.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International .. License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) OPNFV, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. =========================== Dovetail Tool Installation =========================== Abstract ######## The Dovetail tool supports installation either directly on the Linux host, or within a Docker container. The detailed installation procedure on the Linux host or via the Docker container are shown in the following sections. There is a need to config the following parameters before Dovetail tool running on the SUT (System Under Test): :: SUT_TYPE SUT type, e.g., apex, compass, fuel, joid, etc SUT_IP SUT external network IP, e.g., NODE_NAME this can be shown in the test result for users to see which pod the dovetail tool runs DEPLOY_SCENARIO deployment scenario, e.g., os-nosdn-nofeature-ha BUILD_TAG this can be shown in the test result for users to identify logs CI_DEBUG true for debug information printed and false for not printed DEPLOY_TYPE baremetal or virtual The above configuration can be achieved by - modifying the environment variables in files which live under ``/dovetail/conf/`` directory - set and use Linux environment variables using ``export`` command - set and use these variables when using ``dovetail run`` command line, for details see the `Dovetail Command-line Interface`_ section - enable the OpenStack credential file, which can be achieved by using ``dovetail run --creds `` Dovetail tool installation on local Linux host environment ########################################################## In order to install Dovetail into a local Linux host environment, the following steps should be performed: Downloading Dovetail tool -------------------------- Source code downloading: :: git clone https://git.opnfv.org/dovetail Environment preparation ----------------------- Dovetail configuration: :: cd {dovetail_path}/dovetail/conf vim functest_config.yml vim yardstick_config.yml To modify the ``envs`` parameters, e.g., SUT_TYPE, SUT_IP, NODE_NAME, DEPLOY_SCENARIO, BUILD_TAG, CI_DEBUG, DEPLOY_TYPE, in the yml files. System dependencies and project configuration information are listed in ``requirements.txt``, ``setup.py`` and ``setup.cfg``, in Ubuntu environment, to run :: apt-get -y install python-pip pip install -e . in ``centos`` and ``redhat`` environment, to run :: yum -y install python-pip pip install -e . in ``fedora`` environment, to run :: dnf -y install python-pip pip install -e . then the setup requirements are installed and **dovetail** commmand-line can be used, by using ``dovetail --help``, **dovetail** command-line details are shown. The tool ``tox`` is used, which configuration information is defined in ``tox.ini``, unitttest, flake8-checking, coverage check, etc, can be done by running: :: tox Compliance and certification test cases ---------------------------------------- The compliance and certification test cases can be defined under the ``/dovetail/compliance`` directory, which is defined in yaml format. A sample file named ``compliance_set.yml`` is provided as follows: :: compliance_set: name: compliance_set testcases_list: - dovetail.ipv6.tc001 The testcase listed here is dovetail.ipv6.tc001, defined within ``dovetail/testcase``. Running Dovetail tool --------------------- After environment preparation is complete and test cases added, the Dovetail tool can be run with :: dovetail run --testsuite compliance_set The value ``compliance_set`` passed to the ``testsuite`` flag can be replaced with the testsuite yaml file name which want to be run. If no argument is given, the compliance_set testsuite will be run as the default. Moreover, the testcases in given testarea can be run with ``testarea`` command line argument, such as testarea ``ipv6`` in ``compliance_set`` :: dovetail run --testsuite compliance_set --testarea ipv6 Dovetail provides some sets, ``debug``, ``proposed_tests`` and ``compliance_set``, ``debug`` is used for locally and Continuous Integration(CI) developing purpose, which provides typical testcase examples, feel free to edit it when develops locally, such as only to run a testcase which only takes minutes. ``proposed_tests`` is the testcase candidate which mainly comes from the wiki link [1]_. ``compliance_set`` is used for compliance. Moreover, dovetail tool can be easily extended to support more complicated compliance requirements, such as feature set based or scenario based compliance. If you want to run the ``debug`` testsuite, just run with :: dovetail run --testsuite debug Running Dovetail in a Docker container ######################################## The Dovetail tool can be run in a Docker container by utilizing the following steps: Pull Dovetail Docker image from public Dockerhub ------------------------------------------------ :: sudo docker pull opnfv/dovetail: here is the version, 'latest' is used for the master branch. (Optional) Create Docker image from Dockerfile ----------------------------------------------- Instead of an official Docker image, you can build your own Docker image from Dockerfile(s) located under the ``docker/`` directory. The ``Dockerfile`` is based on Ubuntu and the ``Dockerfile.centos7`` file is for a CentOS based Docker image. :: cd {dovetail_path}/dovetail/docker docker build --no-cache -t opnfv/dovetail: --build-arg BRANCH=master . Dovetail Docker container creation ---------------------------------- Next, create the ``dovetail-docker-env`` file to define the environment parameters :: INSTALLER_TYPE=compass INSTALLER_IP= DEPLOY_TYPE=baremetal DEPLOY_SCENARIO=ha-nosdn CI_DEBUG=true or if an OpenStack credential file is provided. Then to instantiate the Dovetail Docker container, execute:: sudo docker run --privileged=true --rm -t \ --env-file dovetail-docker-env OR \ -v /home/opnfv/dovetail/results:/home/opnfv/dovetail/results \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --name (optional) \ opnfv/dovetail: /bin/bash To attach dovetail container and Running test cases ---------------------------------------------------- Before connecting to the container, you can check the container status by running :: sudo docker ps -a Attach to the container by starting it and obtaining a bash prompt with :: sudo docker exec -it / bash Inside the container the following commands can be executed to trigger the testing :: dovetail run --testsuite compliance_set Offline Support ################ There are some SUTs that are isolated from the public internet, so offline support is needed. The idea is to provide all of the packages of dovetail release in http://artifacts.opnfv.org, then the user can download and transfer to their inner development environment. The packages are shown in [2]_ TO DO: to introduce more when it is mature enough. Results Output ############### The running log is stored in ``/home/opnfv/dovetail/results/dovetail.log``. The compliance report is stored in ``/home/opnfv/dovetail/results/dovetail_report.txt``. Dovetail Version and Release ############################ Dovetail version information is defined in ``setup.cfg``. At the time of release, it is the dovetail team's responsibility to set the ``version`` value in ``setup.cfg``. .. [1] https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/dovetail/Dovetail+Test+Areas+and+Test+Cases. .. [2] http://artifacts.opnfv.org/dovetail.html.