############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Orange # guyrodrigue.koffi@orange.com / koffirodrigue@gmail.com # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import logging from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta import json import tarfile import io import re import uuid from tornado import gen from tornado import web from bson import objectid from opnfv_testapi.common.config import CONF from opnfv_testapi.common import message from opnfv_testapi.common import raises from opnfv_testapi.db import api as dbapi from opnfv_testapi.resources import handlers from opnfv_testapi.resources import result_models from opnfv_testapi.tornado_swagger import swagger from opnfv_testapi.ui.auth import constants as auth_const class GenericResultHandler(handlers.GenericApiHandler): def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): super(GenericResultHandler, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) self.table = self.db_results self.table_cls = result_models.TestResult def get_int(self, key, value): try: value = int(value) except Exception: raises.BadRequest(message.must_int(key)) return value @gen.coroutine def set_query(self): query = dict() date_range = dict() query['public'] = {'$not': {'$eq': 'false'}} for k in self.request.query_arguments.keys(): v = self.get_query_argument(k) if k == 'project' or k == 'pod' or k == 'case': query[k + '_name'] = v elif k == 'period': v = self.get_int(k, v) if v > 0: period = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=v) obj = {"$gte": str(period)} query['start_date'] = obj elif k == 'trust_indicator': query[k + '.current'] = float(v) elif k == 'from': date_range.update({'$gte': str(v)}) elif k == 'to': date_range.update({'$lt': str(v)}) elif k == 'signed': openid = self.get_secure_cookie(auth_const.OPENID) role = self.get_secure_cookie(auth_const.ROLE) logging.info('role:%s', role) if role: del query['public'] query['user'] = openid if role.find("reviewer") != -1: del query['user'] query['review'] = 'true' elif k not in ['last', 'page', 'descend']: query[k] = v if date_range: query['start_date'] = date_range # if $lt is not provided, # empty/None/null/'' start_date will also be returned if 'start_date' in query and '$lt' not in query['start_date']: query['start_date'].update({'$lt': str(datetime.now())}) query['is_onap'] = 'true' if self.is_onap else None raise gen.Return((query)) class ResultsCLHandler(GenericResultHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname="queryTestResults") @web.asynchronous @gen.coroutine def get(self): """ @description: Retrieve result(s) for a test project on a specific pod. @notes: Retrieve result(s) for a test project on a specific pod. Available filters for this request are : - project : project name - case : case name - pod : pod name - version : platform version (Arno-R1, ...) - installer : fuel/apex/compass/joid/daisy - build_tag : Jenkins build tag name - period : x last days, incompatible with from/to - from : starting time in 2016-01-01 or 2016-01-01 00:01:23 - to : ending time in 2016-01-01 or 2016-01-01 00:01:23 - scenario : the test scenario (previously version) - criteria : the global criteria status passed or failed - trust_indicator : evaluate the stability of the test case to avoid running systematically long and stable test case - signed : get logined user result GET /results/project=functest&case=vPing&version=Arno-R1 \ &pod=pod_name&period=15&signed @return 200: all test results consist with query, empty list if no result is found @rtype: L{TestResults} @param pod: pod name @type pod: L{string} @in pod: query @required pod: False @param project: project name @type project: L{string} @in project: query @required project: False @param case: case name @type case: L{string} @in case: query @required case: False @param version: i.e. Colorado @type version: L{string} @in version: query @required version: False @param installer: fuel/apex/joid/compass @type installer: L{string} @in installer: query @required installer: False @param build_tag: i.e. v3.0 @type build_tag: L{string} @in build_tag: query @required build_tag: False @param scenario: i.e. odl @type scenario: L{string} @in scenario: query @required scenario: False @param criteria: i.e. passed @type criteria: L{string} @in criteria: query @required criteria: False @param period: last days @type period: L{string} @in period: query @required period: False @param from: i.e. 2016-01-01 or 2016-01-01 00:01:23 @type from: L{string} @in from: query @required from: False @param to: i.e. 2016-01-01 or 2016-01-01 00:01:23 @type to: L{string} @in to: query @required to: False @param last: last records stored until now @type last: L{string} @in last: query @required last: False @param page: which page to list @type page: L{int} @in page: query @required page: False @param trust_indicator: must be float @type trust_indicator: L{float} @in trust_indicator: query @required trust_indicator: False @param signed: user results or all results @type signed: L{string} @in signed: query @required signed: False @param descend: true, newest2oldest; false, oldest2newest @type descend: L{string} @in descend: query @required descend: False """ def descend_limit(): descend = self.get_query_argument('descend', 'true') return -1 if descend.lower() == 'true' else 1 def last_limit(): return self.get_int('last', self.get_query_argument('last', 0)) def page_limit(): return self.get_int('page', self.get_query_argument('page', 0)) limitations = { 'sort': {'_id': descend_limit()}, 'last': last_limit(), 'page': page_limit(), 'per_page': CONF.api_results_per_page } query = yield self.set_query() yield self._list(query=query, **limitations) @swagger.operation(nickname="createTestResult") def post(self): """ @description: create a test result @param body: result to be created @type body: L{ResultCreateRequest} @in body: body @rtype: L{CreateResponse} @return 200: result is created. @raise 404: pod/project/testcase not exist @raise 400: body/pod_name/project_name/case_name not provided """ self._post() def _post(self): def pod_query(): return {'name': self.json_args.get('pod_name')} def project_query(): return {'name': self.json_args.get('project_name')} def testcase_query(): return {'project_name': self.json_args.get('project_name'), 'name': self.json_args.get('case_name')} miss_fields = ['pod_name', 'project_name', 'case_name'] carriers = [('pods', pod_query), ('projects', project_query), ('testcases', testcase_query)] self._create(miss_fields=miss_fields, carriers=carriers) class ResultsUploadHandler(ResultsCLHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname="uploadTestResult") @web.asynchronous @gen.coroutine def post(self): """ @description: upload and create a test result @param body: result to be created @type body: L{ResultCreateRequest} @in body: body @rtype: L{CreateResponse} @return 200: result is created. @raise 404: pod/project/testcase not exist @raise 400: body/pod_name/project_name/case_name not provided """ file_array = self.request.files.get('file', None) if file_array is None: msg = 'Please upload a file.' self.finish_request({'code': 403, 'msg': msg}) return fileinfo = file_array[0] try: tar_in = tarfile.open(fileobj=io.BytesIO(fileinfo['body']), mode="r:gz") except tarfile.ReadError: msg = 'Please upload a valid gzip file.' self.finish_request({'code': 403, 'msg': msg}) return try: # Deal with results that are in the 'root' of the tar # file, instead of in results/ missing_results_dir = '' tar_files = tar_in.getnames() if 'results/results.json' not in tar_files: missing_results_dir = '/results' results = tar_in.extractfile('results.json').read() else: results = tar_in.extractfile('results/results.json').read() except KeyError: msg = 'Uploaded results must contain at least one passing test.' self.finish_request({'code': 403, 'msg': msg}) return # results = results.split('\n') result_ids = [] version = '' vnf_type = None vnf_checksum = None try: self.json_args = json.loads(results).copy() openid = self.get_secure_cookie(auth_const.OPENID) if openid: self.json_args['owner'] = openid if self.is_onap: self.json_args['is_onap'] = 'true' vnf_type = self.json_args['vnf_type'] vnf_checksum = self.json_args['vnf_checksum'] # the result files used in the first release of OVP did not # specify an OVP version if (self.json_args['version'] == 'master' or self.json_args['version'] == 'unknown'): version = '2018.01' else: version = self.json_args['version'] build_tag = self.json_args['build_tag'] _id = yield self._inner_create() result_ids.append(str(_id)) except ValueError: msg = 'Uploaded results don''t appear to contain a '\ 'valid results.json file!' self.finish_request({'code': 403, 'msg': msg}) return # Build a test id from the build_tag, where this field takes a couple # of different formats between Dovetail NFVI testing and VNF testing. # If a valid UUID isn't part of the build_tag, we will generate one # here. test_id_match = re.search('[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-' '[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}', build_tag) if not test_id_match: print('test_id doesn''t look to be a valid UUID, generating a ' 'new one...') test_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) else: test_id = test_id_match.group(1) log_path = '/home/testapi/logs/%s%s' % (test_id, missing_results_dir) tar_in.extractall(log_path) log_filename = "/home/testapi/logs/log_%s.tar.gz" % (test_id) with open(log_filename, "wb") as tar_out: tar_out.write(fileinfo['body']) resp = {'id': test_id, 'results': result_ids, 'version': version} if vnf_type: resp['vnf_type'] = vnf_type resp['vnf_checksum'] = vnf_checksum self.finish_request(resp) class ResultsGURHandler(GenericResultHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname='DeleteTestResultById') @gen.coroutine def delete(self, result_id): curr_user = self.get_secure_cookie(auth_const.OPENID) curr_user_role = self.get_secure_cookie(auth_const.ROLE) if curr_user is not None: query = {'_id': objectid.ObjectId(result_id)} test_data = yield dbapi.db_find_one(self.table, query) if not test_data: raises.NotFound(message.not_found(self.table, query)) if curr_user == test_data['owner'] or \ curr_user_role.find('administrator') != -1: self._delete(query=query) else: raises.Forbidden(message.no_auth()) else: raises.Unauthorized(message.no_auth()) @swagger.operation(nickname='getTestResultById') def get(self, result_id): """ @description: get a single result by result_id @rtype: L{TestResult} @return 200: test result exist @raise 404: test result not exist """ query = dict() query["_id"] = objectid.ObjectId(result_id) self._get_one(query=query) @swagger.operation(nickname="updateTestResultById") def put(self, result_id): """ @description: update a single result by _id @param body: fields to be updated @type body: L{ResultUpdateRequest} @in body: body @rtype: L{Result} @return 200: update success @raise 404: result not exist @raise 403: nothing to update """ query = {'_id': objectid.ObjectId(result_id)} db_keys = [] self._update(query=query, db_keys=db_keys)