/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('testapiApp') .controller('ApplicationController', ApplicationController); ApplicationController.$inject = [ '$http', '$stateParams', '$window', '$sce', '$uibModal', 'testapiApiUrl', 'raiseAlert', 'ngDialog', '$scope' ]; /** */ function ApplicationController($http, $stateParams, $window, $sce, $uibModal, testapiApiUrl, raiseAlert, ngDialog, $scope) { var ctrl = this; function init(){ ctrl.organization_name = null; ctrl.organization_web = null; ctrl.product_name = null; ctrl.product_spec = null; ctrl.product_documentation = null; ctrl.product_categories = "soft&hard"; ctrl.prim_name = null; ctrl.prim_email = null; ctrl.prim_address = null; ctrl.prim_phone = null; ctrl.id_type = "Linux Foundation"; ctrl.user_id = null; ctrl.lab_location="internal"; ctrl.lab_name = null; ctrl.lab_email=null; ctrl.lab_address=null; ctrl.lab_phone=null; ctrl.applications = []; ctrl.showApplications = []; ctrl.totalItems = null; ctrl.currentPage = 1; ctrl.itemsPerPage = 5; ctrl.numPages = null; ctrl.lab_tpl = "lab.tpl.html"; ctrl.product_tpl = "product.tpl.html"; //ctrl.lab_html=$sce.trustAsHtml('
'); getApplication(); } ctrl.submitForm = function(){ var data = { "organization_name": ctrl.organization_name, "organization_web": ctrl.organization_web, "product_name": ctrl.product_name, "product_spec": ctrl.product_spec, "product_documentation": ctrl.product_documentation, "product_categories": ctrl.product_categories, "prim_name": ctrl.prim_name, "prim_email": ctrl.prim_email, "prim_address": ctrl.prim_address, "prim_phone": ctrl.prim_phone, "id_type": ctrl.id_type, "user_id": ctrl.user_id, "lab_location": ctrl.lab_location, "lab_email": ctrl.lab_email, "lab_address": ctrl.lab_address, "lab_phone": ctrl.lab_phone }; console.log(data); $http.post(testapiApiUrl + "/cvp/applications", data).then(function(resp){ if(resp.data.code && resp.data.code != 0) { alert(resp.data.msg); return; } getApplication(); }, function(error){ }); } ctrl.openConfirmModal = function(){ var resp = confirm("Are you sure to submit?"); if (resp) { ctrl.submitForm(); } } ctrl.cancelSubmit = function(){ ngDialog.close(); } ctrl.updatePage = function(){ getApplication(); } ctrl.deleteApp = function(id){ var resp = confirm('Are you sure to delete this application?'); if (!resp) return; var delUrl = testapiApiUrl + "/cvp/applications/" + id; $http.delete(delUrl) .then( function(ret) { if(ret.data.code && ret.data.code != 0) { alert(ret.data.msg); return; } getApplication(); }); } function getApplication(){ $http.get(testapiApiUrl + "/cvp/applications?page="+ctrl.currentPage+"&signed&per_page="+ctrl.itemsPerPage).then(function(response){ ctrl.applications = response.data.applications; ctrl.totalItems = response.data.pagination.total_pages* ctrl.itemsPerPage; ctrl.currentPage = response.data.pagination.current_page; ctrl.numPages = response.data.pagination.total_pages; }, function(error){ }); } init(); } })();