ONAP Verified Program verifies products and services with the "ONAP Verified" mark.


The ONAP Verified Program demonstrates the readiness and availability of commercial VNF/PNF products and services by implementing Specification defined by Compliance Verification Committee(CVC). This open source community-led initiative allows vendors and service providers to establish baseline conformance and interoperability while retaining distinct and value-added innovations across features and capabilities and requires verified products to complete additional functional, high-availability tests. View the directory of verified products and services below and navigate through the links in the left-hand menu to learn more and get started. You will find step-by-step instructions as well as a participation form. Use this portal to upload your test results when ready. Please send any questions to compliance@lists.lfnetworking.org .

ONAP Verified Products Directory

Click on rows for more product verification details per company.
Company Name & Logo Test Agency Product Name Product Version Modeling Language Type Version
{{ app.company_name }} {{ app.lab_location }} {{ app.xnf_name }} {{ app.xnf_version }} {{ app.xnfd_model_lang }} N/A {{ app.onap_version}}