/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('testapiApp') .controller('ResultsReportController', ResultsReportController); ResultsReportController.$inject = [ '$scope', '$http', '$stateParams', '$window', '$uibModal', 'testapiApiUrl', 'raiseAlert' ]; /** * TestAPI Results Report Controller * This controller is for the '/results/' page where a user can * view details for a specific test run. */ function ResultsReportController($scope, $http, $stateParams, $window, $uibModal, testapiApiUrl, raiseAlert) { var ctrl = this; ctrl.testStatus = 'total'; ctrl.case_list = []; ctrl.case_list_skip = []; ctrl.case_list_fail = []; ctrl.data = {}; ctrl.statistics = { 'total': 0, 'pass': 0, 'fail': 0, 'skip': 0, 'mandatory': {'total': 0, 'pass': 0, 'fail': 0, 'skip': 0, 'area': 0}, 'optional': {'total': 0, 'pass': 0, 'fail': 0, 'skip': 0, 'area': 0} }; ctrl.gotoDoc = gotoDoc; ctrl.openAll = openAll; ctrl.folderAll = folderAll; ctrl.gotoResultLog = gotoResultLog; ctrl.changeStatus = changeStatus; /** The testID extracted from the URL route. */ ctrl.testId = $stateParams.testID; ctrl.innerId = $stateParams.innerID; ctrl.validation = ''; ctrl.version = ''; /** The HTML template that all accordian groups will use. */ ctrl.detailsTemplate = 'testapi-ui/components/results-report/partials/' + 'reportDetails.html'; $scope.load_finish = false; function changeStatus(value){ ctrl.testStatus = value; } function extend(case_list) { angular.forEach(case_list, function(ele){ ctrl.case_list.push(ele); }); } function extend_skip(case_list_skip) { angular.forEach(case_list_skip, function(ele){ ctrl.case_list_skip.push(ele); }); } function extend_fail(case_list_fail) { angular.forEach(case_list_fail, function(ele){ ctrl.case_list_fail.push(ele); }); } function strip(word) { return word.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); } function gotoResultLog(case_name) { var case_area = case_name.split(".")[1]; var log_url = "/logs/"+ctrl.testId+"/results/"; if (ctrl.version == '2018.01') { if (case_area == "vping") { log_url += "functest.log"; } else if (case_area == "ha") { log_url += "yardstick.log"; } else { log_url += case_area+"_logs/"+case_name+".log"; } } else { log_url += case_area + "_logs/"; if (case_area == "tempest" || case_area == "security") { log_url += case_name + ".html"; } else { log_url += case_name + ".log"; } } var is_reachable = false; $.ajax({ url: log_url, async: false, success: function (response) { is_reachable = true; }, error: function (response){ alert("Log file could not be found. Please confirm this case has been executed successfully."); } }); if(is_reachable == true){ window.open(log_url); } } $scope.$watch('load_finish', function(){ if($scope.load_finish == true){ var case_url = 'testapi-ui/components/results-report/data/' + ctrl.version + '/testcases.json' $http.get(case_url).then(function(response){ ctrl.data = response.data; angular.forEach(ctrl.data.mandatory, function(value, name){ ctrl.data.mandatory[name].folder = true; ctrl.data.mandatory[name].pass = 0; ctrl.data.mandatory[name].fail = 0; ctrl.data.mandatory[name].skip = 0; angular.forEach(value.cases, function(sub_case){ ctrl.statistics.total += 1; ctrl.statistics.mandatory.total += 1; if(ctrl.case_list.indexOf(sub_case) > -1){ ctrl.data.mandatory[name].pass += 1; ctrl.statistics.mandatory.pass += 1; ctrl.statistics.pass += 1; }else if(ctrl.case_list_skip.indexOf(sub_case) > -1){ ctrl.data.mandatory[name].skip += 1; ctrl.statistics.mandatory.skip += 1; ctrl.statistics.skip += 1; }else if(ctrl.case_list_fail.indexOf(sub_case) > -1){ ctrl.data.mandatory[name].fail += 1; ctrl.statistics.mandatory.fail += 1; ctrl.statistics.fail += 1; } }); }); angular.forEach(ctrl.data.optional, function(value, name){ ctrl.data.optional[name].folder = true; ctrl.data.optional[name].pass = 0; ctrl.data.optional[name].fail = 0; ctrl.data.optional[name].skip = 0; angular.forEach(value.cases, function(sub_case){ ctrl.statistics.total += 1; ctrl.statistics.optional.total += 1; if(ctrl.case_list.indexOf(sub_case) > -1){ ctrl.data.optional[name].pass += 1; ctrl.statistics.optional.pass += 1; ctrl.statistics.pass += 1; }else if(ctrl.case_list_skip.indexOf(sub_case) > -1){ ctrl.data.optional[name].skip += 1; ctrl.statistics.optional.skip += 1; ctrl.statistics.skip += 1; }else if(ctrl.case_list_fail.indexOf(sub_case) > -1){ ctrl.data.optional[name].fail += 1; ctrl.statistics.optional.fail += 1; ctrl.statistics.fail += 1; } }); }); ctrl.statistics.mandatory.area = Object.keys(ctrl.data.mandatory).length; ctrl.statistics.optional.area = Object.keys(ctrl.data.optional).length; }, function(error){ alert('error to get test case info'); }); } }); function generate_format_data() { var test_url = testapiApiUrl + '/tests/' + ctrl.innerId; $http.get(test_url).then(function(test_resp){ ctrl.validation = test_resp.data.validation; // OVP 2018.01 results are stored as individual result sets per test case: // Looping over all individual test cases angular.forEach(test_resp.data.results, function(result, index){ var result_url = testapiApiUrl + '/results/' + result; $http.get(result_url).then(function(result_resp){ ctrl.version = result_resp.data.version if(ctrl.version == 'master' || ctrl.version == 'unknown') { // there was no result format versioning in the first release of OVP but // instead the version was set to 'master'. We are using this as an indicator // that a set of results were created based on the 2018.01 release ctrl.version = '2018.01' } if(ctrl.version == '2018.01') { var sub_case_list_total = get_sub_case_list_2018_01(result_resp.data); var sub_case_list = sub_case_list_total[0]; var sub_case_list_skip = sub_case_list_total[1]; var sub_case_list_fail = sub_case_list_total[2]; extend(sub_case_list); extend_skip(sub_case_list_skip); extend_fail(sub_case_list_fail); } else if(ctrl.version == '2018.09') { // OVP 2018.09 and later results store all results in a single json structure: // Looping over all test cases of this individual test run angular.forEach(result_resp.data.testcases_list, function(testcase, index){ var sub_case_list_total = get_sub_case_list_2018_09(testcase); var sub_case_list = sub_case_list_total[0]; var sub_case_list_skip = sub_case_list_total[1]; var sub_case_list_fail = sub_case_list_total[2]; extend(sub_case_list); extend_skip(sub_case_list_skip); extend_fail(sub_case_list_fail); }); } if(index == test_resp.data.results.length - 1){ $scope.load_finish = true; } }, function(result_error){ }); }); }, function(test_error){ alert('Error when get test record'); }); } function get_sub_case_list_2018_01(result) { if(result.project_name == 'yardstick'){ return yardstickPass_2018_01(result); }else{ return functestPass_2018_01(result); } } function yardstickPass_2018_01(result) { var case_list = []; var case_list_skip = []; var case_list_fail = []; angular.forEach(result.details.results, function(ele){ if(ele.benchmark){ if(ele.benchmark.data.sla_pass == 1){ case_list.push(result.case_name); } else if(ele.benchmark.data.sla_skip == 1){ case_list_skip.push(result.case_name); } else if(ele.benchmark.data.sla_fail == 1){ case_list_fail.push(result.case_name); } } }); return [case_list, case_list_skip, case_list_fail]; } function functestPass_2018_01(result){ var case_list = []; var case_list_skip = []; var case_list_fail = []; if(result.case_name == 'refstack_defcore'){ angular.forEach(result.details.success, function(ele){ if(strip(ele) == 'tempest.api.identity.v3.test_t'){ case_list.push('tempest.api.identity.v3.test_tokens.TokensV3Test.test_create_token'); }else{ case_list.push(ele.split(' ')[ele.split(' ').length - 2]); } }); }else if(result.case_name == 'tempest_custom'){ angular.forEach(result.details.success, function(ele){ case_list.push(ele.split(' ')[ele.split(' ').length - 1]); }); }else{ if(result.criteria == 'PASS'){ case_list.push(result.case_name); } else if(result.criteria == 'SKIP'){ case_list_skip.push(result.case_name); } else if(result.criteria == 'FAIL') { case_list_fail.push(result.case_name); } } return [case_list, case_list_skip, case_list_fail]; } function get_sub_case_list_2018_09(result) { var case_list = []; var case_list_skip = []; var case_list_fail = []; if(result.sub_testcase.length == 0 && result.result == "PASS") { case_list.push(result.name); } else if(result.sub_testcase.length == 0 && result.result == "SKIP") { case_list_skip.push(result.name); } else if(result.sub_testcase.length == 0 && result.result == "FAIL") { case_list_fail.push(result.name); } else { angular.forEach(result.sub_testcase, function(subtest, index) { if(subtest.result == "PASS") { case_list.push(subtest.name); } else if(subtest.result == "SKIP") { case_list_skip.push(subtest.name); } else if(subtest.result == "FAIL") { case_list_fail.push(subtest.name); } }); } return [case_list, case_list_skip, case_list_fail]; } function gotoDoc(sub_case){ } function openAll(){ angular.forEach(ctrl.data.mandatory, function(ele, id){ ele.folder = false; }); angular.forEach(ctrl.data.optional, function(ele, id){ ele.folder = false; }); } function folderAll(){ angular.forEach(ctrl.data.mandatory, function(ele, id){ ele.folder = true; }); angular.forEach(ctrl.data.optional, function(ele, id){ ele.folder = true; }); } generate_format_data(); } })();