############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Orange # guyrodrigue.koffi@orange.com / koffirodrigue@gmail.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import logging import json from tornado import web from tornado import gen from bson import objectid from opnfv_testapi.common.config import CONF from opnfv_testapi.resources import handlers from opnfv_testapi.resources import application_models from opnfv_testapi.tornado_swagger import swagger from opnfv_testapi.ui.auth import constants as auth_const class GenericApplicationHandler(handlers.GenericApiHandler): def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): super(GenericApplicationHandler, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) self.table = "applications" self.table_cls = application_models.Application class ApplicationsCLHandler(GenericApplicationHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname="queryApplications") def get(self): """ @description: Retrieve result(s) for a application project on a specific pod. @notes: Retrieve application. Available filters for this request are : - id : Application id - period : x last days, incompatible with from/to - from : starting time in 2016-01-01 or 2016-01-01 00:01:23 - to : ending time in 2016-01-01 or 2016-01-01 00:01:23 - signed : get logined user result @return 200: all application results consist with query, empty list if no result is found @rtype: L{Applications} """ def descend_limit(): descend = self.get_query_argument('descend', 'true') return -1 if descend.lower() == 'true' else 1 def last_limit(): return self.get_int('last', self.get_query_argument('last', 0)) def page_limit(): return self.get_int('page', self.get_query_argument('page', 0)) limitations = { 'sort': {'_id': descend_limit()}, 'last': last_limit(), 'page': page_limit(), 'per_page': CONF.api_results_per_page } self._list(query=self.set_query(), **limitations) logging.debug('list end') @swagger.operation(nickname="createApplication") @web.asynchronous def post(self): """ @description: create a application @param body: application to be created @type body: L{ApplicationCreateRequest} @in body: body @rtype: L{CreateResponse} @return 200: application is created. @raise 404: pod/project/applicationcase not exist @raise 400: body/pod_name/project_name/case_name not provided """ openid = self.get_secure_cookie(auth_const.OPENID) if openid: self.json_args['owner'] = openid self._post() @gen.coroutine def _post(self): miss_fields = [] carriers = [] role = self.get_secure_cookie(auth_const.ROLE) if role.find('administrator') == -1: self.finish_request({'code': '403', 'msg': 'Only administrator \ is allowed to submit application.'}) return query = {"openid": self.json_args['user_id']} table = "users" ret, msg = yield self._check_if_exists(table=table, query=query) logging.debug('ret:%s', ret) if not ret: self.finish_request({'code': '403', 'msg': msg}) return self._create(miss_fields=miss_fields, carriers=carriers) class ApplicationsGURHandler(GenericApplicationHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname="deleteAppById") def delete(self, id): query = {'_id': objectid.ObjectId(id)} self._delete(query=query) @swagger.operation(nickname="updateApplicationById") def put(self, application_id): """ @description: update a single application by id @param body: fields to be updated @type body: L{ApplicationUpdateRequest} @in body: body @rtype: L{Application} @return 200: update success @raise 404: Application not exist @raise 403: nothing to update """ data = json.loads(self.request.body) item = data.get('item') value = data.get(item) logging.debug('%s:%s', item, value) try: self.update(application_id, item, value) except Exception as e: logging.error('except:%s', e) return @web.asynchronous @gen.coroutine def update(self, application_id, item, value): self.json_args = {} self.json_args[item] = value query = {'_id': application_id, 'owner': self.get_secure_cookie(auth_const.OPENID)} db_keys = ['_id', 'owner'] self._update(query=query, db_keys=db_keys)