. The OPNFV Verification Program (OVP) is administered by the LF Networking Compliance and Verification (C&V) Committee. For further information about the workflow and general inquiries about the program, please check out the `OVP landing page`_, or contact the C&V committee by email address verified@opnfv.org. This email address should be used for all communication with the OVP. Step 1: Participation Form Submission ===================================== A participant should start the process by submitting an online participation form. The participation form can be found on the `OVP landing page`_. Submitters are asked for the following information: - Organization name - Contact name - Contact address - Contact telephone - Contact email - Membership status in LF Networking - Qualifying Offerings Information - Testing Category - Product Category - User ID - Version of Testing Tools - Testing Date - Testing Location - Third-party lab information (if any) - Signature Once the participation form information is received and in order, an email response will be sent to the primary contact with confirmation and information to proceed. The primary contact specified in the participation form will be entered into the corresponding OVP web portal back-end by the program administrator and will be permitted to submit results for review on behalf of their organization. The OVP NFVI Portal can be found here (https://nfvi-verified.lfnetworking.org) and the OVP VNF Portal can be found here (https://vnf-verified.lfnetworking.org). There is no fee at this time for participation in the OVP for LF Networking (LFN) members or non-profit organizations. If not a member of LFN, please contact `LF Networking`_ for participation fee information. Step 2: Testing =============== The following documents guide testers to prepare the test environment and run tests: - :ref:`dovetail-system_preparation_guide` - :ref:`dovetail-test_case_specification` - :ref:`dovetail-testing_user_guide` A unique Test ID is generated by the Dovetail tool for each test run and can only be submitted to the OVP web portal once. Step 3: Submitting Test Results =============================== Users/testers other than the primary contact may use the OVP web portal as a resource to upload, evaluate and share results in a private manner. Testers can upload the test results to the OVP web portal (either NFVI or VNF). By default, the results are visible only to the tester who uploaded the data. Testers can self-review the test results through the portal until they are ready to ask for OVP review. They may also add new test results as needed. Once the tester is satisfied with the test result, the primary contact grants access to the test result for OVP review using a 'submit for review' operation via the portal. During this step, a new window may be appeared to ask primary contact to complete the application form online. Then the test result is identified by the unique Test ID and becomes visible to a review group comprised of OPNFV community members. When a test result is made visible to the reviewers, the program administrator will ask for volunteers from the review group using the verified@opnfv.org email and CC the primary contact email that a review request has been made. The program administrator will supply the Test ID and owner field (primary contact user ID) to the reviewers to identify the results. Step 4: OVP Review =================== Upon receiving the email request from the program administrator, the review group conducts a peer based review of the test result using reviewer guidelines published per OVP release. Persons employed by the same organization that submitted the test results or by affiliated organizations will not be part of the reviewers. The primary contact may be asked via email for any missing information or clarification of the test results. The reviewers will make a determination and recommend compliance or non-compliance to the C&V Committee. A positive review requires a minimum of two approvals from two distinct organizations without any negative reviews. The program administrator sends an email to OVP/C&V emails announcing a positive review. A one week limit is given for issues to be raised. If no issue is raised, the C&V Committee approves the result and the program administrator sends an email to OVP/C&V emails stating the result is approved. Normally, the outcome of the review should be communicated to the primary contact within 10 business days after all required information is in order. If a test result is denied, an appeal can be made to the C&V Committee for arbitration. Step 5: Grant of Use of Program Marks ===================================== If an application is approved, further information will be communicated to the primary contact that includes badges and on the guidelines of using OVP Program Marks for marketing and promotional purposes. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 .. References .. _`OVP landing page`: https://www.lfnetworking.org/ovp/ .. _`LF Networking`: https://www.lfnetworking.org/membership/join/